Twelve Graves of Christmas – A Jane Ladling Mystery Read Online Gena Showalter

Categories Genre: Novella, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 42
Estimated words: 39170 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 196(@200wpm)___ 157(@250wpm)___ 131(@300wpm)

“Yes, of course. Conrad, I’m not seeing your point.” Her breath came out as a restless sigh. “So? What’s your answer? Are we officially roomies or not?”


You know what’s interesting about turtle doves? There are two of them. They are partners in song. Forever.

–Lily Ladling’s Holiday Advice for Ladies Cursed in Love

Moaning, Jane stretched atop her bed and blinked open her eyes. She’d tossed and turned for hours after researching the list of nonsensical phrases and making no real progress. Now, she was wide awake at–she rolled over to glance at her clock–three in the morning. Yikes. Sleeping across the hall from her favorite ex was going to suck, wasn’t it? Especially because Conrad truly preferred friendship to a relationship.

We might not be dating, but we can still be friends, right?

His words rang inside her mind. So her stomach knotted because of them. So what? His happiness and well-being mattered more than her desire to–nothing. Bottom line: They were friends, no matter what. But did he have to be so upbeat after the collapse of their once-in-a-lifetime romance?

Well, if he could be cheery and bright, she could too. The perfect mood for opening Fiona’s gift. Oh! That’s right. Conrad’s unexpected arrival had completely distracted Jane from the present.

She snapped on the bedside light. Rolex perched on the pillow beside hers. He stared at her, hard, as if trying to see into her soul, and it was the cutest thing in the world.

“Such a good boy.” She scratched him behind the ears before reaching for the wooden box tied with a bright yellow ribbon. With trembling hands, she lifted the lid. The familiar scent of Pops’s favorite cigar tickled her nose. Her eyelids turned heavy and sank low as she let cherished memories wash over her. The puzzles she and her grandfather used to work together. The mystery stories he’d read to her. How he’d held her hand whenever he’d presided over a funeral.

A soft smile grew as she refocused on the journal. Spying a familiar flowing handwriting on twelve envelopes nestled inside the box, she gasped. Grandma Lily’s beloved script! Jane read to Rolex. “Lily Ladling’s Holiday Advice for Ladies Cursed in Love.” Aw. How precious!

A thirteenth envelope bore Fiona’s distinct no-nonsense scrawl–Open First.

With great enthusiasm, Jane slid a finger beneath the flap and quickly tugged a single sheet of paper from the envelope.

Dear Jane,

Your grandma and I had a pact. If I died before her, she would make sure my son never acts the fool and leaves his wife. In return, I was to make sure you received these letters of advice from Lily at Christmas… after you fell in love. I believe that time is now. Your grandma loved you more than a basket of Georgia peaches on the hottest summer day, hon. She wanted you to be happy. I hope you listen to her.

I cherish you as if you are my own,


PS: This bit of wisdom is from me: Want to change your fate? Change your thoughts.

Drawing in a shuddering breath, Jane held the dear box of letters to her chest. Warmth and pure love hugged her in return. A flood of emotion left her shaky but elated. How like her darling grandmother to look after her from the grave.

Jane reached for the first letter. Tears burned her eyes, and her throat tightened as she read...

My sweet Jane. In the Twelve Days of Christmas song, everyone focuses on the partridge. I say concentrate on the pear…shaped diamond. The holiday is a wonderful time for a proposal.

Jane’s shoulders began to shake, the pressure in her throat easing. A smile broke free. Only my grandmother.

With the advice playing through her mind, any remaining tension deserted her. Peace reigned. She returned the letters to the box and retied the ribbon. Hey! Rolex was still staring at her.

After blowing him a kiss, she flicked off her light, hoisted up her covers and snuggled into her pillow. Finally sleep came…

Bang. Clink. Clang.

Jane jolted upright. Panting, she scanned her bedroom. What in the heck was that awful noise?

Morning sunlight streamed through a crack in her light purple curtains, illuminating a slightly cluttered bedroom. Not that the collection of hats counted as part of the clutter. Or the stack of clothes in the chair by the closet. Nothing out of the ordinary caught her notice. What— memories came flooding back, and her jaw slackened. Breakup. Journal. Gold. Conrad. Car. Gift. Roommates.

With far more energy than Jane expected, she bounced out of bed. “Come on, Rolex. Let’s—” Um, where was Rolex? Already out and about in the cottage, on guard duty?

She brushed her teeth in her private bathroom, then secured a pink terry cloth robe over her flannel pajamas and set out to find her cat. If she happened to run into Conrad in the process, well, that couldn’t be helped. Wait. Was that…it was! She frowned and picked up a hat in the middle of her floor, murdered by cat claws.


