The Pact Read Online Suzanne Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 190
Estimated words: 181992 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 910(@200wpm)___ 728(@250wpm)___ 607(@300wpm)

I tightened my hold on the tufts of his hair, letting out breathy little moans against the lips pressed to mine. The feel of his dick slicing through me over and over, shoving against my tight inner muscles, forcing itself deep … Nothing beat it. Nothing.

A wicked tension sat low in my belly, gathering in force, sharpening in intensity, building with every heavy, upward punch of his hips. Oh, and then my orgasm was looming over me. My moans coming quicker and louder, I scraped my nails over the back of his neck.

Fingertips digging into the flesh of my butt, he started fucking me harder. “Make us both come.”

I slipped a hand between us and zeroed in on my clit—tugging, rolling, flicking. His mouth took mine with a growl. No, ravaged it. The kiss was wild, bruising, fevered. And the roiling ball of tension inside me surged up and ruptured.

Choirs of angels sang as a dazzling white-hot pleasure powered through me, saturating every inch of my being. I screamed into his mouth, my pussy rippling and clenching the cock that started ferally jackhammering into me. His dick swelled and throbbed as he pitilessly shoved it deep one last time and exploded.

My eyes drifting shut, I did my best to calm my ragged breathing as my release gradually subsided. “We should really get your dick insured,” I slurred, tipping my head back against the tiled wall. “You know, just in case.”

“In case, what?” he asked, a smile in his voice.

I shrugged. “I don’t know. Just in case.”

He nuzzled my throat, his lips curved. “Right.”

Once we were done in the shower, he stepped out and grabbed two towels. He handed one to me, wrapped another around his waist, and then disappeared. I patted my body dry, slipped on a robe, and then blow dried my hair.

Humming, I headed straight to the closet and eyed my selection of clothes, debating what to wear. I glanced to my left as Dax strolled inside. He was already dressed, his magnificent body clad in a navy-blue polo shirt and dark-gray trousers. Even in golfing attire, he looked hot as hades—especially since his short-sleeved shirt flashed his muscular arms.

He planted his feet. “Do you have plans for next Saturday?”

I pursed my lips as I flicked through my mental calendar. “I’ll be working. There’s a birthday party scheduled for that day.”

“Is there any way your team could manage without you?”

“If necessary.” The event was nothing huge. The family had wanted their daughter’s sixteenth birthday party to be relatively low-key. I tipped my head to the side. “Why?”

“There’s a business dinner I need to attend. I’d like you to come with me.”

I blinked. “You would?”

“I’ve been invited to bring a guest. It’s not common for attendees to take a plus-one to a business dinner, but it’s not rare either. Naturally, people take their significant other on such occasions if they have one.”

“So, it wouldn’t be a date? That’s a shame,” I teased. “Watching you attempt to be romantic would likely be entertaining.”

His brows inched up in mild affront. “You don’t think I could be romantic?”

“If you truly wanted to be—like really, really wanted to be—sure.” The guy could probably do anything he set his mind to. “But let’s face it, that scenario will never occur, will it?”

“No,” he readily admitted. “You’re sure your team manage without you?”

“Yeah, it’s not a huge event.” They would be fine with it, having worked events without me before on multiple occasions. “Tell me more about the dinner.”

“It’s mostly a networking event, though on a much smaller scale. Ourselves included, the guestlist will only amount to sixteen people.”

It would likely be dull and boring, but it might also benefit Sapphire Glade for me to be introduced to more professionals in his “world,” so I’d get something out of it. “It’s kind of sad that a lot of the activities you indulge in are basically corporate. Like today, for example. You and your dad are going golfing with business associates to discuss potential deals.”

“And you, on the other hand, are still catching a movie with Alicia, yes?”

“Yes. Aside from our mom, who sadly can’t go with us, Alicia’s the only person who’ll watch horror flicks with me.”

“My brothers, Jag, and Maverick are coming later—there’s live boxing we want to watch, and it’s my turn to play host.” He eyed me strangely, as if waiting for me to complain about him spending quality time with “the boys.”

“Cool. Alicia and I may stop off at a bar and have a few drinks before coming home, but I won’t be back super late.” There was a minute shift in his expression—I couldn’t read the emotion there. “What?”

“I have another request.”

“What is it?”

He slowly closed the short distance between us with deliberate steps, making my belly go all fluttery. A gleam of something in his mismatched eyes, he locked them with mine, holding my attention captive. “I want you to let me choose what you wear today.”


