Sparked (V-Card Diaries #4) Read Online Lili Valente

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: V-Card Diaries Series by Lili Valente

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 65192 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 326(@200wpm)___ 261(@250wpm)___ 217(@300wpm)

If my jaw weren’t a hunk of granite from bracing myself for the killing blow, her obvious nervousness might be funny. But there’s nothing funny about how shitty I feel right now or the fact that I’ve injected more anxiety into Jess’s already craptastic day. More than anything, I want to apologize again and promise her I’ll never put her through this kind of stress again, but she has her stubborn face on. Whatever she’s about to say, she’s determined to say it, and God help the fool who gets between Jessica Cho and something she’s set her sights on.

It’s one of the things I love about her.

The thought makes the rest of my internal organs cringe up into my throat along with my aching heart, making it hard to breathe. This is it—the moment the last of my hope for something more than friendship with this woman dies, once and for all.

“I never had a boyfriend in college,” Jess says, her gaze fixed on something just over my shoulder. “I tried a few times, but it never felt right. Every time we’d get back to my place or his place and start making out, I always felt so awkward. I would be doing things with my mouth and hands, but in reality, I was all up in my head, thinking about how weird it is that people spend so much time and energy trying to find someone to swap spit with. In a world with so many problems to be solved and flavors of cake to be enjoyed and games to be played, why do so many people put dating at the top of their list? I truly didn’t get it.” She pauses, the fingers on one hand coming to pick at the thumb of the other as she visibly forces her focus back to my face. “But when you kiss me…I get it.”

Hope sucker punches me in the gut, clearing the rest of the air from my lungs. I’m still trying to convince them to suck in oxygen as she adds, “When we kiss, I’m not thinking about how weird kissing is or worrying if I’m doing it right. All I think about is how good I feel and how good you feel and how much I…” She breaks off, her throat working as she swallows. “How much I don’t want to stop. How much I…don’t want you to go.”

“Then I’ll stay,” I whisper.

She exhales with a little shake of her head. “I don’t mean New Jersey or my parents’ house, Sam. I mean…the United States. I mean—”

“I know what you mean,” I cut in. “And if you want me to stay, I’ll stay. I can work remotely, and even if I couldn’t…” I lift a shoulder. “I’m one of those people with dating at the top of his list. But only if the person I’m dating is you.”

She sucks in a hiccup-sized breath, her gaze darting over my shoulder again. In the distance, I hear the wail of the train’s horn, but I already know I’m not getting on that train. I’m going where Jess is going, for tonight and the foreseeable future.

“But I don’t deserve you,” Jess says, shaking her head as I step closer. “Seriously, Sam, I should have realized the way you felt a long time ago. My dad did, and I’m pretty sure Mom did, too. But I had no clue. I’m clueless, and not in a cute way. Are you sure you want to get in a romantic type of situation with a woman who can’t tell the difference between friendship and something more until you hold up a huge sign in front of her face?”

I take another step, the boards vibrating beneath my feet as the train approaches the station. “I’m good at making signs—the bigger the better.”

“But you’re normal and I’m not,” she says, raising her voice to be heard over the din.

“Take that back, Cho,” I say, my arm going around her waist, every cell in my body celebrating as her arms come to rest on my chest, molding to my pecs without pushing me away. “I’m not normal. I’m every bit as weird as you are.”

Her lips twitch. “Well, that outfit you wore to my party was pretty odd,” she says, her voice barely audible as the train whooshes up to the platform beside us, brakes squealing.

“But you still made out with me while I was wearing it,” I remind her, making her twitch transform to a full-fledged grin.

“I did,” she says, her arms sliding up to loop around my neck as she arches her body closer to mine, making me the happiest, most grateful man on the planet. “I have an appreciation for odd. And the way your butt looks in tight pants.”

“I’m a fan of your butt in tight pants, too,” I murmur, dropping my head closer to hers. “Another reason we should burn these khakis.”


