The Broken Protector Read Online Nicole Snow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 138
Estimated words: 138981 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 695(@200wpm)___ 556(@250wpm)___ 463(@300wpm)

Seriously. I’ve never seen anyone make biting down on fruit look so sexual. But the way his teeth part the red skin one little bit at a time, exposing the soft flesh inside, his lips moving against the slick red exterior...

I think I’m going to choke to death instead.

I just stare at him, forgetting how to breathe, how to blink.

My breaths shorten and my entire body feels way too hot.

The spot where he nipped me through my loose, translucent tank top and light lace bra throbs.

Actually, all of me throbs, from the tips of my toes to the ends of my fingers to the tips of my, uh—strawberries.

“Hate you,” I whisper as he nibbles his way up to the stem clutched between my fingers.

“Liar,” he teases, flicking his tongue out to lick the last of the strawberry juice, catching my fingertips. “You want to try to choke me again or what? Got a few other ideas for what you can put in my mouth.”

Before I can curse him, he reaches up and plucks the stem away from me, tossing it over the side. He eases the strawberries and the tin of sauce away from my unresisting fingers. Lid on the chocolate sauce, food disappearing back into the basket, and then, I feel him.

First, it’s his hand against the back of my neck.

His strong, hot fingers weaving through my hair, bunching it up in loops against my neck, pulling me in.

I should tell him no.

Even if we’re far from the shore, we’re here in the open beneath the bright-blue blazing sky.

I’m so powerless against him.

Powerless against that lazy, arrogant smile.

Against the confidence and desire building in his eyes.

Against Lucas pushing his steaming body against mine and capturing my mouth in a kiss that never ends.

He teases and bites me the same way he treated the strawberry, taking me over a little bit at a time until I feel like something so hot, so sweet and perfect he has to possess.

I’m burning so hot I feel like I could evaporate the entire lake in this rough giant’s hands.

And I belong to him completely as he pushes me down to the bottom of the boat.

The blankets tumble in a mess around us as his body covers mine.

“Lucas!” I can’t help gasping his name, tugging at his clothes, forgetting that we’re in a flimsy boat when all it takes is a touch for me to need him desperately.

And God, does he touch me.

His fingers slide under my tank top, caressing my skin like he’s branding me into his brain through tactile contact.

I dig my fingers into his hair, biting his mouth as he teases my nipples.

Whispering for more, more, more as he shoves my thighs apart and pushes between them.

I can already feel him through his jeans, thrusting against me like he wants to ruin me so good.

The man loves to tease.

And he doesn’t stop until I’m helpless and rocking under him, grinding against his cock with a hunger that makes me forget everything but Lucas.

My desperation tilts the boat violently for just a second.

I get a glimpse of my own lust-crazed reflection in the ripples over the side.

Heart flipping, I wrap my arms and legs around him, shrieking. “Oh my God—”

“Steady, steady.” His voice is rich with repressed laughter. Lucas goes still on top of me, looking down with a warm, gentle smile. “Maybe we slow down. If you can, darlin’.”

My eyes narrow.

“Or maybe we should save this for when we’re back on dry land,” I reply breathlessly, but of course, I don’t really want to.

Not when this feels too right.

Not when I’m ignited.

Not when I can’t stand to wait another second.

It’s like he knows it, too. He leans down, brushing his nose to mine, then his lips.

“You sure?” he whispers. “Your little pussy tells me something else, Miss Lilah. Don’t think that’s the lake getting me wet as hell.”

I bite my lip, flushing.

My skirt’s up around my hips and I want to tell him he’s wrong, that he’s just dealing with soaked denim. But I’d be lying through my teeth when all it takes is one more hard nudge of his cock and I’m sucking sharp breaths, trembling, ready to take every inch of Lucas Graves.

“I could be convinced,” I whisper.

He gives me another heart-stopping smile.

“Then I’d better do some good convincing.”

I barely get a second to catch my breath before he sets about convincing me a little too well.

Suddenly that slow, deliberate way Lucas talks feels different.

It’s the same as the slow, relentless way he takes me.

Stroking me like I’m something precious, fucking me intently, kissing me all over until I’m the one who’s got to rein myself in as he makes me arch, makes me thrash, engraves his kiss all over me.

I know the feeling of his lips everywhere—from my shoulders to my breasts to my stomach.


