Teacher’s Pet Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 107
Estimated words: 97337 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 487(@200wpm)___ 389(@250wpm)___ 324(@300wpm)

She put it down to mere admiration for the young man’s many achievements at such a young age. As a teacher shouldn’t she be proud of any student who stands out above the rest?

She patted her warm cheeks and headed into the bathroom to splash her face with water, then tried clearing her mind with some meditation techniques she’d learned, but none of it helped. She could still see that full head of lustrous hair under the glaring light of the classroom.

She felt unusually hot and uncomfortable in her own skin as she dragged her clothes off and stepped into the shower. Her body felt sensitive to the touch so that even her nightly shower was interrupted because of him.

Staring into the mirror after her aborted shower, she noticed that her eyes were even brighter than usual. There was a hint of gold specks in the irises that she’d never noticed before, and something else seemed to shine in them. Something she didn’t recognize.

She didn’t stay in the mirror too long, not one for staring at herself, so she turned away and scolded herself for being silly. She also reminded herself of how immoral it would be to even think of him in any way other than as a student. But even then she couldn’t stop thinking about the charismatic boy-man with the captivating eyes.

By the next morning, after tossing and turning in her sleep, she had a pretty good idea what was bothering her and it was not good. If she’d had a best girlfriend this would be the perfect time to call her. But there was no one to share the confusing feelings that had kept her awake half the night with.

She told herself that if this keeps up, she’s going to have to come up with a solution. With her ingrained shyness and ineptness in social settings, she knew she was bound to make a mistake and show herself to the wrong person. Which would only end in disaster.

Luckily she only had to see him three evenings a week for an hour and a half each time. Any more than that and she was afraid she might lose her senses. Still, there was a part of her that felt like a flower after a spring rain.

Blossoming and opening its petals to the sun for the first time. She had a crush, her first ever and though she couldn’t share it with anyone, it was all the sweeter because she had to keep the feelings locked away in her heart.


Pretty! That’s what I thought when I saw the new afterschool teacher for the first time. Nothing more, other than I’d expected Ms. Parks to be an older woman. This one didn’t look much older than me, and the guys.

I’d barely noticed her when I first walked in because I was busy listening to Carter, one of my teammates who was going over a new play that coach wanted us to try at practice the next day.

When I did finally notice her after taking my seat, she’d had her head down. I wondered why she was wearing shades in class but then decided she was probably trying to protect her eyes from the obscene glare of the industrial lighting in the room. Wish I’d have thought of that the last four years or so.

I didn’t notice anything unusual about her voice when she spoke, just that it was soft, almost melodic. And it was easy to see that she was short because of the distance between her chin and the desk she sat behind, which looked massive with her sitting behind it.

I did catch her giving me looks and decided I made her nervous. I have that effect on a lot of people for some odd reason when we first meet, so I never pay it too much mind and never let it bother me. With her it was no different.

She didn’t stay on my mind after class was over, in fact, I didn’t even think about her. Not when I climbed into my truck, which is what I prefer to drive around town, only using the Phantom on special occasions or if I’m going somewhere formal.

I didn’t think of her while mom sat with me as I ate dinner later than the rest of the family. “So how was your class, is the new teacher what you expected?”

I nodded my head and shoveled food into my mouth, grinning at her exasperated sigh. “Mom, you taught me not to speak while I’m eating remember?”

“Yes you smart aleck I remember.” She sat with me for a while asking about the game and practice and the same questions she asks every day. And though the questions might be repetitious, the intent is very much appreciated.

I got her to snitch on dad and what he was up to. He’d been planning my graduation party for months now and it was still a while away. I’d heard him tell mom that it was the same as her planning my sister’s wedding for the future. It takes time.


