Southern Sunrise Read online Natasha Madison (Southern #4)

Categories Genre: Angst, Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Southern Series by Natasha Madison

Total pages in book: 74
Estimated words: 68270 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 341(@200wpm)___ 273(@250wpm)___ 228(@300wpm)

“Around,” I say, wanting nothing more than to kiss her lips like I do at home.

“I’m sorry,” she says softly, and the wind comes now blowing her hair everywhere, and she turns to take it away from her face. “I didn’t know how to handle all of this. I let my fear get to me.”

“It’s okay,” I say, looking down myself. “I’m sorry for taking off and being a giant ass.”

She smiles and looks down now. “Do you want to walk with me?” she asks shyly, and I just smile.

“Lead the way,” I say, and she turns to walk. I walk next to her. “Did you go on any rides?” I ask, and she shakes her head. I’m about to ask her to go on a ride when I feel her fingers graze mine. I try not to think too much of it, but then her fingers slip in mine, and I look down at them.

“Are you sure?” I say with her hand in mine.

“I’m sure that I want to hold your hand,” she tells me. “I’m sure that my day will be better with you by my side.” She looks up, and it’s as if the seas part because when we both look up, we see Drew.

I’m expecting her to let my hand go, but she doesn’t, and it could be that she’s in shock. He’s there at the fair with a woman standing next to him, holding his hand. That isn’t what gets us, though. What shocks us, or maybe just me, is the little bump that the lady is definitely carrying. “Oh my god,” I mumble, trying to turn us the other way. Instead, we come face-to-face with them, and I know that eyes are on us. I take one look around to see that, but it also takes me that one look around to see my family closes in on us—Mom and Beau to the left, Casey and Olivia to the right. Standing right behind Drew and his girl are my father and Kallie. All my sisters and brothers are lingering close by, too.

“Well,” Drew says, smiling, and I want nothing more than to throat punch him. “Fancy meeting you guys here.”

“Fancy, my ass,” I say, laughing. “You knew she was going to be here.”

He looks at our joined hands. “Wow, that didn’t take you long,” he says, bitterly pointing at our hands.

“You can’t be serious right now,” Emily hisses, and I look over at the girl. She’s the total opposite of Emily. Her hair is bleached blond. Her fake eyelashes are on so thick I can’t even see her eyes. She wears a tight one-piece skirt with a flannel shirt tied under her belly.

“It’s a great turnout.” Drew ignores my question and then turns to his girl. “Baby,” he says, “this is Emily and Ethan.” The girl has no idea who we are, and I have to shake my head. “Guys, this is Mandie.”

“It’s nice to meet you.” She smiles at us and then looks at him.

“It’s good to put a face to the voice,” Emily says from beside me, and Mandie looks confused. “How long have you guys been together?” she asks her.

Mandie is quick to answer. “Almost eighteen months.”

At the same time, Drew says, “A couple of weeks.”

“Eighteen months!” Emily shouts out a bit too loud, and whoever wasn’t looking at this scene unfold is now looking. “Wow, definitely dodged that bullet.” She laughs and turns to me, then looks back and sees Mandie all confused.

“We were engaged,” she tells her. “Broke it off when he pocket dialed me banging you in the car.” I roll my lips when I see Drew turn red, and Mandie puts her hand on her stomach. “Well, if you’ll excuse us.” She looks up at me. “I’m in the mood for a funnel cake.”

I smile at her, being so brave and not letting this get to her. Knowing that everyone is watching, she is powering through. “Let’s go get you a funnel cake,” I say and then look at Drew and Mandie. “Congratulations on the baby.” I turn and walk away from them, and when I look over at her, she’s smiling. “Are you okay?” I ask almost in a whisper.

“I’m shocked,” she says honestly, then stops and looks at me. The noise of people talking is all around us. “I’m not going to lie. Fuck eighteen months.” She shakes her head. “He’s having a baby with someone. How was that going to work?”

“I have no idea,” I say, and she looks down and then up again. “We can go if you want.”

“Um, I want a funnel cake,” she says. “Then I want to ride the Ferris wheel.” She steps in a touch closer. “Where we can make out like we did the first time.” I smile at her, and she looks around. “Then you are going to win me a bear because that is what I want, and after that, I’m going home, and I’m going to unwrap my fifth birthday gift.” She winks at me.


