Total pages in book: 43
Estimated words: 40741 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 204(@200wpm)___ 163(@250wpm)___ 136(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 40741 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 204(@200wpm)___ 163(@250wpm)___ 136(@300wpm)
Everyone that was...except her.
She remembered feeling panicky and dizzy at the same time, wondering why the mere sight of a stranger had her heart it didn't already belong to someone else. Her hands had also grown mortifyingly damp and her breath short, her skin flushed with heat even though the auditorium's air conditioning was on full blast.
The giant screens had magnified his every chiseled feature and amplified how his whole being pulsed with intoxicating sexuality. It had made his presence inescapable, and Tassy could feel her cheeks burning when she remembered how the mere sight of him that day had been enough to enslave her entire being.
Each time his image appeared, her body responded like a tuning fork struck at the perfect frequency. The camera would zoom in on the gorgeous features of the billionaire's face, and her lips would start to tremble, her mind unable to stop wondering how it would feel to have his mouth cover hers. The camera would zoom out to give the audience a chance to appreciate the full impact of his towering height, and her breasts would start to swell, and...
Stop it!
Tassy remembered mentally yelling the words out that day when she realized what was happening, and she hadn't wasted another moment after that. She had simply gotten up from her seat and walked out of the auditorium with no intention of coming back.
It was just science at work, Tassy still remembered forcefully telling herself at that time. Sometimes, complete strangers simply had chemistry that had an effortless time...chemistrying.
That was all there was to it.
But because Tassy had been so bothered by her body's scientific reaction, she had also promised herself to never have anything to do with him. She remembered having dinner with Xylan that same day, and how Xylan had derided the time she "wasted" in listening to Lucius Young speak.
He's only successful because he was born rich!
That's the only reason why he's got all those women after him.
I'm just as good-looking as he is, don't you think?
Tassy had only nodded and changed the subject, not even allowing herself to glance at the photos that Xylan had pulled up on the Internet. She had meant to keep her promise, and it had carried over to her career, with Tassy making a quiet but painstaking effort to avoid accepting any projects that could have her crossing paths with Lucius Young in any way.
While her understanding of God was still terribly vague at that time, Tassy already knew even then that the only way to beat temptation was to flee from it.
Out of sight, out of mind.
She loved Xylan.
She didn't love the billionaire.
Ergo, she would prioritize seeing more of the first, and none at all of the latter. That had been her guiding principle about all things Lucius Young, and that was why...
Tassy had reviewed her calendar for the month just last week, and there shouldn't have been any chance for her and Lucius to...
Her not-so-private breakup had made Tassy forget to do her due diligence in checking if today's unscheduled flight would have her accidentally crossing paths with the billionaire. Then again...why should she even bother checking? It wasn't like she still owed any other man loyalty, and so—-
"Do you mind if I join you?"
Years had literally gone by since she had allowed herself to hear the silken familiarity of his voice, so why had the mere sound caused her breasts to swell achingly in response? It was as if her body was insisting to be heard, after being silenced for so long a time, and what it wanted to make clear was what her mind had subconsciously known all this time...but her heart had refused to acknowledge out of loyalty.
She was attracted to Lucius Young.
And every sleek, hard inch of him so easily captivated her senses...
To the point that she couldn't quite remember what he had said.
"I'm, um, sorry..." Tassy cleared her throat. "What was that again?"
The billionaire gestured to the seat closest to hers, separated only by a tiny side table. "May I?"
She nodded without thinking, but she was still stunned upon seeing the billionaire fold his length into the armchair next to hers.
The Vermillion could comfortably accommodate a hundred passengers in their main hall alone, and there were only less than ten of them right now. So why sit next to her when he could enjoy far greater privacy somewhere else? Better yet, why not book one of the lounge's private suites? Didn't people like him hate being around common folk like her?
Tassy's head started to hurt as she struggled to make sense of the billionaire's presence. Her heart had yet to stop aching while her pride was still in tatters. A fully functioning brain was all she had left, but right now, that brain was betraying her with images she'd never allowed herself before.