The Emperor’s Concubine (The Thibian Chronicles #1) Read Online Eve Vaughn

Categories Genre: Alien, Alpha Male, Angst, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi Tags Authors: Series: The Thibian Chronicles Series by Eve Vaughn

Total pages in book: 30
Estimated words: 28150 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 141(@200wpm)___ 113(@250wpm)___ 94(@300wpm)

The bitch had to be out of her damn mind, but what choice did she have? Reluctantly, Callie let her thighs slide apart. Holding herself rigid, she let her mind wander to happier times as Tuk rubbed the gel over her clit and inside her channel. She thought of being back home with her twins and dancing.

Tonight had been the first time she’d danced in front of an audience in months, but it wasn’t the kind of dancing she wanted to do. Hell, she might as well have been a stripper on a pole, for all the gyrating and booty shaking she had to do for some bored King.

Don’t think about him. Don’t think about him, she chanted to herself, as images of King Blaze entered her mind. When she’d first seen him, she nearly stumbled over movements she’d been taught. He had to be one of the most stunning men she’d ever laid eyes on. She wouldn’t call him handsome, but it was difficult to look away from him.

His eyes were the deepest, clearest shade of green she could remember seeing. And the way he’d stared at her almost seemed like he was looking into the depths of her soul. His features were strong and blunt, from the high cheekbones to the firm mouth that had an appearance of being carved from stone.

Long platinum hair was combed back from his forehead revealing a deep widow’s peak. He had the same almost shimmering skin of his people, but he was different. There’d been an air of command about him that even she couldn’t help noticing.

She could imagine the plans he had for her. Callie’s only hope was that he’d tire of her quickly so she could have more time with her daughter.

The rub of cold metal around her neck sent goose bumps along her arm. She hated this fucking collar. When Tuk connected a chain to it, she automatically pulled away.

Giving her a warning look, the Thibian scolded, “Don’t let King Blaze see you do that. He likes complete obedience in his women.”

King Blaze can kiss my black ass. Once again Callie had to bite her lip to stop herself from saying it.

Pulling her by the chain, Tuk forced Callie to follow. The King’s servant towered over her. Everyone on this kooky planet had to be at least six feet tall, making her 5’ 8” seem insignificant.

As Tuk led her out through the main room, where the rest of the harem members shot her resentful glares, fright overtook her. Why was she so nervous about seeing one man? It wasn’t as though she was some vestal virgin being led to slaughter. She was a grown woman of twenty-five with two children and more life experience than most people would see in a lifetime.

Through a corridor and down another hall, Callie noticed her surroundings becoming grander, which signaled to her that they were getting closer to where the King resided. When they stopped in front of large ornate, silver doors with jewels encrusted over the edges, her belly began to rumble with butterflies. Tuk knocked on the door.


What an arrogant ass, Callie shook her head, only to receive another angry glare from Tuk. “You will behave yourself.”

The two women entered the King’s Chamber. Tuk bowed her head reverently. “As you requested, Sire, your new concubine is here and most pleased to serve you.”

Callie kept her head down, not wanting to be captured by those incredible eyes again. To her surprise, he stepped in front of her, practically sizzling with an invisible energy that made her more nervous than before.

She couldn’t be attracted to him. No way. No how.

He grasped her chin between his fingers, forcing her to meet his intense gaze. “Beautiful,” he muttered, more to himself than to her.

A jolt of awareness shot through her like nothing she’d felt before. Why did he have to look at her so intently? Callie tore her chin from his hold and looked away.

“Funny, but she doesn’t seem very eager, Tuk. What’s the meaning of this?” He spoke softly enough, but Callie could hear his anger just under the surface. She’d made a crucial mistake, and knew she’d pay for it later.

Tuk bowed again. “Sire, I can imagine how this must seem, but this one is shy. I know she’s eager to please you. What woman wouldn’t be?”

“What woman indeed. You may leave us now.”

With worry lines marring her forehead, the servant inclined her head before ducking out of the room. When the door closed, Callie’s fear intensified. Now what? She held steady, waiting for him to do what he wanted to her. It was just too bad that she was finding herself attracted to him. What was wrong with her? Was there some kind of mind controlling ingredient in that gel Tuk had rubbed on her?


