Sugar Pop – The Riot Crew Read Online Alta Hensley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 81
Estimated words: 76365 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 382(@200wpm)___ 305(@250wpm)___ 255(@300wpm)

“Calm down, meathead.” Misty rolled her eyes and pushed Jace back with a strong arm. “We didn’t come here to start a fight.”

“Then why’d you come here at all?” I shrugged away from Bones’ arm and gestured toward our broken bathroom. “Clearly we have enough shit stains to deal with and don’t need any more.”

Misty’s blue eyes narrowed at me so sharply, I could have probably cut my hair with them. “You talk big game for someone who’s never stepped in the ring yourself, pussy.”

I bristled. I didn’t have the same background as Bones, Frankie, or even River. Hell, I hadn’t studied at some big college and won a medal like Misty, either. But Dad had taught me everything he knew, in and out of the ring. And if Misty Perk thought she could run her mouth without consequences, then she had another think coming. It would be hard to glare at someone after I scratched her damn eyes out.

“If you want to⁠—”

“Oh, wonderful. Another asshole on my doorstep.” Frankie’s voice boomed as he wandered in from the back office, phone clutched tightly in his hand. “I knew I smelled garbage out here.”

“Watch your mouth, Freakshow,” Jace hissed.

I rolled my eyes. He looked like a fucking idiot with his chest puffed out and sharp jaw clenched so tight.

“I don’t care if you’re one hit away from being a fucking vegetable, I’ll still lay you out.”

I had to hold Bones back from lunging at Jace, and Lotto barely kept Frankie from doing the same. Frankie looked ready to kill, and if he got his hands on Jace, Smiley’s would be turning into a crime scene.

River pushed off the wall and swung his arm back, decking Jace straight in the jaw. I gasped as Jace stumbled back into the front door. Bones’ eyes went wide with surprise, but Frankie and Lotto had matching amused grins. River shook out his hand as Jace straightened.

“What the fuck was that for?!” Jace bellowed.

“Don’t forget who’s paying your contract!” Misty hissed next.

“Talk shit, get hit,” River stated simply. “Don’t care about your money. With how shit your left jab is, Freakshow could still put you in the ground.” He paused before laughing to himself. “Actually, I’d love to see that. Would make you get your shit together.”

“Keep it to the cages.” Misty glared at River. “Don’t think just because⁠—”

“Could you take your lovers’ quarrel elsewhere?” I gestured at River. “But if you want to deck Jace again, then you can stay.”

“We’re leaving.” Jace grunted while rubbing the blossoming bruise on his pasty white chin. “You’re gonna pay for pissing me off. Trust me.”

“Sure.” Bones huffed a laugh. “Step into the ring, meathead. Let’s test that left jab of yours.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll see you there.” Misty smirked and looked right at me. “And say hey to Troy for me.”

I froze. What the hell did that mean? Before I could ask, Perk’s Gym left Smiley’s, and the gym grew quiet. Thank fucking God. If I had to hear Jace jerk off to the sound of his own voice for another second, I would have thrown the next punch.

Frankie huffed, swatted away Lotto’s arms, and threw his phone on top of the front desk. “Is it ‘deal with assholes’ day or something? Who’s going to walk in here next, Elon Musk?”

“He’d probably be better than the Perks siblings,” Lotto sighed. “Post less, too.”

“What did the insurance agent say?” I asked Frankie. I hoped for a small bit of good news, not wanting to deal with that asshole for another time. But Frankie’s face grew even more annoyed, and I knew the answer immediately.

“I have to go down to the office myself.” Frankie rubbed his forehead through his messed-up hair. He’d probably been tugging on it while on the phone, and he looked like some kind of rabid animal. “Misplaced paperwork. If he does it again, I’m going to misplace them up his ass.”

“Please don’t kill the insurance agent until we have the money.”

Frankie smirked at me. “Then I can kill him after that?”

“How long do you think he’d last in the ring?” Bones stretched out his arms. “Five seconds?”

“With you, probably four,” Lotto offered, running a hand over his chin in genuine consideration.

“And with River, two.” Frankie’s smirk dropped. “He nearly took out Jace with one hit to the jaw.”

“That’s not saying much.” Bones rolled out the muscles in his wrists and scoffed. “I’d put money on the insurance guy over Jace fucking Perk.”

“Not with River on their side. I’ll deal with the insurance. You guys stay here and keep working. I have a weird feeling we haven’t seen the last of the Perks.”

I exhaled through my nose. I had the same feeling, especially with how Misty had ended the conversation. If she was in league with Troy Godwin, we could be in big trouble. With his proposition still on the table and our gym half in the bag, it wouldn’t surprise me if Misty went to Troy to try to kick us when we were down. They’d proved that the moment they walked in here with smug smiles like they owned the place.


