The Dealmaker (Sex & Bonds #1) Read Online Jessica Peterson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Sex & Bonds Series by Jessica Peterson

Total pages in book: 97
Estimated words: 92535 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 463(@200wpm)___ 370(@250wpm)___ 308(@300wpm)

Elle nods. “Absolutely, yes.”

“But maybe . . . well, what if Theo and I could make that change as a team? Even if I give up the promotion this time around so he can get it, it’s not like I won’t ever be considered for a bump to MD again. While that’s happening, I can work with Theo to implement the changes we want to make. Just because I won’t be in charge doesn’t mean change can’t happen.”

Keira arches a brow. “Theo would need to be a dedicated feminist to sign up for that.”

“He is a feminist,” I reply. “And he’s promised to help me take down the old boys’ club we all know and hate.”

“Sexier words were never spoken,” Elle says, dreamily shaking her head. “Okay, so let’s say Theo gets the promotion this round, and he makes good on his promise to take down the bros and all their toxicity. Nora, that still means you’re going to need to come clean about your relationship. How do you think Aiden’s going to take that?”

“Honestly?” I shrug. “I could give a shit about Aiden.”

Keira holds up her arm. “Yessss! I’ve been waiting for you to say that.”

“It’s what other people think that bugs me,” I confess. “But that’s something I’ll have to get over if I want to be with Theo. And I do want to be with him. More than I’ve wanted something in a very long time.”

Greer reaches across the table to squeeze my hand. “Then go after it with everything you’ve got. What’s y’all’s plan?”

I let out another sigh. “We don’t have a plan. If I tell Theo I’m giving up the promotion so he can have it, he’ll flip his lid. No way he’ll let me do it.”

“Aw. That’s sweet.”

“It is. It also makes this whole thing much more difficult from a strategic standpoint. How do I have a sit-down meeting with Aiden about my future and my relationship with Theo without Theo knowing? Is it even right to talk about that stuff without discussing it with Theo first?” I pour myself another mimosa from the carafes at the center of the table. “I don’t know.”

“But you do know how Theo feels about you,” Elle says.

I nod. “He’s been clear from the beginning he wants to make our relationship official. I’ve been the one dragging my feet.”

Keira nods. “Okay. Then I think you take the risk and talk to Aiden anyway. If Theo’s as smitten with you as you say he is, he’ll see you giving up the promotion as the grand gesture it is.”

“Honestly, it’s super romantic,” Greer says with a happy sigh. “Maybe romance isn’t dead after all.”

Elle cuts her a look. “Seriously, what’s up with you today?”

“Focus,” Greer reminds her. “I agree with Keira. I think if you say to Theo, ‘Hey, I just met with Aiden, I did what you’ve been wanting to do all along and I made us official and oh, by the way, the promotion’s yours,’ he isn’t going to hate it.”

“But what about you?” Keira looks at me. “How do you feel about it?”

“I feel good. It feels right. Am I nervous? Hell yes. Aiden might want one or both of us to work on a different desk, which wouldn’t be ideal—”

“You’ve worked hard to establish your relationships with your current coworkers, not to mention your clients,” Keira says.

“Right. But if it means I get to be with Theo, it’s worth it.”

Elle grins. “He’s the real deal, huh?”

Neither Theo nor I have mentioned the word marriage. It’s way too early for that. But can I see myself spending the rest of my life with him? Does the idea of starting a family with him give me that mushy feeling inside because I know he’d be a really great dad and husband?


“Yes,” I say softly. “I’m thirty-two years old. I’ve finally learned when love is real and when it isn’t. I’m done wasting time chasing men who aren’t what I want. Theo is it. He’s what I want.”

“He’s it,” Elle repeats, still grinning.

Greer holds up her mug. “To Theo. And to Nora. May your happily ever after start as soon as you get home today.”

We laugh and toast to a future I am wildly, indescribably excited about.

A future I can’t wait to start.

I take the long way home, windows rolled down to let in the first hint of spring. I drive and I think, the logistics slowly coming together inside my head.

I don’t want to rush. But what Greer said really hit home. I’m ready to start my future with Theo, and I know he’s ready to start his with me.

I want our happy ending to start today. But it can’t until the uncertainty surrounding our work situation is cleared up. Is tomorrow too soon to meet with Aiden?

I keep driving. Keep thinking. And I ultimately decide it’s not too soon. In fact, it’s not soon enough. Why didn’t I do this last week? The week before?


