The Wildflower (Ruthless Disciples #2) Read Online J.L. Beck

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, New Adult Tags Authors: Series: Ruthless Disciples Series by J.L. Beck

Total pages in book: 154
Estimated words: 142764 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 714(@200wpm)___ 571(@250wpm)___ 476(@300wpm)

Shit. I wrap my arms around my middle, trying to ignore the heat filling my cheeks. There’s no point in asking him how much he saw since it’s obvious he saw more than I would’ve liked.

"Don't," Drew growls, taking a step toward me. Sebastian shifts his body between us, blocking any further advancement. "Don't," he speaks again, his eyes on me. "There isn’t a damn thing to be ashamed of. Get that fucking look off your face."

I lift my chin and direct my glare at him. "I don’t think so. He doesn’t get to tell me what to do, and neither do you. I don’t answer to either of you.”

Sebastian crosses his broad arms over his chest. "Happy? You got to talk to her. Now go jump off a fucking cliff.”

Drew’s forest-green eyes darken, his muscles tighten, and his hands clench and unclench into fists. He attempts to take another step toward me, but Sebastian physically shoves him back with his chest.

"One more warning, Marshall. Get near her again, and I'll break every fucking bone in your pretty face. And don’t tempt me because if anyone knows what I’m capable of, it’s you. So do it. Fuck around and find out. Please. I’m itching for you to give me a reason to break your nose."

“I’m not scared of you, Sebastian, and I’m certainly not scared of this big brother image you’re portraying. Maybel is and always will be mine. Nothing, and especially not you, is going to change that.”

Drew and Sebastian glare at each other for a long moment, and something dark and seething passes between them. I swallow hard and shift on my feet, a nervous energy bubbling to the surface. The last thing I need is more attention put on me.

"Can we please not do this? This is a library, not a boxing ring, and I don't want to get thrown out.”

I hold my breath, waiting, hoping that I won’t have to step between them. A second passes, and then another, but Sebastian is the first to take a step back, followed by Drew. The movement makes it easier for me to breathe, and I suck a ragged breath into my lungs.

Drew’s eyes shift back to me, and I glance at him. As soon as our eyes meet, a bolt of electricity rips through me.

Why, after everything he put me through, does my body still react to him like this?

Like there’s this visible string attaching us to one another. It’s further confirmation that no matter how hard I try to escape him, I’ll always be pulled back into his web.

"I’ll see you around, Flower.” Drew smirks.

“It’s time to go, Bel,” Sebastian orders, then grabs me by the wrist and starts tugging me back toward the front of the library. For a moment, I’m frozen, unable to respond, but when my brain catches up with my body, I do. I sink my heels into the carpet, forcing him to slow. Then I wrench my arm free of his grasp and take a wobbly step back.

Who does he think he is?

He turns on me, and his eyes bleed with anger, showing me little pieces of a person I haven’t seen in a while.

“Don’t treat me like that,” I whisper.

“I didn’t treat you like anything. I’m protecting you, Bel. Drew is bad fucking news, or did you forget all about that because he made you come?”

I don’t think. All I do is react.

My hand lands against his cheek before I can even stop myself. A red-hot spark of pain flares through my palm, and Sebastian appears just as shocked as me, his features hard as stone.

Tears burn at the back of my eyes. “I… I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry, it’s just…”

“Stop,” Sebastian demands. “Don’t apologize. I’m a dickhead for saying that.”

“No. It’s not okay. I don't like that I hit you. I’m not that person, the one who leans into violence. I’m sorry.”

A devilish smile tugs at his lips, but I can’t see anything but that red mark on his cheek.

“I don’t think you know what you’re capable of, Maybel. I don’t think you see your real power, nor do I think you’ve reached your full potential.”

“Well, what I do know is that I’m not a violent person. Mom taught me better than that.”

“I don’t think you are either, but violence is needed sometimes. Sometimes you have to protect yourself. Sometimes the spoken word means nothing. What’s that saying, actions speak louder than words? It’s no wonder a baseball bat to the knees or fist to the eye leaves a much bigger impact than saying, don’t do that again.”

I shake my head and return his grin, the tension easing between us.

“That escalated quickly.”

“Hey, I’m not saying I know from personal experience…”

“Sure you don’t.” I roll my eyes. “Let me get my books and bag, and then we can leave.”


