Texting Mr Wolfe Read Online Flora Ferrari

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 59
Estimated words: 56885 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 284(@200wpm)___ 228(@250wpm)___ 190(@300wpm)

Piper: Oh my God!

Logan: When I felt you getting even wetter, I would’ve pulled your shirt over your head and torn your bra away with my teeth. Your big, bouncy, perfect breasts would spill free, and that would make me even more crazed than I already am.

Piper: You like how big I am, hmm?

Logan: Like? I fucking NEED your thick, curvy body. Don’t you ever doubt that. Your body is as perfect as your beautiful soul, Hardcover. You better still be rubbing your needy clit for me.

Piper: I am.

Logan: Are you getting hot?

Piper: Super hot. It’s crazy. I keep thinking I’m going to come, but then I slow down. I want to savor this.

Something tells me that savoring this experience isn’t the only thing on her mind. She also doesn’t want to think about the guilt that will undoubtedly follow our actions.

How could I possibly know this?

I feel exactly the same. As I stroke my aching dick, I make my hand slow, savoring each motion.

Logan: Once your horny, perfect pussy is soaked for me, I’ll bring my throbbing head to your entrance, and I’ll push in. Slow, Hardcover. Slow so that we both feel every movement, every moment of pleasure. We’ll sink closer and closer together, and we’ll both feel so damn good.

She replies, and I realize I can’t take it slow anymore.

Piper: And then we won’t be able to stop.

It’s like my hand takes on a mind of its own, stroking up and down quickly, pumping from my slick end to my base and back again. Every inch of my cock is ablaze with lust, my heart pounding, my thoughts clouded. Any guilt I might feel – I should feel – somehow falls by the wayside.

Piper: I’ll hold onto your shoulders tightly. I’ll match your rhythm.

Logan: How close are you?

Piper: So close. You?

Logan: The same. It’s getting more and more difficult to type. Come for me, Piper.

Piper: Only if you return the favor.

Logan: I’m going to. I’m rubbing my dick so hard and fast. I’m going to close my eyes and think about you. I’m going to savor the image of you bouncing enthusiastically up and down as I drive my slick cock inside of your flawless body.

I close my eyes, picturing her in goddamn HD clarity. It’s like she’s in the room with me as I sink into the fantasy, everything throbbing as I move my hand faster and faster. Soon, I feel a hot torrent of release rushing up my shaft.

It erupts out of my end, my tip becoming sensitive, almost like I can feel her slit kissing my dick. I gasp, my hand falling away, a wave of guilt crashing into me, but no less painful, even if I knew it was coming.

Piper: So, on a scale of one to ten, how much do you regret what we just did?

Logan: I don’t regret it. But I won’t lie. The guilt isn’t fun.

Piper: I completely lost it. From now on, we have to be strong.

I want to tell her I’m not sure I can do that—that being strong with her feels impossible, but she’s right. What sort of best friend would I be if I didn’t even try?

It’s conceivable that we could stop this here, and Elliot will never have to learn about it. I won’t enjoy lying to him, but if we bury it, we can pretend it never happened. We can go on with our lives and maybe live with the guilt. Maybe.

Logan: You’re right.



“What do you mean, follow my heart?” I say the next morning, shocked when Ruby gives me the frankly crazy advice.

I’ve got her on speaker, my phone resting on my vanity unit as I apply a subtle layer of makeup for the workday. There might be a teensy part of me that’s thinking of how Logan will react when he sees the effort I’ve made.

“Life’s too short for you to let guilt dictate what you do, Piper,” she says. “This is a dream come true for you. It’s Logan.”

“Ruby,” I snap. “I told you because I wanted you to talk me out of it. I didn’t expect this.”

“Maybe I don’t want to talk you out of it; maybe I want you to be happy.”

“But I won’t be happy, will I, when Elliot finds out and tells me he hates me, hates Logan, and he’ll never forgive us? Please, just tell me to forget this. Tell me to be strong.”

Ruby sighs. “I can’t do that. I’m sorry. You don’t regret last night. Maybe you wish you did. Or that it was that simple, but it’s not.”

I take her off speakerphone when I hear the apartment door open. Elliot must be home.

“I’ve got to go. Another day at the office. Thanks for listening, Rubes.”

“Always. I’m sorry I didn’t give you the answer you wanted.”


