Undone (Double D Ranch #1) Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Double D Ranch Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 91288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 456(@200wpm)___ 365(@250wpm)___ 304(@300wpm)

And had been for the last eight months.

Erin tried to stay away from all the gossip and rumors. She managed to avoid Dylan and Dayne Lyons whenever they came into town.

But here she was anyway.

At the Double D Ranch’s open house.

Some folks were happy since this new endeavor created a whole lot of jobs for area residents. The Lyons family was also helping local businesses by using their services.

Some folks weren’t happy at all.

Not because the resort’s guests would pump more money into the community—something badly needed—but because there were rumors floating around on why the ranch resort was adults-only.

And to find out that reason was why almost everyone from town and the surrounding area were here being nosy.

Including her.

She came to see if some of the whispers she heard in passing were true.

Not because she wanted to see Dylan again.

Not because after running into him a few months ago, she hadn’t stopped thinking about him.

Not because the bitterness in his tone had made her heart ache.

To this day, she regretted hurting him even though that hadn’t been her intention. At the time, she thought they had both moved on.

He’d been in a rush to leave Fisher Falls, to go off to college, to make a life elsewhere. While she wanted to remain in the town where she grew up, surrounded by family and people she knew. This community was where she wanted to raise her children.

The children she never had. Kyle’s unexpected death changed her future’s trajectory.

She glanced around the property, at least what she could see of the three-hundred-acre resort. She didn’t even recognize it. The only thing remaining somewhat the same was the lake. But even that now had a small dock, as well as a few kayaks, canoes and paddleboats pulled up on shore. On the opposite side, she could see a half dozen brand-spanking new cabins.

Also facing the lake was a huge lodge made of logs, mountain stone and massive two-story high windows to give the guests a beautiful view of not only the lake but the surrounding mountains.

A small pop-up tent being used as an information booth caught her eye. As she approached, Erin was greeted with a huge smile. “Hi, Erin! Welcome to Double D Ranch! We have a pamphlet that includes a property map, the schedule of today’s events and demos, as well as a coupon for a free adult beverage.”

She accepted the pamphlet without a glance. “Hi, Cherise. I didn’t know you got a job here.”

“Today I’m the greeter but they hired me full-time as part of the cleaning staff. I’ll be cleaning the guest areas.”

“Like the cabins?”

“I think our team will be rotating between the lodge rooms, the cabins and cleaning the common areas.”

Erin gave the twenty-something single mother a smile. “I’m glad you finally found employment, Cher.”

“With benefits!” she chirped. “It’ll be a lifesaver for me and the kids.”

Erin flipped open the pamphlet. “What kind of demos are they doing?”

When she glanced up, she saw that Cherise’s cheeks were a bit pink when the girl whispered, “Not any of those.”

Not any of those?

“Only things like⁠—”

Erin read the list and read a couple of things off, “Horseshoeing. Cow milking...”

“They wanted the open house to…”

Erin didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable having to explain. “I understand.” She lifted the pamphlet. “Thanks for this.”

“Free refreshments are available in the lodge. They’re taking people out on ATV and trail rides. You’re welcome to take a kayak out on the lake, too. Feel free to look around. And don’t miss the big bonfire tonight! They’ll be having a band.”

She wouldn’t be doing any of that today. Most likely never.

“Nowhere is off-limits,” Cherise continued. “Except for the second floor of The Mane Event Hall. That’s currently closed.”

“What’s on the second floor?”

That pink in her cheeks turned bright red. “I… I’m not sure. It might still be under construction.”

That was funny. The last time she talked to Ford, he told her all the projects needed to be finished before the open house. He had even worked longer-than-normal hours seven days a week with a large crew to get everything done on time.

She had hardly seen him in town once Dylan hired him to head all of the construction. And the few times she did see him, he looked exhausted.

“Today’s open house is to get in good with the locals, I see,” Erin murmured.

“I haven’t heard too many complaints because a lot of residents are benefitting. Even the county government.”

“Mmm hmm. Well, I guess I’ll wander around a little. This place sure has changed.”

Cherise’s smile widened. “It sure has. For the better.”

Erin would hold her opinion on that until she knew if it was true or not. She was sure, if the rumors were correct, that not all the town folks would be thrilled when they actually found out what kind of “resort” Double D Ranch was, at least, according to the rumors.


