The Emperor’s Concubine (The Thibian Chronicles #1) Read Online Eve Vaughn

Categories Genre: Alien, Alpha Male, Angst, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi Tags Authors: Series: The Thibian Chronicles Series by Eve Vaughn

Total pages in book: 30
Estimated words: 28150 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 141(@200wpm)___ 113(@250wpm)___ 94(@300wpm)

Another blast hit her, this time temporarily paralyzing her. Theki spoke into his communicator. “I’m going to need some assistance in the nursery.”

Callie couldn’t move, but she was still aware of everything going on around her, London’s tears, Theki’s pacing, and the sense that her life was about to change forever.

When the nursery door opened again, two more Hunters stepped inside. “What would you like us to do, Commander Theki?”

“Separate her from the brat, and then send her to the women so she can be prepared for the auction,” Theki ordered.

If she could have, she would have fought the two Adieaens as they pulled London out of her grip. “Mama! I want Mama!” her daughter screamed. As one of the men carried her out of the room, her will to live slowly ebbed away.

“Two thousand kwazars!” An overzealous participant shouted.

“Two thousand and fifty!” someone else yelled.

Theki chuckled. “Two thousand fifty kwazars! Do I hear two thousand five hundred? This fine specimen hails from Earth, and she’s eager to please her new master or mistress.”

Standing naked before a crowd of leering aliens barely registered in her mind. Already the worst had been done to her. Being separated from her daughter was one of the most painful experiences she’d ever had to face. She didn’t even flinch when Theki fondled her breasts.

“Her body is nice and ripe. She’ll provide hours of pleasure for any lusty male or female, if they’re so inclined.” He then turned her body until her bare ass faced the crowd. Callie bit her bottom lip when he palmed her ass. “This backside was meant for riding. Have you ever seen such a well put together female? And look at all this wonderful dark flesh.”

Callie had never been so degraded in her life, but all she could think about was her babies. She willed herself not to cry because she wouldn’t let these bastards know they’d won.

“Three thousand kwazars!”

“Fifty!” A hush fell over the bidding participants. She had no idea what a kwazar was worth, but judging by the look of pure delight on Theki’s face it must have been a lot.

“Mother of the stars, I knew you’d bring us a handsome sum, but I didn’t expect so much. I think I may have to find more women like you the next time we venture to Earth.” Theki turned her back to the crowd. “Fifty thousand kwazars, do I hear fifty five? Going once, going twice. Sold to the Thibian couple!”

Callie gazed out to see a man and a woman who looked human, but not quite. Their skin seemed to have a glow to it, and their hair was whitish blond. They were a tall, handsome duo; however, they both looked rather fierce. Whoever they were, she vowed they’d get no pleasure from her.

Rzxie stepped forward and led her behind the auction block, throwing a robe around her body. “You’ve done well, human. Much better than we expected. I’m… I’m sorry about the little one. I can imagine how you feel.”

Callie glared at her. “Don’t you dare offer me any of your false sympathy. You have no idea how I feel. You and Theki took me away from my other daughter, and now you’re doing it all over again. You both deserve to rot in the fiery depths of hell.”

“Please, try and understand⁠—”

“Oh, I understand, all right. I understand that you’re heartless creatures who live off the profits of selling innocent people. I’d appeal to your sense of shame, but I doubt you have any. To separate a mother from her children is probably the most despicable thing in the world.”

“Like I said, human, I do know how you feel,” Rzxie insisted.

“Oh, and how could you possibly know?”

If Callie didn’t know better, she would have thought that the alien was blushing, a secret expression entering her beady eyes. “I recently learned that I’m with child.”

“Congratu-freakin-lations.” Bitterness seeped into Callie’s heart. Fuck this bitch and her unborn child.

“I just wanted you to know that I do understand. I feel this baby growing in my womb, and already I love it more than life itself. I would be devastated to go through what you are, so… I… I’m going to see if your new owners will accept your little one.”

A sarcastic remark rested on Callie’s tongue but she held back. She wasn’t stupid enough to throw an opportunity like this away. “Do you think they would allow me to… take her with me?”

“I can’t make any promises, but I will see.”

“What will happen to her if they don’t want her?”

“We raise the children until they are of an age to be sold. I can’t make you any promises because your little one is another mouth they’d have to feed. I’ll do what I can.”

“Would Theki allow it?”

“Leave Theki to me.”

For the first time since London was ripped from her arms, hope blossomed in her breast. She touched the Adiae lightly on the arm. “Thank you. This would mean a lot to me.”


