Total pages in book: 81
Estimated words: 76365 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 382(@200wpm)___ 305(@250wpm)___ 255(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 76365 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 382(@200wpm)___ 305(@250wpm)___ 255(@300wpm)
“Oh, you’re already there.”
Something in his gaze made me pause. Rumors always swirled that River got his nickname from the turbulent currents of blue he called eyes. But there was something else hidden deep down in there—something that started a crashing wave of throbbing throughout my whole body.
He was practically undressing me in front of the crowd, and I couldn’t find it in me to look away. My cheeks flared hot; his stare was both magnetic and challenging in a way that made me shiver.
Whatever he meant with his vague responses, it definitely wasn’t good for me. Heathens Hollow was fun and games. This was business.
“Why don’t I feel like you’re giving me a compliment?” I asked and crossed my arms over my chest.
“Are you questioning my intentions?” he shot back with a sly smile. “I’m just a spectator tonight.”
The word spectator made my pussy throb. Is that all he wanted to be? Based on the hungry expression he sported, I doubted it. River was dangerous, and he was pushing the conversation in that direction.
I played with the straps of my dress. “Then you plan to hop in the ring next fight? I haven’t seen you in action in a while.”
“We’ll see.” His face shadowed so I couldn’t read his expression. River shrugged and took a step back, cutting off our competition. “I wouldn’t want to keep you from your celebration. Plus I think Freakshow is going to rip my head off if I keep you any longer.”
“You’re damn right.”
An arm draped over my shoulder, and Frankie stared at River like he was ready to start another cage match right here and now. Bones and Lotto slipped to my right, surrounding me in a possessive wall of thick muscle.
“Tough crowd.” River threw up his hands with an amused glance between the four of us. “Too bad. I know when to bow out. I’m sure I’ll see you soon.”
“In the ring if you keep that shit up,” Bones called after him and only received a wave in response.
“At least he’s got a brain.” Lotto shrugged.
“Knock it off, guys.” I laughed and shrugged out from under Frankie’s arm. “We were just talking about our wins. Leave me out of your dick-measuring contest, please.”
“Speaking of wins.” Lotto elbowed Bones and nodded toward the back of the crowd. “I’ll go grab our winnings.”
“I’m gonna go wash my face off. And then we’ll go celebrate.”
Bones shot us a look that clearly spelled out what “celebrate” meant. My body flushed hot. Tonight was definitely going to be a good night if Bones had the same ferocity with me as he did in the ring.
“Meet us in the parking lot.” Frankie threw his arm over my shoulders again.
This time, I didn’t shrug him off. Frankie clearly wanted to show the crowd I was his. Who was I to tell him no when it was the truth?
As Lotto and Bones headed off, Frankie leaned down to my ear. “And while we wait, I’m going to make sure every trace of River’s filthy paws is gone from your body.”
I shifted closer, making sure to press my ass right over his cock. “Promise?”
“Yeah,” he growled and tugged me even closer. “’Cause no one touches our girl without permission.”
Chapter 2
There was nothing better than the high of a winning fight.
I’d never thought I’d be standing at the top of the food chain again. If I hadn’t agreed to join Smiley’s Gym, I probably would have been dead in the gutter after a binge. Or locked up in prison, all without a damn person remembering my name.
Now every person in this place knew who the fuck I was because they were chanting my name at the end of the night.
The cut above my eyebrow hurt like a bitch, but it was nothing I couldn’t handle. Not after giving it my all at Heathens Hollow. Every straggler out there wanted a piece of Seattle’s newest cage match king. They all talked big game for assholes who went down with one hit. At least their ego lined our pockets, if the wads of cash Lotto was counting were anything to go by.
I gave Lotto a nod, but he waved me toward the parking lot where Frankie and Ari were waiting for us. Our cut must have been bigger than anticipated. I headed out the back entrance, not wanting to waste more time with the crowd. If our winnings tonight were as big as it seemed, Smiley’s was about to become Seattle’s hottest gym, and I wanted to celebrate a job well done with my family.
Only when I pulled up to Frankie’s car, he and Ari were already celebrating without me.
Ari sat on the trunk of the car, Frankie between her legs and ravishing her mouth. One hand squeezed at her breasts through her dress while the other was beneath her skirt. That fucking dress. Ever since she stood over me like a temptatious angel, I knew I was gonna be hooked on her. Forget the white powder; Ari in that white dress was the only drug I fucking needed.