The Broken Queen (Forsaken #2) Read Online Penelope Sky

Categories Genre: Dark, Dragons, Fantasy/Sci-fi, New Adult, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Forsaken Series by Penelope Sky

Total pages in book: 129
Estimated words: 127722 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 639(@200wpm)___ 511(@250wpm)___ 426(@300wpm)

All the men turned the cannons then prepared to drop the boulders into place.

Commander Dawson and a few of his soldiers joined my mother on the wall, chopping down all the Necrosis that breached the top. But more washed up over the edges like a high tide, and soon they were running down the steps toward us below.

I met them at the bottom, taking them out before they could reach everybody below. My sword sliced through flesh like it was warm butter, and I took the life out of the eyes that wanted to take the life out of mine. The fatigue screamed in my muscles, but I didn’t stop.

“When do we fire?” one of the men asked.

Other soldiers helped me at the bottom, hitting every Necrosis five times for one of my hits. I looked back at the wall, saw my mother and Commander Dawson on the wall, and realized there was no chance to retreat. The second they turned their backs, they would be hacked to pieces. I could run, but at the sacrifice of the men who took my place. “Fire!”

Nobody heard me.

Their eyes were on the sky.


I followed their gaze, seeing nothing but darkness overhead.

Then I saw it…a stream of pure fire.



I worked on Storm all day, but after midday came and went, I needed a break. I took a seat in the shade of a tree, eating the roasted boar Huntley had caught and prepared for me.

Pyre took a seat across from me, lying flat on his belly, his wings folded against his body.

Storm had returned to the shadow of the cavern to take a nap.

Huntley was gone, purposely giving us alone time to talk.

“Thank you for everything you did.”

He shifted his tail back and forth slightly, his head raised above mine.

“I would have lost my husband without you.”

I couldn’t say no to you. Not after what you’ve done for me and Storm.

“I appreciate your loyalty.”

He lowered his chin, resting it on his claws.

“Why can’t Huntley know you speak to me?”

He had the most magnificent eyes. They were dark like coal, with specks of gray throughout the color. But they were also illuminated from within, making them visible even in the dark. They were expressive too, showing his mood. Because our ability to communicate is supposed to remain a secret.


If we can communicate, that means we can be controlled.

“No one can control you unless you allow them, Pyre.”

His eyes fixated on me.

I felt like I’d said the wrong thing. “I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to sound insensitive.”

When will Storm have his wings?

“Probably tomorrow. Are you two brothers?”


“And the third dragon?”

He never answered.

“I’m sorry…”

Without our wings, we’re no longer dragons. We’re just big lizards. That knowledge was too much for him. He stopped eating. Stopped drinking. The grief swallowed him whole…and he just stopped breathing.

“I wished I’d gotten here sooner…”

Me too.

“So…who did this to you?”

King Dunbar.

“Who is that? I’ve never heard of him.”

He lives far away from here.

“Why did he do this to you? Why on earth would anyone do this to a dragon?”

As punishment.

“For what crime?”

Not to punish us—but to punish our mother.


Dunbar wanted more eggs. She refused. He didn’t like that answer, so he punished the three of us and threatened to do the same to our sisters if she didn’t comply. Since they haven’t come to this island, I assume that means she agreed to mate with Regar. His dragon. He’s a vile creature.

“Why doesn’t he have another dragon mate with Regar?”

Because she’s the last remaining female dragon at the age to reproduce.

“Oh…what happened to your father?”

Dunbar killed him.

“Geez…I’m so sorry.” In my world, we had corruption and Necrosis. But we didn’t have anything as horrific as that.

He sawed off our wings right in front of her… His eyes closed. I’ll never forget the sound.

I abandoned my lunch, my appetite completely forgotten. “You have your wings back now. You can show them to your mother when you see her again.”

I hope so.

“Is that where you guys will go? Once Storm can fly again?”

If we return, he’ll just do the same thing to us. Storm and I aren’t enough to defeat him.

“How long have you been on this island?”

I don’t know…a year.

Then his home could be a much different place by now. “I have an idea.”

He opened his eyes again.

“I could really use your help back at home. It’s a really long story… Do you want to hear it?”


I told him exactly what I needed him for, to regain the Kingdoms, and unite everyone to defeat Necrosis.

He listened to every word but didn’t display a reaction.

“Is that something you’d be willing to do?”

You want to use me…

“I wouldn’t put it like that.”

Is that why you came all the way here? Why you helped me?

I wouldn’t lie—not to him. “Yes.”

His nostrils flared with the big exhale he released.


