The Shadow Prince’s Ruin (Dark Companions #2) Read Online K.A. Merikan

Categories Genre: Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Magic, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Dark Companions Series by K.A. Merikan

Total pages in book: 153
Estimated words: 140462 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 702(@200wpm)___ 562(@250wpm)___ 468(@300wpm)

“Would you mind lending me that?” I ask, pointing out the object dangling from his belt.

Blue eyes peek at me as he chews his bread. “Your Highness, I believe your husband has a perfectly usable appendage.”

I’m so stunned I just stand there as hot and cold flushes hit my face. “How insolent!” I choke out in the end. “You have overcharged me sevenfold for our wedding celebration, and now you insult me further? Give me that!” I reach for the spyglass at the same time as he does to protect it from my clutches, but even without Hawk’s shadow, I’m able to create a barrier that stops him. His surprise gives me enough time to snatch it, but just as I grab it, Fenren’s fingers close on my forearm, and he winks at me, shaking his red mane.

“That’s a bit forward. My child is right there,” he says.

Ivy sighs before rubbing her cheeks. “Don’t bring me into whatever’s going on there.”

I take a deep breath, because I don’t want to start a fight with the man leading us out of this maze of hidden swamp paths.

“Please,” I groan. “I will return it swiftly.”

Hawk turns to us. “Everything all right there?” he asks with his mouth full.

“Yes! I’m just borrowing something!”

“A bit of innocent flirting, don’t you worry,” Fenren says, making me see red. The last thing I need is for this goddamn rogue to convince Hawk that my eyes wandered, but my husband shrugs.

“You wish, smuggler. He likes them way taller than you are.”

Fenren assesses me from head to toe. “How does it even fit?”

I raise my eyebrows. “How do you know I’m not the stud?”

Fenren snorts, but finally releases his hold on the spyglass. “Fine, fine, you got me there.”

I ignore him and run back to Hawk’s side. I bounce with excitement as soon as a peek through the spyglass confirms that I correctly identified the clusters of tiny white flowers on thick leaves floating in the water.

“I knew it! Marroweed,” I say to Hawk, already assessing how far it is. “Those white flowers over there,” I point them out and pass him the spyglass. “You can mash them into a pulp and put it over the skin. As it dries, it creates a cast. When it later turns gray, you know the marrow has been absorbed.”

Hawk swallows his food. “...What?”

“Bone marrow. Hawk. For your finger. It will heal your broken bone.”

He looks down on the contraption attached to his right hand, then at me. “Are you sure?”

It hurts that he doesn’t trust me, but then again, everyone keeps warning him about every single thing in this goddamn swamp. For good reason. There are creatures here that would gladly eat the tasty morsel that he is, but one has to make bold choices to achieve great results.

“Well… yes. I just need to get there. I could use shadow to weave a path over the water.” I touch his arm in excitement, and its warmth reminds me how much I miss his touch. I want to do this nice thing for him so badly, especially since his hand aches to the point of him struggling to hold heavy things in it. When he recoils, the fire of my enthusiasm is extinguished.

“I… no, there’s no need. It’ll get better on its own,” Hawk says and pulls his hand to his chest, as if he expects me to grab it.

I lick my lips, unsure how to approach this gentle subject, but I’m not letting it go, because the marroweed is right there. Why should he suffer for no reason?

“Hawk, please. I promised to use barely the surface of your shadow. Not only will I not overuse it, I will not need to even consider such an option. It will feel like but a tingle in your palms, but my own power is too weak to hold my weight. Let me help you.”

Hawk rubs his face and takes a sip from his flask. “No. I really… don’t want to feel that sensation again,” he says, lowering his voice. “It’s like having fuel siphoned out of me.”

I huff in frustration. “That’s only because I used far too much too fast. Do you not trust me?”

Ivy whistles. “Woo, trouble in paradise? That was quick.”

Hawk ignores her and meets my gaze. “That’s not the point. This whole thing makes me feel like I’m at your mercy, and I fucking hate that. Five years in prison, and I’m really fed up with being chained up.”

I turn to Ivy in frustration. “Stuff that sandwich in your mouth and be silent!” I take a deep breath. “Hawk, this is unreasonable. You are thrice my size. I am at your mercy at any given time, and I accept that because I trust you. I accepted the risk even before we sealed our bond. Look.” I draw a piece of his shadow to my hand, then flatten it with ease so it resembles a leaf. I blow at it, and it falls into place on the water several feet from us. All my years of blood, sweat, and tears to reach a reasonable level of shadowcraft, and now, with the depth of power hidden in his, every skill and trick is easy like kneading dough is for a royal baker.


