Teardrop Shot Read online Tijan

Categories Genre: Funny, New Adult, Romance, Sports, Tear Jerker Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 122514 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 613(@200wpm)___ 490(@250wpm)___ 408(@300wpm)

“Hey.” Hadley leaned close. “No stressing, okay? We all took a pact. No one will say a word.”

I loved her. I truly loved her.

My chest felt lighter.

“What about dinner? How do we do that?”

She gave an easygoing shrug. “We’ll figure it out. We’re prepared to handle Janet for you. Don’t worry. If you want him to come with us, he’s welcome. If you want to have your time with him, just give me a wink and a motion and I’ll cover. It’s really no problem. Are you staying with him tonight?”

I glanced up at Trent, half-turned to face Lauren, and he glanced back.

“You can just give me an extra key,” he said. “We can work it out. If you want to sneak in, I’ll make sure Lauren and I are in the guest room. We can do this. I mean, we understand.”

My face felt flushed. “We’re not even…” Yeah. How did I have that conversation with them? “We’re just friends.”

Trent smirked.

Hadley snorted. “Right. No boning there.”


“We might work at a camp, but we’re not backward hicks or something. I do have three children.”

The back of my neck was sweating. “This is just a lot to handle. I’m used to being a hermit and taking care of someone who some days remembered me and other days didn’t.”

My second reference to Damian.

They were coming easier and easier.

My therapist would be so proud, and I waited, but the instant, white-hot panic that always hit me after I mentioned Damian didn’t come.

It was getting easier.

Reese: Easter egg request?

It was like he knew me. Finally, finally.

Me: Sexy librarian look. I want the glasses.

Reese: You serious?

Me: Absolutely. You’ll get banged tonight if you do.

Reese: Not to be cocky, but I’m going to bang anyways.

Reese: K. Gotta go. Head to the players’ exit when you’re done. Or I’ll check my phone once we’re done. Think Juan wants to do dinner with us.

Me: Us?

Reese: Whoever. Are we doing your friends too? Or just you, me, and Juan. I don’t care.

Reese: Or I can tell Juan to do his own thing. You decide.

It was all up to me. What a disconcerting thought.

I didn’t text him back. The game, then the players’ exit after that.

But one thought was seeming more and more appealing: There was beer at the concession stands.

I loved going to basketball games. Like, loved loved, obsessed-over loved, and I was such a sports fanatic that it wasn’t just basketball games. Football, hockey, baseball—men’s, women’s, kids. I didn’t care. I’d go to a fifth-grade football game if I were invited. I couldn’t explain why, but it never mattered.

As soon as I got to my seat and got comfortable, I was ready to go.

An excited buzz started to build as we entered the arena, and once we got to our seats, I felt ready to explode. Nerves. Excitement. Anxiety. All of it had rolled together, and I felt like I was bouncing inside of myself, only being held together because of my skin.

“Trenton said you had a friend who got these tickets for us?” Lauren leaned over Hadley to ask me. She was so beautiful, even a little birthmark over her lip winked at me from her confusion. “Does your friend work at the Target Center? These are really good seats.”

I swallowed.

Hadley leaned forward, an easy smile on her face. “It’s someone who knows someone who knows someone. It was that sort of deal. I don’t think it’ll happen again.”

“Ahh.” Lauren leaned back in her seat. “I got it.” She laughed. “I thought for a second Charlie knew one of the players or something.”

Hadley didn’t respond. I pretended I hadn’t heard, and as Hadley patted Lauren’s hand, we shared a look. We were close to where the players would come in from the locker rooms, so that was adding to the whole messiness inside me. I kept thinking a player would step out, see me, and point saying, “SHE’S OVER HERE!”

I know, I know.

I was a bit much.

But really. I had some anxiety.

Hadley checked her phone. “Owen’s bringing beer.”

“Thank GOD!”

Lauren frowned at me.

After the guys got back, the dance music started. The teams were coming out.

When the announcer’s voice began booming, the Thunder began running in.

Hadley gripped my hand. “OH MY GOD!”

The Cruskinator went by.


I could name each and every one of them, and not just because of camp.

One saw us and stopped. “Hey!” He waved. “It’s nice to see you guys again.” He saw me. “Oh yeah,” he said with a laugh before he hit the guy next to him, jogging on.

Still others passed by.

A couple of the coaches.

Aiden was with them.



When I turned, Reese was staring at me, a smirk on his face.

I couldn’t hold it in. A secret grin showed, and he answered it with one of his own.

Juan pounded his arm, waving to me too before they jogged the rest of the way.


