The Risk of Falling (Falling in Love #1) Read Online Nikki Ash

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Dark, Erotic, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Falling in Love Series by Nikki Ash

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 84203 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 421(@200wpm)___ 337(@250wpm)___ 281(@300wpm)

“How long?”

Micah glances up from his laptop and quirks a brow.

“How long do we need to stay married?” I clarify, walking further into his office.

“For a while,” he says. “At least until you’re off Gutierrez’s radar or his men find your mom.”

“Okay, I’ll do it. I’ll marry you.”

He juts his chin, silently beckoning me to come closer, but I’m too raw at the moment to be near him, so I shake my head. “I’m not feeling well. I think I’m just gonna go to bed early. Can we discuss the specifics tomorrow?”

He frowns, and I can tell he wants to say something—but really, what is there to say? After a few seconds of him staring at me, warring with how to handle this situation, he simply nods and says, “I’ll see what Ellie wants for dinner and order something extra in case you’re hungry later.”

I thank Micah and head up to my room, feeling like shit because he doesn’t hesitate to take care of me even though I’m upset and sounding ungrateful. I cuddle into the soft blankets and go to sleep, cursing my mother to hell for tainting everything good in my life.

“Why am I putting this on?” I ask, as I eye the cream-colored, floral print dress that’s set out before me. It’s a knee-length wrap dress that will look absolutely stunning paired with the champagne Christian Louboutin heels that accompany it.

“Because I said so,” Ellie smarts. “And once you’re done, I’m going to curl your hair and do your make up, so you don’t look like your puppy was run over by a truck.” Her eyes suddenly light up. “Oh! Do you think you could convince Micah to get us a puppy?” For a moment, she looks so young and innocent, reminding me of a normal teenager who has zero cares in the world. “What kind would you want? A big one or a small one? Do hotels allow dogs?” She shakes her head. “Doesn’t matter. Micah owns the place. He makes the rules. I’d want a small one, all cute and cuddly that I could put in my purse and carry around.”

“Does Micah look like the kind of guy who likes puppies?” I ask, unsure why I’m even discussing this with her. My sister has a way of absorbing you into a conversation before you even realize what is happening.

“That man would give you anything, including a puppy,” she deadpans. “Now, up! Get that dress on. We need to get going.”

I sigh, not having the energy to argue with her. I have no idea what she’s up to, but at this point, it doesn’t even matter. For all I know, this is my wedding dress and I’m about to get married.

Of course, the dress and shoes fit perfectly, and once Ellie’s done playing fairy Godmother, I look like a princess, ready for the ball.

When we get downstairs, I find Micah standing in the living room, staring down at his phone. Ellie clears her throat and he looks up, his gaze landing on me. His eyes immediately heat with molten lust, warming my insides from his look alone.

“You look perfect,” he says, pocketing his phone and sauntering toward the stairs. He’s dressed in an all-black suit, but his tie is burgundy, the same color as the flowers on my dress. His hair is neatly styled, and his face is sporting the perfect amount of stubble. He’s beautiful. That’s the only way to describe him. Sure, he’s masculine, has that dangerous vibe going on, sporting arms adorned with intricate tattoos, but he’s also really fucking beautiful.

I meet him at the bottom of the stairs, and he leans in and gently kisses the corner of my mouth. He smells intoxicating—the perfect mix of fresh and masculine—and it takes everything in me not to beg him to let me inhale his scent for a few more seconds.

Tucking my arm into the crook of his, he guides us to the front door when I realize we’re leaving without Ellie. “Is she okay being here alone?” I look back at her. “And what about dinner?”

Ellie rolls her eyes. “I’ll be just fine here. And I won’t leave. I only went to Lincoln’s because he lives on the same floor, and I knew I’d be safe there. Plus, I have exams I need to study for and take since it’s my last week of school. If I get hungry, I’ll order room service. So go, have fun. Stop worrying so much.”

It doesn’t surprise me when we end up at a restaurant in the hotel since Micah won’t chance me leaving the property. We enter through the back and end up in a private room. Unlike the last time we ate here with his parents, the table is only set for two, and there are gorgeous roses in the center with candles glowing on each side. Soft music plays in the background just loud enough to create the vibe without it being overbearing.


