Sugar Pop – The Riot Crew Read Online Alta Hensley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 81
Estimated words: 76365 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 382(@200wpm)___ 305(@250wpm)___ 255(@300wpm)

At least there was enough to pay the contractors for rush jobs. Which was probably why Troy had given us such a big chunk of cash. The bosses were more than willing to negotiate when I added a hefty tip to get this shit fixed before the end of the month. Two months was barely enough time to get everything squared away, especially for a fight of this caliber. But we didn’t have a choice. Smiley’s needed to be in top-notch shape so I could kick Misty Perk’s ass and close that big fucking mouth of hers.

Because she was already talking shit, and it hadn’t even been a day.

She must have gotten the news from Troy, because an hour ago, my phone pinged with a message. Well, less of a message and more of a taunt. I rolled my eyes twice by the time I finished reading. That was probably an Olympic record ’cause the text was three sentences long.

Can’t wait to meet you in the ring and put your pretty ass in the ground. I’ll make you wish you never accepted the arrangement. See ya soon.

I stared at it for a minute before I shot back my answer.

Aww, you think I’m pretty? <3 I’ll make sure to look my best when you’re kissing my pretty ass.

She didn’t answer, probably too busy shrieking like a banshee as she ordered Jace to train harder. At least the visual of Misty-dusa made me laugh for the first time all day.

Smiley’s was so lonely without my boys in it. Everything felt so… dark and quiet. I missed the atmosphere we’d had not even two weeks ago. Us on top of the world. Nothing holding us back. Now it felt like we were standing on different continents and sailing in opposite directions.

How could I convince them I was doing the right thing? Lotto was right. No matter the outcome of Heathens Hollow, we stood to make an insane amount of money. But clearly this wasn’t about the money. This was about Frankie, Bones, and Lotto trying to protect me.

If only they’d let me protect them, too.

A knock on the office door nearly made me jump out of my seat. I’d been so wrapped up in the papers littering my desk I hadn’t heard the front door. Not that the front door had much going for it, now that Frankie had broken it.

“Come in,” I called.

Bones peeked his head into the room before he shuffled in, hands deep in a pair of basketball shorts. I had no idea why seeing him surprised me so much. I’d expected it to be Lotto, come to tell me that Bones and Frankie hated my guts. Frankie just needed time, but three declined calls and two ignored texts didn’t bode well.

I didn’t know what to say to start the conversation. Bones still looked as on edge as when he’d left earlier that afternoon, with a rigidness to his toned body and a frown on his angular face. I rose from my chair and crossed my arms over my chest.

“If you’ve come to fight⁠—”

“Not fight,” he said. “Just talk.”

My lips slid into a smile. Clearly, Lotto had put him up to this. At least that meant Lotto and Bones had worked it out. I hoped so, anyway. I didn’t want to have to navigate another fucked-up relationship. Two was enough.

“Can I sit?”

“Yeah, sure.” I gestured to the chair in front of my desk, and Bones practically flopped into it. His frown relaxed slightly, but his body didn’t.

“You changed.”

I blinked down at my attire. My dress was draped over the back of my chair. I now wore a tank top and yoga capris. I always kept a spare change of clothes in the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet—just in case.

“Easier to get fucked by the contractors,” I joked. At the word ‘fucked,’ Bones sat up a little straighter. I raised an eyebrow. “Did you really come here to talk about my wardrobe?”

“You gonna wear something like that in the ring?”

I swallowed. He studied me and my reaction with hard eyes. Was he giving me permission? Asking my plans? I wasn’t sure, so I needed to tread carefully.

“I’m pretty sure Troy would encourage a little less clothing.” I snorted and snapped the strap of my bra and tank top. “And this bra is a little too flimsy for a cage match.” Bones didn’t answer me. He didn’t even respond to my jokes. I drew a deep breath. “Why do you ask, Bones? Did you talk to Teo?”

“And Lotto.” The mention of Lotto’s name made Bones exhale heavily. “Well, I wouldn’t call what he did ‘talking’.”

My pussy throbbed at the admission. I didn’t have to imagine the way Lotto convinced Bones to come see me. The evidence was all over his upper body.


