Surrounded by the Beasts – Sin City Beasts Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 67
Estimated words: 63741 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 319(@200wpm)___ 255(@250wpm)___ 212(@300wpm)

“Are you pregnant?”

I frown at my phone again, though I suppose that’s a logical question. “No, we were careful, but it’s so complicated, because the other two men we work with found out what we did, and they were really upset.”


I can barely voice an answer, because it just doesn’t seem real. Hazel has to prompt me before I whisper, “They both like me, too.”

“All three of them like you?” I nod, even though she can’t see me. “The three giant tattoo artists you’re now living with are all into you?”


“You like all of them, too, don’t you?”

I don’t even bother pretending. “What am I going to do, Hazel?”

I don’t expect any advice, but it’s good to get this off my chest to someone. I haven’t told Lexy or Ava about what happened between me and Griffin, because I don’t want to put them in the position of having to keep secrets for me, even though I trust that they would.

“I don’t know, Em. You could write a book about what it feels like to be the luckiest woman in the world.”

“Very funny.” I take a sip of my coffee, which has now gone cold. “I can’t get involved with them, as tempting as they may be.”

“I know, sis, and I don’t envy you. Well, actually I do, but I can see how complicated it is. Maybe you could find a different job?”

“I’m managing a shop before I’ve even graduated. I can’t let an opportunity like this go.”

“Yeah.” From the tone of my sister’s voice, I can picture her biting her lip, like she always does when she’s thinking. “Maybe you should date other guys? Get those three out of your head, since they’re off limits.”

“Yeah, maybe that would help.”

The problem is that I have no desire to see other men.


Tension underlies the days that follow. Griffin’s still acting wounded, and Frank is even quieter than usual.

For Ember’s sake, I’m ready to pretend nothing happened, but she’s clearly still bothered. She hasn’t moved out, though I know she would if she had any other viable options. She’s started spending less time at the house, often showing up shortly before bed, saying she was studying at a coffee shop.

At work, she interacts with us only when she needs to, and when she is at the house, she mostly keeps to herself.

Every time I notice her looking hesitant, I want to punch myself in the face for ever going into the kitchen that night, even though it’s Griffin who deserves that kind of treatment for doing what he did with her.

But punching myself or him isn’t going to help the situation, so one evening, when I happen to find Ember in the kitchen, I decide to man up and communicate.

“Can we talk for a minute, Ember?”

She’s clearly surprised at the request, and I don’t blame her. I’m sure I’ve never uttered the phrase “can we talk” before.

Frank walks in then, giving me a look of warning, but I press on.

“I’m sorry for how things went down in here the other night.”

“Okay.” Ember’s voice is soft, and I have to ignore how my body responds to it.

Frank joins in then. “I needed to know you were okay. Griffin can be pushy as fuck.”

“He didn’t push me into anything.”

Frank nods once. “Good.”

I let out a breath, determined to say all I need to say. “The thing is, you’re clearly not comfortable here anymore, and I hate that. I need you to know that there are no expectations of anything between us. Like you said, we’ll just go on like it never happened.”

“Yeah, no expectations,” Frank says. “I’m sorry we’ve made you feel uncomfortable.”

Ember bites her bottom lip, something that usually turns me on like a lightbulb, but she’s still hesitant. Maybe she doesn’t believe us.

“It’s not your fault,” she says finally, her voice even softer, so low I can barely hear her. “None of you are doing anything wrong. It’s my own problem.”

Frank frowns. “What do you mean?”

Ember quickly glances from Frank to me, before looking down. Her cheeks turn a faint shade of pink, something I might not have noticed if I hadn’t observed her so often in the past. “I wasn’t exactly telling the truth when I told you I see you as brothers.”

Frank doesn’t seem surprised. Instead, there’s a small, satisfied smile on his face. I replay her words to make sure I heard her correctly.

“I meant everything else I said—I don’t want to cause problems between the three of you, and I’m not willing to jeopardize my job, but … the attraction is mutual, and finding out you’re all attracted to me has made it a little bit harder to ignore the way I feel. But I’m working on it.”

Shit. A little bit harder is an understatement. I’m glad we’re all being honest and whatnot, but Ember’s confession just made the situation—and my dick—a whole fuck of a lot harder.


