Three Reckless Words – The Rory Brothers Read Online Nicole Snow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 136
Estimated words: 137131 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 686(@200wpm)___ 549(@250wpm)___ 457(@300wpm)

“Stupid? You want to know what stupid is?” I clench my teeth. “Keep pushing me and you’ll find out, Carroll.”

“Carroll?” Anger seeps into his voice now. “Now see here—”

“No. When have you ever acted like a dad to me? There’s no point in calling you that anymore.”

“I understand you’re very angry—”

“Fuck yes, I’m angry. But if you don’t stop this, if you don’t stop protecting that abusive little creep because you’re scared for your career, I’ll do some lawyering up myself. I promise you, I’ll seek a full restraining order against Holden, and you can bet the media will hear about it. Along with the disgusting way he trespassed and destroyed Archer’s property.”

As soon as I say Archer’s name, I regret it.

Dad doesn’t need the gory details from me, no. I doubt he’d believe them anyway.

Of course, he just clucks his tongue. “Find your brain soon, young lady. I’m imploring you. Otherwise, you will make a grave mistake. I suspect an antitrust probe is hardly the worst of Higher Ends’ issues.”

My heart nosedives.

“What do you mean? What are you getting at?” For the first time, panic stabs through me. Dad would do this if he’s decided to fight, turning over every rock until he finds vulnerabilities his lawyers can go after.

“Since you’re an insect aficionado, you’ll love this.” Victory creeps into his tone like poison. “I decided to take the matter of those bees up with a contact in the Department of Conservation. Evidently, there are a few rare subspecies of honeybee in this region with federal and state protections. They’re prone to producing that royal purple honey I’m sure you admire. If you think Holden Corban is such a threat—well, wouldn’t it be wise to protect your specimens by re-examining Higher Ends’ claim on the land and its property? Perhaps the company failed to do proper environmental research before it developed the land.”

“You wouldn’t.” My voice is a whisper.

“I think you know there are no limits to what I’ll do for the law. If you want a war over this, sweetheart, I can gladly deliver.”

My heart clenches.

Jesus, he really is insane.

Fleeing a bad marriage for my life wasn’t a declaration of war, it was an escape. Not just from Holden, but from a life filled with this type of drama and my control freak father throwing his weight around.

But I should have known better.

Dad never takes losing well.

Having me slip out from under his thumb after I torched the arranged wedding he staked our entire future on hits like a slap in the face.

Not because of me.

Never because of me.

It’s the principle, losing control.

“Don’t do it,” I whisper. “Don’t bring the bees into this.”

Don’t use my one love against me.

“The law is the law, my dear. Perhaps you should have thought harder before your friend attacked Holden.”

“Dad, please!” Here it comes. I’m going to pieces, fighting to strain out words around my closing throat.

“Next time, I sincerely hope you’ll weigh your choices more carefully.” And the line goes dead.

I stare at it, waiting for my screen to light up again.

But it doesn’t.

That’s it, conversation over.

My heart plunges so low in my chest I think it might drop through the floor. Dad has me over a barrel and I hate it with every fiber of my soul.

But what I hate even more?

The horrible reality that this endless family shitstorm has trapped me yet again—and now it’s trapped Archer too.



The next few days blur by in a hell that feels like a time-robbing fever dream.

Conference calls and lawyers and so much legal horseshit I hardly know how I’m wading my way through it without drowning. I promised Dexter and Patton I’d take the reins, so everything goes through me personally.

King Carroll Emberly III has plenty of lawyers at his disposal, which comes as no surprise. Although he’s loaded and friends with damn near every high-powered attorney in the state, he doesn’t have the financial war chest we do.

And I’m ready to throw it open.

This is our only advantage and I’m not about to waste it.

“The last thing you want is a protracted court battle. We’ll do what we can to prevent it from getting that far,” Brian Hennessy, my lead attorney, says patiently.

“I’m aware.”

“Right now, we need to buy you time. Time means a better defense to pushback. We’ll work on appeals to stall the data discovery first.”

“Appeals.” I snort. “Will even one succeed?”

He sighs, and I know his answer before he gives it. “Frankly, Mr. Rory, I wouldn’t hold out for any miracles. The state AG’s office is harder to thwart than any competitor or basic civil suit with a customer.”

“If we can’t buy time, you’d want to settle out of court?”

“Better that than the negative press, I’m sure you’ll agree. If it goes to court, I don’t like our chances.”


