The Current Between Us Read Online Kindle Alexander

Categories Genre: Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 100
Estimated words: 113741 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 569(@200wpm)___ 455(@250wpm)___ 379(@300wpm)

Trent could hear Sophia and Rhonny corralling the kids, keeping them from darting forward. He appreciated the minute they gave him. Gage looked tired, his eyes red, and his usually perfect blond hair needed a good brushing, but he was still the most handsome man on the planet. Trent walked straight to him, gathering Gage in his arms, and kissed him with everything inside him. Every bit of love, compassion, and appreciation pouring from his heart into the kiss. Gage seemed surprised at first and it took him a minute to catch-up, but he dropped his duffle bag and slid his hand up to Trent’s face, turning him to deepen the kiss. It took a minute to register the cheers and laughter going on behind him. He finally broke from the kiss, slowly opening his eyes to meet those of the man in his arms, but Gage’s eyes were still closed.

“I was worried it still wouldn’t have been enough to keep you with me. I can see I might be wrong. Tell me I’m wrong,” Gage said and finally opened his eyes. Trent smiled watching all the emotion playing out on Gage’s face.

“You’re here for as long as you want to be,” Trent said and kissed Gage softy on the lips, letting it linger until Gage pulled away.

“I want forever,” Gage said, watching Trent closely. The uncertainty was back, but it was just like Gage to run head first in and ask questions later.

“Then it will be forever,” Trent simply said, no doubt or hesitation in the words because he meant them.

“Good, it’s exactly what I want.” Gage wrapped Trent tighter to him.

“Thank you, for saving our lives,” Trent said, keeping Gage in the circle of his arms. They stood toe to toe, chest to chest. The personal space Gage always breached now seemed right to have him there. Trent wanted him this close forever.

“Thank you, for saving my life.” Gage said. Hunter bounced at their feet which meant Em was close behind. Trent bent down, scooping up Hunter in his arms. Gage ruffled Hunter’s wet head and scooped Em up in his arms. She wrapped her arm around Gage’s neck and kissed his cheek.

“What’s that for?” Gage asked.

“Daddy said you helped us real much. Thank you,” Em said and gave a big nod.

“Thank you,” Hunter said too, sliding his free arm around Gage and they stood there a minute in a small group hug.” I think this is about the best moment of my life,” Gage said, the emotion of the moment landed in Trent’s heart, and he leaned in, capturing Gage’s lips in a slow, chaste kiss, before he turned and kissed Hunter’s forehead and met Em with her lips puckered up for a big wet kiss.

“I love you, guys,” Gage said, looking back and forth between Em and Hunter.

“We love you,” Em said, looking at Hunter, who nodded, smiling at Gage.

“You two are wet and you got Gage all wet. Go get ready to eat. The hamburgers are ready.” They both placed the kids on the ground. Trent leaned down and grabbed Gage’s duffle, slinging it over his shoulder and wrapped an arm around Gage as he turned back to the waiting crowd for the first time. Sophia, Rhonny, Gary, and Gage’s parents had given them a few minutes, staying on the porch, but they appeared ready to greet Gage home and start the party. Gage and Trent walked forward, arm in arm.

“Gary spending lots of time here?” Gage whispered.

“Pretty much,” Trent answered.

“I can see why. She’s beautiful,” Gage said, giving Trent a sideways glance.

“He seems to think so.” Trent smiled, enjoying the closeness.

Sophia got to them first, giving Gage a hug. Tears were in Sophia’s eyes as she kissed Gage’s cheek and whispered a simple thank you to him. Rhonny came in second with her hug and hushed gratitude. Gage’s mom waited until the girls had moved away before embracing her son, holding him the longest. The love she felt for her son was evident in her expression, and it had Trent smiling to know there were people out there that cared for his Gage as much as he did. Trent stepped away, giving them room, and left the small circle to get the kids’ lunch started. He pulled four hamburgers off the grill and began preparing their plates, with Em, Hunter and the others taking their place at the picnic table under the patio.

“Is this new?” Gage asked from behind Trent with one hand on the table. His other hand came to rest on Trent’s back and then ran forward over the muscles on his stomach. “I love this six pack thing you have going on here.”

“Thank you,” Trent grinned, giving Gage another simple kiss. “I had nervous energy and built the table yesterday.”

“Do you have an extra pair of swim trunks for me?”

“They’re in my bathroom already, the farthest door leads in there, but if you need to sleep, we can be quiet.”

“No way,” Gage said. “I’m so celebrating with you guys!”

Gage leaned down and opened the cooler, pulling four water bottles for the children, placing them on the table. Trent finished their plates and opened a bag of chips, doling them out between the kids.

“I’ll be back. I’m going to change, don’t do too much without me,” Gage said, Trent watched him walk away with his duffle over his shoulder. As Gage got to the bathroom door, he turned back to Trent and gave him a smile and a wink. He mouthed the words Trent felt so deep in his heart, “I love you,” before disappearing inside.


“My daddy just got married,” Em said, her legs kicking back and forth under the wood bench where she sat, located directly across from the judge’s quarters. She worked at making her new pretty pink dress float out, then land again around her feet.

“Well, that’s exciting,” an older woman, who sat beside Em said somewhat disinterestedly.

“Em, you aren’t supposed to talk to strangers,” Hunter said, scolding Em. He sat casually next to Rhonny. He was well past the excitement of wearing his new suit, now just tired of its restrictions. Rhonny carried his jacket, he’d abandoned it well over an hour ago, and he slowly worked the tie knot loose, his dress shirt hung partially untucked in the back.


