Theirs (Strength & Heat Trilogy #1) Read Online T.O. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Strength & Heat Trilogy Series by T.O. Smith

Total pages in book: 151
Estimated words: 139803 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 699(@200wpm)___ 559(@250wpm)___ 466(@300wpm)

I resisted the urge to sigh. Being pregnant wasn’t exactly fun. I was exhausted and nauseated, and now, I was being volunteered to pretty much be a dance tutor.

Fuck me.

“Also, I want everyone on the football field tomorrow for class. The coach has offered to let us use the field for our class time to practice. The football team will do their warm-ups and drills on the field away from us, so you won’t have to worry about running into them,” she assured us.

I resisted the urge to snort at that. Julian wouldn’t be able to resist himself. He would be extremely distracted if he had to do his drills on the same field I was dancing on.

Tomorrow would definitely be interesting.

As soon as she said we were dismissed, a group of three girls came up to me. I had seen them in class before. They were fairly new to the dance program, and I always saw them hanging out together.

“You’re Julian’s girlfriend, right?” one of them asked me.

I silently nodded my head as I grabbed my hoodie from the floor and pulled it on. The one in the middle with blonde hair beamed at me. “I’m Jamie, and these are my friends, Linsie and My. Do you think you could help us? We’re a bit shaky on the dances. We haven’t been doing this long.”

I glanced over to the door when I saw Julian lean against the doorway, his eyes locked on me. My cheeks heated in awareness. I held my finger up to him to tell him to give me a moment, and I turned back to face the three girls in front of me. “Um, sure,” I said with a shrug. I moved to grab my bag, but Julian was already there lifting it up for me and shrugging it on his shoulder. I didn’t miss the way the three girls in front of me instantly focused their attention on the fine man at my side.

“I need to head home for a little bit, but I’ll be glad to help,” I told them, slowly drawing their attention back to me. “When are you guys free?”

“This is our last class of the day,” My told me. She twisted her long, black hair up into a sleek ponytail. “We can come to the frat house,” she said with a shrug.

Julian grunted in distaste next to me as he slid his arm around my waist and tugged me against his side. He leaned down and brushed his lips to the side of my head. I blushed at the public display of affection. “Football field is open the rest of the evening,” Julian said to me.

I looked back at the girls in front of me. “Can you meet me at the football field in an hour?” I asked. “Make sure you wear something comfortable,” I instructed.

“Sure,” Linsie said, running her eyes over Julian again. I didn’t miss the looks of disappointments on their faces when Julian said no to the frat house.

I bristled at their blatant appreciation of the man at my side. Julian squeezed my hip and led me away, not bothering to say anything to them. “How did you get pulled into being a dance tutor?” he asked me.

I shrugged. “Beats me,” I admitted. I resisted the urge to rub my belly. “I feel like shit,” I told him. “I’ve felt nauseated all day. I’d rather throw up and just get it over with.”

“I think you’ll be happy to know that I’ve got you a steaming cup of beef broth in the car then,” he told me with a small smile.

I leaned up and pressed a kiss to his jaw. “You’re the best,” I told him honestly.

He grinned down at me. “I take care of what’s mine,” he said with a shrug.

I rolled my eyes.



* * *

I threw the ball to Vincent, watching as he ran backward and jumped up, catching the ball. “I don’t know why she doesn’t take a fucking break,” Axel said as he moved up beside me, looking to where my woman was currently going through the steps of some dance with the three girls from earlier.

“Trust me, I just want her to relax and get some sleep, but dancing is everything to her,” I told him as I caught the ball Vincent threw back to me. “I won’t step between her and her passion.”

That would just be asking for a fight. And somehow, I knew if I ever made her choose—which I never would—she’d choose dancing.

Axel looked over at Vincent for a moment. “You two still on the outs?”

I grunted as I threw the ball back to Vincent. “I still fucking want to bash his face into the ground, but it would upset Meghan,” I said. “So, I’m forcing myself to play nice for her sake.”


