The Misfit – Oakmount Elite Read Online J.L. Beck

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 119
Estimated words: 113699 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 568(@200wpm)___ 455(@250wpm)___ 379(@300wpm)

Even so, I don’t say anything. I continue walking.

When we turn toward the historic district of campus instead of the usual coffee shop or library, my steps falter. The massive brick building ahead makes my skin prickle. I’ve only been to the actual house once, the night of Drew’s party. The night I hid in a pantry and met Lee.

“The Mill?” I stop completely, nitrile squeaking as I clench my fists. “Lee and I have never met here before.” At least not after the first time.

Aries turns, walking backward with casual grace. “Well, it had to happen sometime, right? He told me he would be waiting upstairs for you.”

My intuition says this is wrong, but what do I know? I’ve never had a fake boyfriend. I’ve never experienced these things.

“Come on, Salem, what’s the problem?” Aries goads.

The way he says problem makes me shiver, the sensation similar to nails on a chalkboard. His smile is still perfect, still friendly, but there’s an edge to it now that I can’t quite read.

“I should text him,” I mumble, reaching for my phone.

It takes two tries to get it out of my pocket with trembling hands.

“Already did.” Aries holds up his own phone. “Told him we’re on our way. He’s tied up in his meeting but said to bring you upstairs for him.”

I stare at the heavy wooden doors of The Mill. The last time I was here, the place was packed with people. Now it looms silent and empty, late afternoon shadows making it look more imposing than I remember.

“I don’t …” I swallow hard. “Maybe I should just⁠—”

“Hey.” Aries’s voice softens as he steps closer, making me stumble back. “I get it. You’re nervous, and given your past, I understand completely. But Lee would kill me if I let you wander around campus alone with Marcus and his crew still giving you trouble.”

My phone feels heavy in my hand. I should text Lee myself and verify this with him. Should trust my instincts that are screaming at me that something’s wrong.

But what would I even say?

Your best friend is being too nice?

I’m paranoid about entering a building?

I don’t trust the person you trust most?

Lee’s been so patient with me, and my counting, and complete need for control. He pushes my boundaries, yes, but always with care. Always making sure I feel safe. Maybe this is just another lesson, another boundary he’s trying to help me overcome.

Besides, Aries is right—Marcus’s behavior has been escalating lately. The books incident was only the latest in several outright attacks. And I swear I feel someone watching me even when I know no one is.

“Fine,” I concede, following Aries up the steps. “But only until Lee’s done with his meeting.”

“Of course.” He holds the door open with another perfect smile. “Whatever makes you comfortable.”

As I step into the dimly lit foyer, I try to ignore how the heavy door sounds like a tomb closing behind us.

“Lee talks about you constantly,” Aries continues speaking as we climb the ornate staircase. His voice echoes off the wood-paneled walls, making it sound like multiple voices are speaking. “It’s kind of sweet. I’ve never seen him so … invested before.”

I focus on counting stairs instead of responding. Twenty to the first landing. Another fifteen to what looks like a hallway with private rooms. The building feels different and empty—more threatening, somehow.

“I won’t lie to you.” He moves closer, his hulking frame invading my three-foot bubble. “I’m a little confused about the two of you and what you are.”

My shoulders tense. “Is that a question?”

His dark laugh makes me shiver, and not in a good way. “Come on, Salem. Don’t play dumb. We both know Lee’s preferences. His … inclinations.”

“Again, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” My voice shakes, giving away the lie.

“No?” He stops abruptly at the top of the landing, and I’m forced to stop too or run into him. “The arrests? The bar fights? The guys he’s been caught with?” He turns to face me, and his smile is nothing short of predatory.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about …” This isn’t my story to tell, and even if Aries and Lee have been friends forever, I don’t want to give away Lee’s and my agreement. Not if Lee hasn’t revealed it himself.

“Lee’s my best friend. I know everything there is to know about him, and this—whatever he’s doing with you …”

My heart jumps inside my chest. I press myself against the wall, trying to maintain distance without looking afraid. “Did you say Lee was here somewhere?”

“Of course.” He steps closer, trapping me against the wall, his movements predatory, his features dark. My breath hitches, and panic makes my vision narrow. “But while I escort you, maybe we should talk about what’s really going on between you two. About the real reason he’s with you.”


