Texting Mr Wolfe Read Online Flora Ferrari

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 59
Estimated words: 56885 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 284(@200wpm)___ 228(@250wpm)___ 190(@300wpm)

He turns, wrapping his arms around me, his eyes glistening. “But then my determined, confident, gorgeous angel flew into my life, and you healed me. I wanted to bring you here so you’d know what you did for me. You’ve taken away this pain just by being you. You’re a miracle. You’re everything to me.”

His voice catches. My eyes go blurry with tears. I reach up and cradle his face in my hands. “I’m here for you if you ever want to talk about it,” I tell him. “I know it’s probably dark, evil, but I can take it. I’ll carry some of the burden for you.”

“That’s the thing,” he says, leaning down and kissing my cheek. “You’re already carrying it just by being here.”

He kisses my cheek again, getting closer to my lips. I sink against him as we kiss. A mixture of passion and heat and something else, like all the pain is draining out of him, marks every movement of the kiss. Then he groans and grabs onto my hips, holding me possessively, pulling me against him.

“I’ve kept this place standing as a reminder to stay strong,” he says fiercely. “But I don’t need it anymore, not now. I’ve got you.”

I wish this moment could be as perfect as it would be if something weren’t hanging over us. But when he says, ‘I’ve got you,’ my mind painfully spits out…

Yeah, until Elliot finds out.

“This isn’t why I coerced you into a helicopter, though,” he says, attempting to smile.

I match his energy. “You couldn’t coerce me into doing anything, tough guy. Anything I do with you, I want to.”

To prove my point, I throw myself at him. He laughs, but when he catches me and our lips meet, the laughing stops and turns into hungry moans. I wrap my legs around him, my ass tingling as he sinks his hands in, holding me up as if I weigh nothing.

“Enough misery,” he says between hungry kisses. “I’ve prepared a date for us.”

“Hey.” I put my hand on his chest. “If you wanted to sit here all freaking night, in silence, in misery, I’d be here for you.”

“I know,” he says, voice growing husky. “But are you going to turn down a glass of champagne?”



Iwalk behind Piper, my hands over her eyes, my manhood throbbing with our bodies pressed so close together. During the flight, we discussed ideas for Forever Love, bantering and laughing, both of us making a conscious effort to put the darkness behind us.

I wanted to share my childhood with her, but I didn’t want it to define this evening. Outside the city, it’s like we can outpace our guilt. For now.

“This better not be a barn…”

I laugh at her Grapes of Wrath reference. “Not quite…”

Leading her into the empty restaurant, I take a moment to look around at the red mood lighting, the rose petals scattered everywhere, the table sitting in the center with a bottle of champagne on ice. A tall window gives a view of the ocean. Warmth emanates from the kitchen as the staff prepares a meal for us.

When I lower my hands, she gasps beautifully. She clutches her hands to her chest, then turns to me with gorgeous, wide eyes. “This is amazing,” she says. “When did you have time to prepare this?”

“For you, I’ll always make the time.”

“Keep throwing words like ‘always’ around, and you could give a girl ideas…”

I slip my arms around her hips, pull her close, and let her feel my aching, burningly hot heat. She moans when I lean down and kiss her. My hands move to the round, curvy globes of her ass. But then I have to stop. Otherwise, I’ll tear her clothes off right here and…

She bites her lip, staring up at me. “Why do I get the impression you’re thinking a whole bunch of bad stuff?”

“There’s nothing bad about what I’m thinking,” I growl.

“But what about…” She closes her eyes and takes a breath. “No.”

“I’m sorry?” I ask, confused.

“No, I won’t let anxiety ruin this. I won’t let doubt ruin it.”

She takes my hands. “Let’s have the best meal ever.”

“You’re an inspiration to me,” I tell her, leaning down for another kiss. When she tries to laugh it off, I keep my lips hovering over hers and say, “I’m not joking. I mean it. You’re magic, Piper. You never stop pushing, never stop striving. You were going to talk about the consequences just then, weren’t you?”

She nods, biting her lip. “But I don’t want to think about that. I just want to think about us. Does that make me selfish?” She whispers.

“I’ve got the mob breathing down my neck, a company to manage, a best friend I should consider, and a dozen other responsibilities. But being here with you, I don’t. Give. A. Fuck.”


