The Step Don’t (Peach State Stepbros #2) Read Online Riley Hart, Devon McCormack

Categories Genre: Contemporary, M-M Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Devon McCormack
Series: Peach State Stepbros Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 78418 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 392(@200wpm)___ 314(@250wpm)___ 261(@300wpm)

When wedding music starts playing, the pieces fall into place. Troy had something up his sleeve because this isn’t what I planned.

“Shall we?” I hold my arm out for Ash. He hooks his through mine, and we follow the aisle runner and flower petals to the living room. They’ve moved all the furniture and added chairs like they would have at a wedding. A few of the guys from the frat are here, along with Brenner and Taylor. Streamers hang from the ceiling, balloons everywhere, and a banner across the back wall says: ASH AND COLIN…JUST MARRIED!

“This isn’t what Lance was supposed to do,” Ash says.

“Wait. What? I was going to say that about Troy. I had a whole thing planned. I was going to ask you to be my boyfriend.”

He looks at me, heart in his eyes and a grin curling his lips. “I had a whole thing planned. I was going to ask you to be my boyfriend too.”

Because of course we would plan the same thing on the same night. That’s just how we roll.

Troy steps to the end of the aisle. For the first time, I notice two extra chairs, with homemade signs that say HIS and HIS. I’m assuming they’re supposed to be like thrones, and the guys made do with what they could find.

“Are you guys gonna finish walking or what?” Brenner asks. “Because I’m salty I lost out on another hot guy.”

I laugh, and Brenner winks playfully.

“I guess we should go,” Ash says.

Arms still clasped together, we walk toward Troy, the music stopping when we’re in front of him.

Troy clears his throat. “We’re gathered here today to celebrate the union of Ash Fuller and Colin Phillips as boyfriend and boyfriend. Who gives these men away?”

Lance stands. “Frat Cat does.” He’s holding our kitten, who doesn’t look thrilled. I take him from Lance and snuggle him close.

“Ash, do you take Colin, your stepbrother, to be your boyfriend?”

“Had to add the stepbrother thing in there?” Ash questions.

“Keeping it real.” Troy snickers.

Ash looks at me, and though this is ridiculous and I kinda want to kill my friend, I see the emotions in my chest reflected in Ash’s eyes.

“This won’t end until you say I do,” Troy reminds him.

“Oh shit. I do.”

Troy gives me his attention next. “Colin, do you take Ash, your stepbrother, to be your boyfriend?”

“I do.” I mean, weddings are fun.

“Is there anyone who objects to this union?” Troy asks.

“I do!” Brenner teases, but Taylor elbows him in the gut and they laugh.

“Try again with someone else. Ash is mine.”

Ash flushes slightly.

Troy says, “You guys are looking at each other like you’re gonna bone, so with the power of Alpha Theta Mu, I now pronounce you boyfriend and boyfriend.”

Troy takes Frat Cat from me just before Ash’s hands are on my face and he’s pulling me close, taking my mouth in a kiss, surrounded by the cheers of our friends.



We have some drinks and dance, enjoying a…what is this exactly? A boyfriendposal reception?

Fortunately, most of the guys are finished giving us an appropriate amount of hell for the ceremony and are having their own fun, when I lurch at Colin, shamelessly kissing him in front of my fellow frat bros and Brenner and Taylor. I thought it’d be a quick kiss, but the way Colin pulls me in, his tongue sliding between my lips…I can’t help myself.

“And now…I’m getting hard,” I say between kisses before feeling his crotch. “You too, apparently.”

Colin chuckles. “Maybe if you keep touching it like that, it’ll go down.”

I laugh before releasing him, mainly because as supportive as our friends are, they don’t need to see me jerk off my stepbrother.

“And here I thought I was gonna outsmart you,” I say, “and pull off this great boyfriendposal.”

“Outsmart me? I know you’re smart, but that’s pushing it.”

“At least the guys know me well enough to know this had to end in dancing.”

“I figure if they hadn’t ended it like this,” Colin says, “you’d still be dancing. Have Marty chasing you off the media console.”

“Sounds about right.”

“Someone say my name?” Marty approaches.

And I love the guy, but I’m gonna be pissed if he so much as makes a snarky comment. I don’t want any hell during our special moment.

“Hey…can I talk to you guys for a second?” Marty asks, and the softness in his voice catches me off guard.

“Of course,” Colin replies.

Marty moves closer, pressing his lips together. He looks so serious. Although, this is Marty, so no surprise there.

“I just…” He hesitates. “I know I can be a lot sometimes, and I don’t always see things the way everyone else does, but I try. When you called me about you and Ash, I thought you were playing a prank, and if you needed me to be there for you and I wasn’t, I’m sorry.”


