The Soccer Mom’s Bad Boy Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Contemporary, Drama, Erotic, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 52
Estimated words: 47819 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 239(@200wpm)___ 191(@250wpm)___ 159(@300wpm)

Chapter 13


This is not going to end well I can just feel it. It’s the first time in years that I’ve had a night out on the town and I was so excited if a little out of my element.

Mark and I had never had much of a nightlife since he’d been so busy with school in the first few years and then there was the baby to look after. It wasn’t a nightclub per se, more like a lounge type thing with nice music that Xavier had recommended to Dane when he asked.

The evening had started off nicely with Dane picking me up in this low slung sports car that said Aston something or the other on the back and looked more like a toy, rather than something that could navigate the streets.

Janine had ransacked her closet for something for me to wear even though we had two completely different tastes. I was more into the drab matronly type dress while she was trying to give the mavens of Rodeo Drive a run for their money.

Maybe that’s why this guy was trying to pick me up while Dane had gone to the bar to order us drinks. According to him he didn’t trust anyone to make our drinks out of his sight and had sent the poor server scurrying for cover before he’d tipped him anyway just because.

The lighting was dim and the ambience given to romance, and again, maybe that’s why this guy that looked like I could’ve birthed him was trying to pick me up.

“So how about it hot mama? You wanna get out of here and go where the action’s at?” Oh my word, I felt almost naked the way he was looking at me, and caught myself tugging at the hem of my too short dress.

“Umm, I don’t…” Before I could finish my refusal I heard the gruff voice that I’d been trying to avoid coming from behind me. “Move the fuck on that’s all mine.” Oh shit, he stared at the guy like he was going to punch his lights out. I wasn’t sure when he turned that gaze on me if I should look for the nearest exit or just jump him.

“You, over here, now.” Well I guess that answers that. I didn’t even see which way the poor guy went but I knew he disappeared quickly and who could blame him?

“Dane I wasn’t...” The look he gave me did not bode well and I couldn’t help but recall that it was only a few short days ago that he’d found me with that idiot Mark running his fingers down my arm.

“I’ll deal with you when we get home.” Uh-oh, what the heck did that mean? I didn’t think it wise to ask so I took a sip of the fruity concoction he’d brought me and hoped for the best.

He sat close and kept his arm around me so I figured the danger had passed after all, and when the DJ person started playing music that got me to tapping my feet he leaned over and whispered in my ear.

“Let’s dance baby.” That thing he does where he lets his lips touch the tip of my ear really gets me going. He helped me out of my chair and led me to the dark room off the lounge where a few other couples were already swaying to the music.

He turned me into his arms and held me so close I thought I would cry. No one had ever held me like this, like I was the most precious thing in the universe. I could feel the uneven beat of his heart that perfectly matched the pattern of mine, and since I knew my erratic heartbeat was due to his nearness, I could only surmise that his was because of mine.

The kiss to my temple was a nice touch and so was the hand on my butt that rubbed soothingly while we swayed to the music, lost in our own little world.

“You smell amazing Ilene.” He actually sniffed me there on the dance floor for anyone who was watching to see and I all but melted into him. “I can’t wait to take you home and fuck you…after.”

After? what after? I tried to lift my head so that I could see his face but he held me in place for the next two numbers until I almost forgot the threatening tone in his voice.

By the time we were ready to go I was in a mellow mood from the music and being held so closely in his arms. He was so careful with me in all that he did. The way he kept his hand in the small of my back when we walked, the way he kept me close under his arm as though shielding me from everyone else.


