Stealing Her Heart Read online Evangeline Anderson (Brides of Kindred #24.6)

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 88235 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 441(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 294(@300wpm)

“Oh Lornah, you’re always in the doldrums—it’s so droll to be around you—really it is.”

Vicky didn’t think it was fun to be around Lornah at all, but of course no one had asked her.

“Um—should we have a seat?” she asked, wishing to end the argument and also trying to figure out what came next.

“I suppose it won’t hurt to relax for a bit before we start,” Torella remarked, though Lornah looked like she wanted to object. She settled herself on the couch beside the other professor and snapped her fingers for her students. “Come here, boys,” she demanded. “Come here and get me all warmed up for a dip in the pleasure enhancement pool.”

As she spoke, she opened the teaching slits in her fluttery gown and exposed a pair of rather improbably large breasts for her skinny frame.

Vicky watched from the corner of her eye—because she was trying not to look directly at this strange sight—as Torella’s two students sank down on either side of her. Then each took one a nipple in his mouth and started sucking.

Okay, this was way, way over the line that should exist between a teacher and a student, Vicky thought with dismay. What the hell was going on here?

“Excuse me,” she said and cleared her throat.

“Yes?” Torella looked up casually. She was idly running her fingers through the hair of both the blond and brunette students as they continued to suck her nipples. It was clear she had absolutely no shame at all about what was going on.

“Um what are you…why are you letting them do that to you?” Vicky asked, motioning with one hand. “I mean, why are your students, uh…”

“Sucking my nipples?” Torella finished for her. “Why, because I’m teaching them how to be good lovers, of course! And part of that is paying proper attention to a woman’s breasts and nipples, as I’m sure you’ll agree.”

“Why even have the teaching slits in the gown if you’re not going to use them?” Lornah asked sharply, joining in the conversation. Then she looked down at her student. “Ah, that’s right, Lorn my pet,” she murmured, stroking his head as he continued to suck her right nipple. “You’re learning very well. See—I told you not to worry about that little stutter of yours. Any woman you’re with after I finish with you will be happy to use your talented tongue for much more important things than talking.”

Vicky thought she was beginning to catch on to what was happening here but it was so strange—so alien—that she felt she had to be sure. But she had to be careful finding out, she thought—she didn’t want to alert the other women that she wasn’t exactly up to speed on these kinds of “teaching methods.”

“I see,” she said to Professor Torella. “Er…I think maybe your educational system here on Priima Belle is a little different from the one we employ where I come from on Earth, which the Mother Ship orbits. Would you mind telling me exactly how things are set up here?”

“I’ll tell you but don’t let our conversation stop us from you teaching your student,” Torella said. “By all means, give him your breasts and let him practice his skills as we talk.”

Vicky’s heart started pounding. She couldn’t believe she was expected to sit here with her breasts out and just casually let Chain suck her nipples while she talked. But really, what else could she do? Both Torella and Lornah were staring at her expectantly, waiting for her to begin.

And it’s not like Chain hasn’t sucked your breasts before, whispered a little voice in the back of her head.

“Um…” She fumbled with the magnetic tabs in her flowing gown, looking uncertainly at Chain.

The big Kindred was looking back at her with half-lidded eyes.

“Professor,” he murmured, “Will you bare your breasts for me? I would love to taste your sweet peaks again and practice my nipple-sucking skills.”

Vicky blushed as she remembered how pleasurable his hot mouth on her naked breasts could be. But letting him suck her nipples in the privacy of her own bedroom was one thing. Letting him do it in front of other people—people she had only just met—was something else altogether. It felt weird and wrong.

But she had to get along here or how else was she going to get her hands on the T’lix-Kruthe?

Don’t think about it, she ordered herself. Just do it.

Or rather, let Chain do it to her.

Feeling self-conscious, she settled stiffly on the other white couch—pushing a myriad of purple and silver pillows away to get a spot. She opened the magnetic tabs Kat had put in her gown, exposing her breasts and then motioned for Chain.

“Come here, Chain,” she murmured, looking up at the big Kindred. “Come here and, er, suck me.”

His midnight-blue eyes were filled with lust in the light from the green and gold flames.


