The Devil’s Plaything Read online Dani Rene

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 74620 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 373(@200wpm)___ 298(@250wpm)___ 249(@300wpm)

The sizzle of flesh stings my nose, the stench heavy in the air as I move the blue flame up his arm and watch as it slowly melts away. The human body is so fragile, so easily torn and broken.

The screams of my victim bounce off the concrete walls, but I don’t stop. Because with every thought, I see her in my mind’s eye. She’s the one. I knew it from the moment I laid my eyes on her. The pattern of flesh and bone leads up to his shoulder, but I stop short of his neck.

I don’t want to kill him too soon.

That would be tragic.

I chuckle.

I’m no longer a man in this moment, I’m Diablo which my beauty calls me. If she saw me now, would she run? Perhaps, but that would make the chase so much sweeter. For her and for me.

I know she enjoys the darkness; I’ve seen it shimmer in her eyes. When she sees my violence, my monster within, she taunts it. And I offer it to her on a silver platter.

I continue my torture, moving to Guillermo’s left hand. He’s almost passed out from the pain. Of course, the men slap him to wake him up again. His eyes are going blank, as if his soul, at least the one I think he has, is slowly being etched away.

Life is fragile.

More so for Sofía because of her broken heart. In that moment, I decide I’m going to call the doctor. “Javier.”


“Call the doctor you found; we need a heart transplant scheduled for two days from now.” He knows why. He knows everything about me, about Sofía, so when I meet his blue gaze, he nods, happiness shining in his eyes.

Even though he didn’t approve of her before, something has changed within my best friend. Perhaps he can see the love I have for her. But all I know is that she’s not going to die without me fighting for her life one last time.



I’m going out of my ever-loving mind. I’ve been pacing my fucking office for three hours while Díago searches for her. They’re not on the Alvarez property. I know he’s probably already hurt her; I can feel it right down to my veins.

Rodrigo Alvarez will pay; I’ll make sure of it.

I made the biggest mistake of my life by giving her to him. I’ll freely admit it. But I’m going to spend my whole fucking life making sure I do right by her. The thought grips my heart, and I realize she’s changed me. She’s etched herself in my veins, in my heart, and I’ve fallen in love. Having her away from me has done something, it’s broken every fucking wall I built up when I found Gaia fucking one of my men.

“I found them,” Díago saunters into my office with Alejandro following behind. The two men look pleased with themselves. Javier enters afterward, he’s carrying a large, black duffel, and I know he’s ready to take the fight to this asshole.

“Then what the fuck are we waiting for?”

If he’s put his dick anywhere near her, I think, but deep down, I know. I’m going to fucking torture him until he’s bled out all over his expensive clothes, and then I’ll set him ablaze, and watch with satisfaction as he takes his final breath. He’ll burn in the fires of Hades himself.

“Let’s go,” I tell my men. “Did you get the team ready?”

“Yes, boss,” Javi answers. He’s not mentioned anything more about Sofía and I, and I’m thankful for that. I can’t have him being angry at me when we’re about to head out to kill these fuckers.

Once we’re back home, with my girl safe and sound, I’ll talk with him. But right now, business has to be done.

All five black SUVs make a move, as we follow behind the two guards that I have making sure no assholes attempt to take my life. Díago’s driving with Alejandro sitting beside him. I pull out a cigarette in the hopes it will keep me calm until we arrive.

“Where are they? How far out are we?” I ask Díago.

He glances at me in the rearview mirror and tells me, “Three hours, Boss.” He doesn’t call anyone ‘boss’, but I notice he’s made it a point to offer me that name. He’s a freelancer, he doesn’t answer to anybody, and I’m lucky he’s agreed to help me.

“Drive faster,” I order him, as I pull on my smoke, allowing my lungs to fill with nicotine. Focus, Victor. I should’ve downed a shot of bourbon or something, but I wanted to keep a clear head. I’m far too wound up to think about anything other than the man I’m about to slice open and have his entrails all over my hands.

By the time we pull into a driveway, my body is like a coiled serpent ready to spring on its prey and devour it whole. The house that comes into view looks abandoned, but I know better. Looks are deceiving when it comes to predators, and this asshole is so much worse than a hunter.


