Surrounded by the Beasts – Sin City Beasts Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 67
Estimated words: 63741 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 319(@200wpm)___ 255(@250wpm)___ 212(@300wpm)

Touched by how he’s rendered my likeness, I throw my arms around him and stretch on tiptoes to kiss him. After I land a peck on his cheek, he turns and kisses me back, though he doesn’t touch me.

“I need to wash up.” He holds out his clay-covered hands, which make it look like he’s starting to turn into a sculpture himself.

“Or we could wash up together.” Taking hold of his wrists, I guide his dirty hands inside my robe, where he wastes no time cupping my breasts and stroking his thumbs over my hardening nipples.

He nuzzles my neck, the scruff of his beard sending a thrill across my skin. “I don’t know how I kept my hands off you.”

His comment makes me feel warm all over, because I know how he gets immersed in his artwork. It’s flattering to think that I’m that much of a distraction.

I’m also glad that I wasn’t the only one getting hot and bothered. It’s wild that as many times as we’ve been together, the desire only seems to grow.

Hands and mouth all over me, Frank backs me up to the bench, sits me down, and kneels at my feet. His hands spread my knees wide, and then he buries his face between my legs, pausing only to mutter an appreciative curse when he discovers how wet I am.

The sounds he makes as he eats me multiply the sensations, and have me squirming in my seat, though his strong grip keeps me grounded. When his tongue flies back and forth over my clit, I cry out, not realizing until a moment later that neighbors could hear me.

I dig my hands into Frank’s hair to anchor myself just before I completely lose control. Even when my eyes squeeze shut, I hold onto the sight of this man worshipping my pussy, and it keeps me coming for a blissfully long time.

He pulls back when it starts to feel like too much, because he knows my body so well by now. The grin he gives me makes it hard for me to catch my breath.

I want him so badly.


“Take me inside.”

Ember doesn’t need to ask twice.

Her arms circle my neck as I carry her in, straight into the bathroom, where I strip off her robe and my clothes, and lead her into the warm shower.

We’ve showered together a few times, and ever since the first occasion, I’ve missed her when I shower alone.

I miss her whenever I do anything alone, and sometimes, even when I’m in the same room with her, because I know this is all temporary for her.

That needs to change.

With a soapy cloth, I clean every inch of Ember’s body, following the shower mist with my mouth, nipping at her shoulder, her breast, her hip, her thigh. She’s mine, and she needs to know that.

I step one foot out to reach for a condom—we left some in here for convenience—and quickly return to her, lifting her up until she wraps her slippery legs around my waist. I sink into her, and fuck—every time is better than the last.

So tight, so wet, so perfect for me.

We need to have a talk soon, because the more days that go by, the less I can stand the idea of her ever leaving. She belongs here with me—with us, if that’s how she wants it.

She talks to me as I start to pump in and out of her—”Oh yeah, Frank. Oh fuck, yeah. You feel so good.”—but then all she can do is moan as I drive in harder.

I grind her body against mine, and watch her lose control with every thrust.

Her nails dig into my shoulder, her fingers grasp the hair at the back of my head, and then every muscle in her body stiffens just before her pussy throbs around my cock.

I thought I had more staying power, but Ember’s surrender is my downfall.

One hand on her fine ass, the other wrapped around her back, I pull her in close and bury myself so deep I could lose myself forever.

It’s so right. It can’t end.


I’m at work, trying to fit in a few minutes of studying, when my phone pings with a message. I’m surprised to see it’s Abby, my old roommate. Hey Ember, how’s it going? Did you find a place to live?

Not yet, I respond. I’m staying with some friends, but it’s just short term while I save up money.

Gotcha. Things aren’t going so great with the boyfriend; he’s getting on my nerves, and in this tiny studio apartment we can’t get away from each other. Let me know if you find someplace and need a roommate.

That would be good. She was fine as far as roommates go; she paid her share of the rent and did her share of the chores. I’ll let you know, I promise. Hang in there.


