Teacher’s Pet Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 107
Estimated words: 97337 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 487(@200wpm)___ 389(@250wpm)___ 324(@300wpm)

But the way he tried to shield me gave me the strength to put one foot in front of the other when he helped me out of the car and led me to the front door with his hand in the small of my back. A butler opened the door and I knew I was in way over my head.


She’s shaking; I can feel it under my hand, but it’s too late to turn back now. “Hi Alfred, how’s it going?” I said those words out loud before leaning in for the real scoop. “What’s it look like in there?”

“It’ll be fine young master, the missus has ordered her best China be used.”

I pulled back in surprise. “Really?” It could still be a setup but everyone knows nana’s two hundred year old China is only used for special occasions. Not to be confused with the other collector’s items she eats off of when the mood strikes, this set is legit from the Qing dynasty.

I felt a little more at ease when we walked into the family room and there were no pitchforks, no one was staring at us like we were outcast and my sister was smiling.

Jennie at least would’ve had her mad face on if something was up. She hates the elders sticking their noses in our shit, which she bears the brunt of more so than I.

“Hello everyone.” I remembered to walk over and kiss nana’s cheek and take her hand. Talk about jealous territorial females, mom has nothing on this one. I’m not stupid; I didn’t gain the reputation I have for nothing.

I know to win this game I have to play to the women in my family, but I have to show them at the same time that she’s now counted among that number as well while keeping the proper balance. I got flop sweat in five seconds flat, damn.

The conversation started out nice enough, there was the usual getting to know you questions and everyone was on their best behavior. I tried not to appear like I was standing guard over her, making it seem like she was fine on her own, but each time someone directed a question her way, I was on edge and it showed.

“Well, I can see why my grandson has fallen for you.” This from nana, and totally out of left field. Last thing I heard they were discussing something about world politics or some such crap. I felt like a deer caught in headlights. “Uh, nana…”

“Quiet, this doesn’t concern you.” I beg to differ, but I kept my lips sealed. Lizzie was looking down at her folded hands in her lap, the white of her fingers giving away the fact that she was gripping them too hard.

And then nana broke out the old picture albums and invited her to sit next to her. At dad’s secret nod I released the pent up breath I’d been holding and wondered what the hell I’d missed. I didn’t have long to think about that though, not once nana broke out the naked pictures of me when I was two.

The next half an hour before supper was served was spent at my expense. Every misdeed every tantrum was retold with relish until I wanted to crawl under a rock. But at the end of the day I much preferred this, to her being raked over the coals for being in love with her student.

I don’t know why I’d doubted nana in the first place; she’s always been the most forward thinking in the family. But when she pulled me aside later when it was time to leave and told me that as long as I was happy she saw no reason why we shouldn’t be together, I knew we were out of the deep end.

“Remember though, this is a small town and not everyone is going to be as kind. You make sure and take care of that girl she’s had enough on her plate as it is. I know I don’t have to tell you not to play with her feelings. If it gets to the point where one of you wants more than the other is willing to give, be honest and handle her with care.”

“I know what you’re saying nana but it’s not going to come to that. I’m going to marry her one day.”

“You sure about that?”

‘The only thing I’m not sure of is when. Should I wait until I finish college, or should I just get it over with now?”

“Don’t let her hear you say that, no woman wants her wedding spoken of in those terms. Get it over with indeed.” If that was the only issue she had then I’d say we’re straight. Just then Lizzie, who’d been talking to my sister met us in the foyer.

“Well now Lizzie, you be sure to come and see me anytime, you don’t have to wait for my grandson to come see me.” She actually took her hand and patted it and I couldn’t believe how easy this whole thing had gone. I was dying to ask dad what had been the turning point, but there hadn’t been time, later.


