The Love Series Box Set Volume 1 Read online Fiona Davenport

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 65
Estimated words: 59954 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 300(@200wpm)___ 240(@250wpm)___ 200(@300wpm)

“Since I love you and you love me, I guess that makes us just perfect for each other,” I quipped. Hazel giggled again and kissed my chest.

I turned onto my side and shifted her until we were in a spooning position, with her back to my front. Then I wrapped myself around her, cupping a tit in one hand and resting the other over her swollen belly. She drifted off as I drew light circles on her bump.

I couldn’t wait to meet our little one. And I couldn’t wait to put another one in there just as soon as the doctor gave us the all-clear.

I loved seeing my woman pregnant, practically stamping her with “taken.” It certainly didn’t hurt that knocked up Hazel was insatiable. If I had my way, she was going to spend the foreseeable future with our babies growing inside her beautiful body. I hugged her a little closer and sighed with happiness before giving in to sleep.

Epilogue 1


1 year later…

“Just a minute!” Hazel yelled through the locked bathroom door. I knocked again, starting to get really worried. We’d been just about to start the christening ceremony for our daughter, Charlotte, or Charlie, when Hazel had turned green and bolted from the chapel.

“Peaches, if you don’t open this door, I will knock it the fuck down!”

I heard a gasp from the other side of the door, then Hazel exclaimed, “You can’t say fuck in church, Jamie! Do you want to burn in Hell?”

I stifled a laugh, especially since she’d failed to realize she’d just uttered the same curse in the same damn church. But, if she heard me laughing, she’d cry, and I couldn’t fucking stand her tears. Unfortunately, it was a common sight when my wife was knocked up.

“Baby, let me in. I just want to take care of you.”

Hazel sniffled, and I sighed, mentally bracing myself to face her big, crocodile tears. They ripped me to shreds, but I tried not to show it. She’d just get more upset.

“Good grief! You got her pregnant again already?”

I turned at the exasperated question and saw Blair standing to my left. I shrugged, an unrepentant grin slicing across my face. As always, Justice wasn’t far behind her and he grinned at me, giving me a fist bump and a slap on the back when he reached my side.

“Hazel, honey. It’s Blair. Can I come in?”

I frowned and glared at Blair. “If anyone is going to go in there and take care of my wife, it’s going to be me,” I bit out.

A low growl rumbled from Justice, a subtle warning to watch how I spoke to his wife. I couldn’t blame him since I would have done the same. I groaned and faced the door again. “Please, peaches,” I begged.

The locked clicked a few beats later, and the door slowly pulled open. Hazel looked pale and so beautiful it almost made me weak in the knees.

“You’re pregnant again?” Blair asked, her tone understanding.

Hazel nodded and shrugged sheepishly before pointing in my direction accusingly. “He wouldn’t wear a freaking condom!”

I grinned, feeling not a single ounce of remorse. Yup, I’d totally knocked her up sometime in the week after the doctor gave us the green light. Hazel rolled her eyes, and her belligerent scowl matched the one on Blair’s face. Except she was looking at her husband. Turned out, his expression matched mine and I couldn’t keep it in this time, I burst out laughing.

Hazel’s eyes darted between me, Blair, and Justice. She opened her mouth, hesitating before shutting it without saying anything. Then her eyes lit up as she suddenly realized why I was laughing.

“You, too?” she asked Blair excitedly.

Blair sighed and nodded, although anyone could tell from just one look that she wasn’t really unhappy about being pregnant again. She was glowing, making me think of how Hazel looked when she wasn’t suffering from morning sickness. That reminded me…

I pulled her into my arms and pushed her hair back from her face. “Are you alright?” She melted into me and smiled softly, her expression filled with love.

“Yeah. This baby just seems to dislike food a little more than Charlie did.” She harrumphed and shook her head. “Not that Charlie has any problem eating now.”

I bent my head and put my lips on her ear before whispering, “That’s because you taste so fucking delicious.” Hazel shivered, and my dick began to stiffen. “I haven’t had my snack yet today, and I’m starving.”

“Um, you two planning on having Charlie christened any time soon?” Imogene’s voice broke through my lustful haze, and we all turned to see her walking toward us with our squirming little girl in her arms.

I gave Hazel a scorching look full of promise for later, and she licked her lips, her eyes darkening with hunger. Before I could give in to my desire to drag her back into that bathroom and suck her nipples dry and then fuck her up against the wall, I grabbed her hand and guided her back to the chapel.


