The Sweetest Chirp – IceCats Read Online Toni Aleo

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 87368 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 437(@200wpm)___ 349(@250wpm)___ 291(@300wpm)

But that’s how moms are. Super intuitive.

Once I have Arwen on her feet, she takes my mom’s and my hands, and then Thatcher takes mine. We enter the arena and make our way to the rink. Skates are bundled in family groups since we had to turn in our sizes earlier in the week. The rink is decorated with red and silver decorations. The big IceCat the guys skate onto the ice under at the beginning of their games is in the middle of the rink, and a lot of the players’ kids and even some adults are skating through it. Christmas lights are strung up, and it’s so damn magical I want to cry.

Stupid hormones.

I blink back my tears and follow Thatcher to the side, where he carries not only his skates but Arwen’s and mine too. He has her take a seat and signs for her to sit still. Then he takes my ankle and pulls off my boots. He kisses my ankle, making Arwen laugh and me swoon, before he makes quick work of getting my skates on before he does Arwen’s. The whole time, I’m taking pictures and loving how excited he is to take Arwen skating. He already has, but not at a team party. Here, he can show her off. Show off his family.

Soon, we’re on the ice with him and our family. Ingrid skates like the figure skater she was and I try to keep up, but it’s hard when my man won’t let go of my hand. Every time I try, he gives me a dark look.

“No skating by yourself.”

“Thatcher,” I try, but he shakes his head.

“It’s dangerous. Please, dushen’ka, stay by me, ease my worries.”

I mean, hell, he’s laying it on thick. I relent, leaning into him and kissing his cheek. “Fine.”

He flashes me a triumphant grin as we continue to follow Arwen around. She skates pretty damn well, not that I’m surprised. She comes from a family of hockey players, and when I’m not pregnant, I’m one hell of a skater myself. Everyone greets us, and it fills me with pride to see Thatcher so excited to introduce us to everyone.

“These two gorgeous girls are my family, Audrina and Arwen.”

He says it with love in his eyes, and I have to catch my breath. It’s so amazing to see everyone and how all their families are growing. The Moon family is the largest, and Amelia’s kids are everywhere. The Litman family seems to be in their own world, Kirby twirling his daughter Celeste, while Jaylin does the same with their other daughter Raine. I have no clue where the Merryweather kids are, but Nico holds Aviva close, skating behind her as he kisses her temple. Owen is acting much like Thatcher and not letting Angie skate. Instead, he’s bringing her snacks, and even while she scowls, I see the hearts in her eyes. When my gaze falls on Dart and his stunning wife, I grin. I wish them nothing but happiness, not that we’ll ever be able to be close friends. Too much history and I’d rather not have anything mess up what I have with Thatcher.

Not that I don’t think we’d prevail, but I’d prefer not to chance it.

Thatcher takes my hands, and I laugh when he starts to pull me around the rink the way he did when we were younger. We’d see who could pull the other the fastest. While he’s stronger, I’m quicker, and I only lost a few times.

Which, now that I think of it, doesn’t make much sense.

“Did you let me win?”

His eyes are wild, full of love as he nods. “Every time.”

I smack him, laughing loudly as he grins. “You ass!”

“What?” he says, gathering me in his arms. “I was trying to soften you up.”

I snort. “For what?”

“For when I found the balls to ask you to be mine.”

I grimace. “Jeez, you didn’t find those till you were twenty-five?”

He laughs. “Tragic, right?”

“So much so,” I agree as I cup his cheeks, my body vibrating with happiness. He leans in, kissing me softly, and when he pulls back, his brows crease. “What?”

“Your skate is untied.”

He bends down as I match his confused expression. Thatcher is the king of tying skates. How in the world did mine come undone? I look down, but he isn’t touching my skate. Instead, he gazes up at me from where he’s resting on one knee. He’s looking at me with such adoration in his eyes, and then his hand is dipping into his sweatshirt pocket.

I’m stunned in place, my heart pounding in my chest as he pulls out a little blue box. My mouth drops open. I mean, yes, I know that he wants me as his wife, but I truly didn’t expect him to do it here. I look around, frantic, to see everyone has stopped. My parents hold Arwen as they beam, while his family is mirroring their expressions. I notice Ingrid over by Telly, but I know if I say anything, the moment will be ruined when Thatcher stuffs the ring box down Telly’s throat.


