Something So Irresistible Read Online Natasha Madison (Something So #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Something So Series by Natasha Madison

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 88041 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 440(@200wpm)___ 352(@250wpm)___ 293(@300wpm)

“Well, you have my schedule. I didn’t add anything else in,” he says and I pull up his schedule and see that he is open except for game days.

“How is this Sunday? I know there is a game on Saturday night, but if we do it in the afternoon…”

“I don’t book anything on Sundays,” he says and I hear water running in the background. “Let’s do Monday.”

“Yes, that looks good. Okay, I’ll fix it with him and then email you the details,” I say, then disconnect, call back Charles, and set it up for Monday morning at ten a.m. After I confirm with both of them I’m about to go and get myself something to eat when my phone rings. This time it’s Max.

“Yes,” I say, opening the fridge and noticing I need to go to the store since I’ll be home most of the month.

“I’m leaving in fifteen to go to the rink.”

“Okay.” Not sure why he’s telling me this.

“You need a lift?” he asks, his voice going almost soft.

“I wasn’t going in today,” I tell him as I check my watch. “It’s almost noon.”

“Yeah, I know. I was going to go in and just work out a bit,” he tells me. “Okay, talk later.” He doesn’t give me a chance to say anything else when he hangs up.

“What the heck was that all about?” I shake my head, confused on what the fuck just happened.

Chapter Twelve


What the fuck did I just call her for and offer her a ride? I’m obviously losing my mind. Maybe I have a brain tumor, so I call Denise, who doesn’t answer, so I leave her a voice mail.

“Hey, when you get a brain tumor do you do stupid things and things you would never do? Call me back,” I say and disconnect.

I pick my stuff up and head out to the rink. There’s nothing like a skating session and workout session. For the next three hours, I skate hard with Alex, Andre, Brendan, and David. We go through plays that Coach makes us do and at the end of it, I’m dripping with sweat as I sit down and drink Gatorade. By the time I walk back into my apartment it’s almost seven. I go to the kitchen, taking out stuff to make my supper as Stanley comes out of hiding. I’m cutting up the vegetables when my phone rings and I see it’s Allison. I stop midair, not knowing if I should answer or not. It seems my brain doesn’t think as fast as my fingers because I press talk and then put her on speaker.

“Yeah,” I say, continuing to prepare my veggies.

“I’ve just spent the last three hours trying to watch Game of Thrones and I still don’t get the fuss.”

I laugh. “Why are you watching it then?” I ask her as I wash off my hands and grab a pan to fry them in.

“I saw you watching it on the bus and every Monday morning my Facebook feed is filled with talks of how this is the best show ever and yet I’m thinking did he just fuck his sister?”

“So, you see it on my phone and want to watch it. Good thing I wasn’t watching gay porn.” I laugh, turning the stove on.

“Very funny. But honestly, why is this so popular?”

“Because it’s fucking good,” I tell her, tossing the veggies in the pan. “I don’t think I can really explain it. The storylines all intertwine, and which other show is badass enough to kill off the popular people?” I say as the veggies start sizzling.

“I just don’t get it, really. Okay, fine, I’ll try another couple of episodes and let you know.”

I laugh at her. “Okay. Have a nice night.”

“Well, I guess that depends on the rest of the episodes. I’ll let you know.” She hangs up, and two seconds later calls back again. “I’m going in tomorrow morning.”

I look at the phone. “Okay.”

“Are you?” she asks me and I stand here and wonder why. “I just thought if you are and I’m on the way, you would pick me up, but no biggie,” she says, speed talking. “I’ll just Uber it. Later.” She hangs up without giving me a chance, so I call her back and it goes to voice mail.

“I’ll pick you up at nine,” I say on her voice mail.

She only answers an hour later with a text while I’m signing shirts for Denise.

If it isn’t going out of your way that would be great.

See you then.

I answer, signing the last shirt. I close up, going to my room, and watching television, or the television watches me because when my alarm rings the next day the television is still on and the remote is on the floor. I grab a pair of sweats and a T-shirt, throwing a sweater on as I walk out the door, adjusting my cap. Once in the car I take off my sweatshirt, seeing it’s too warm outside. I make a run to get coffee. When I make it to Allison’s I park in front again and text her I’m here. I wait five minutes and nothing happens, so I get out and go to the door, ringing the bell. Once, twice. I’m about to ring it a third time when I see her running to the door and opening it.


