The Mob Princess’s Enemy (Mafia Ties #2) Read Online Fiona Davenport

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Mafia Tags Authors: Series: Mafia Ties Series by Fiona Davenport

Total pages in book: 57
Estimated words: 52260 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 261(@200wpm)___ 209(@250wpm)___ 174(@300wpm)

I snapped my mouth shut when I realized I was babbling, my cheeks heating with a tinge of self-consciousness at the indulgent humor in Brandon’s eyes. “Yeah, kitten. I’m sure.”

“Well then, I guess it’s time to get down to business.”

“Try not to be so damn cute while you’re doing it.”

I straightened my spine and let all the warmth seep from my face. “I’ll try, but we both know it might be impossible.”

His dark chuckle rang in my ears as I unlocked the door and let the guys in. Tommy walked in first, his green eyes quickly swept me from head to toe before he turned to glare at Brandon. “Possessive bastard,” he grumbled quietly. “Don’t you think it would have been wiser to wait until after this damn meeting?”

Brandon shrugged his shoulders, looking completely relaxed with his hip resting against the side of my desk. He didn’t respond, his attention turning to the three men who followed behind Tommy. Aiden and Ewan Walsh dropped onto the chairs in the corner of the room, long legs stretched in front of them as they eyed Brandon up and down. The brothers were sons of my da’s best friend, boys I’d known growing up. Ones who’d risen quickly because of their father’s connection to the family, but Tommy had assured me they’d been unhappy working for my da. They’d been two of the first to offer me their condolences at his funeral and had also been quick to share a shot with me at his wake.

I figured getting the Walsh brothers behind my plans wasn’t going to be too difficult. The fourth man to enter the room was a different story, though. Conor Murphy was older than my da and had been a loyal member of the O’Reilly organization since he was a teenager. He was old school, and I was going to hit him with changes he was bound to resist. Lots of them. But, he was well respected among the men and his support could be the difference between a smooth transition and a struggle for control that could result in a blood-bath.

Conor tilted his head at me and only moved far enough into my office to lean against the wall by the door, his gaze hard as he looked at Brandon. “Shut the door,” I instructed, not wanting anyone to overhear my plans. I nodded in acknowledgment when Conor did as he was asked. I rounded my desk, sat in the chair, and folded my hands in front of me. I glanced up at Brandon to find him smiling down at me and took strength in knowing he believed in me. It was enough for me to claim Conor’s attention and get down to business.

“Take a seat, Conor.” I waved to the open chair next to where Tommy was seated. When he dropped into it, I realized my childhood friend’s choice of locations wasn’t a coincidence. The positioning was ideal, the desk between me and Conor with Tommy directly next to him, Aiden and Ewan behind him, and Brandon in front of him and slightly to his right. If he made any moves, he’d find himself surrounded.

“There’s going to be some changes around here,” I started. “Some of which I’ve already discussed with Tommy.”

“I’m assumin’ one o’ these changes has ta’ do with why the DeLuca’s enforcer is in the room while we’re discussin’ O’Reilly business?” Conor asked.

“I know we’re in bed with the DeLucas now that you have an alliance with them, but this is taking it a little too far, don’t ya think?” Aiden piped in.

Tommy snickered at Aiden’s turn of phrase, earning himself a glare from me.

“With the way he’s standin’ there, it makes it seem like you want him to be your second-in-command or something crazy like that.”

Tommy’s laughter died at Ewan’s comment, and he returned my glare. “If anyone in this room is going to serve as your second, it should be me.”

“You have nothing to fear from me in that regard, McKinnon. I’m not here as Carly’s second.”

I knew I’d recognize the right moment, and this one was perfect. Rising to my feet, I dug in my pocket and pulled out the ring I’d had made for Brandon. It was amazing what you could accomplish in a short amount of time when you had access to lots of money. “As qualified as he is, Brandon can’t serve as my second because that would imply I don’t see him as my equal. Nothing could be further from the truth considering I’ll be his wife in two days’ time.”

“You’re really planning to marry a DeLuca?” Aiden asked.

Brandon straightened, crossing his arms over his chest and narrowing his eyes at Aiden. Unclenching my fist, I dropped the ring I had designed for him onto the desk. “You see this ring? I had it made from the bullet that killed my da.”


