Tossed Into Love Read Online Aurora Rose Reynolds (Fluke My Life #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Fluke My Life Series by Aurora Rose Reynolds

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 68413 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 342(@200wpm)___ 274(@250wpm)___ 228(@300wpm)

“This is going to work,” he states, looking into my eyes. “I know with the way I treated you in the past I don’t deserve anything from you, but I need you to know that I’m all in. This is what I want. You are what I want. If I wasn’t sure about us, I would not have made love to you yesterday.”

“Okay,” I agree quietly. My chest starts to get warm, and my heart starts to fill with hope—and something else . . . something that’s a little scary to think about since this is so new.

“This is going to work,” he repeats, kissing me hard.

“This is going to work,” I agree when he pulls his mouth from mine.

He smiles before letting me go and turning back to the stove.

Watching him make us breakfast, all I can think is that I really hope he’s right. I really hope this works.

With tongue and teeth licking and nipping at Antonio’s neck, I pant for breath. I feel his hands roam over my backside and his cock thrust up into me. It’s been two weeks since we introduced sex into our relationship, and in that time, I’ve become a nympho.

“Fuck, but you feel good,” he groans as he uses his hold on my ass to lift me up and bring me down onto his length. “I want your mouth, Libby.”

I pull my mouth from his neck and look down at him, teasing his bottom lip with my tongue and watching up close as his eyes heat up and narrow.

“Give me your mouth.” He thrusts up hard, making me gasp, and I bite his bottom lip.

“Antonio,” I whimper in distress when he goes still inside me, holding the tip of his cock at my entrance. “Please don’t stop.”

“Give me what I want,” he orders. My pussy tightens. “Now, Libby,” he warns.

I slide my tongue into his mouth to toy with his. Pulling my back away from the wall, he carries me across the room and settles me on the top of the table in his kitchen, his mouth never leaving mine. I dig the heels of my feet into his back and slide my fingers down his spine to his ass, pulling him against me to tell him silently what I need.

When he pulls back and smirks at me, my pussy spasms again. “You want my cock?”

Ignoring the arrogant tone in his voice, I lift my head off the table and whisper, “Please.”

He doesn’t make me ask again. He slides out and then back in, hard. So hard that the table shakes.

“So tight. Christ . . .” He thrusts his tongue back into my mouth while his hand slides around my hip and his thumb rolls over my clit. “Your pussy is already trying to milk me,” he says, leaning back to look at where we’re connected. “I love watching you take me. I love feeling your pussy clutch me like it’s afraid my cock’s going to disappear.”

His eyes meet mine as the muscles in my lower belly start to get tight. Stars start to dance in my vision. “Oh god.”

“I feel it. Let go, Princess. I got you,” he says gruffly.

I give myself over to the feeling. The heels of my feet dig into his back, and my hold on him tightens as I come apart in his arms. His pace picks up as I come, and I listen to the sound of his orgasm when he follows me over the edge. He drops his forehead to my chest.

Breathing heavy, I wrap my arms around him and keep my legs tight around his hips. I’m not ready to lose our connection in any way.

“I like when you look all sweaty,” I whisper when my breath has stopped coming in short, choppy pants.

“I kinda got that. You jumped me as soon as I walked in the door.” He leans back to look at me, and I give him a pleased smile.

“I bet you gave at least ten women an impromptu orgasm when you were out on your run,” I say, running my fingers along the underside of his strong jaw.

“I only care about your orgasms.” He pushes my hair away from my face and studies me for a long moment before dropping his gaze to the top I have on. “I see you found another shirt. Are you keeping it, like all the others you’ve stolen?”

“It’s not stealing if you know I have them. And yes. I think this is my new favorite. It’s soft.”

“I like you wearing my shirt and nothing else around my place. And I really like the way you greeted me wearing nothing but my shirt. But can I ask how the hell you got so wet before I even touched you?”

“I got a glimpse of you out the window before you came in from your run. I was already turned on by the time you got upstairs,” I admit with a shrug and a laugh. “You’ve turned me into this,” I say.


