Shift of Morals – Kingdom of Wolves Read Online K. Webster

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 65
Estimated words: 62782 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 314(@200wpm)___ 251(@250wpm)___ 209(@300wpm)

So brave. So strong. So mine.

Those words vine their way around my heart, twisting and twisting until they’re a tangled mess. The fabric of his shirt tears as my fingernails scrape over his shoulders. He hisses, and I smell the faint scent of blood. I’m distracted again when his palm dives beneath my sweats, clutching my ass hard enough I’ll be bruised.

I need him to fuck me.

It’s an urgency I can’t describe.

Like I’ll lose my goddamn mind if he doesn’t.

I’m about to push away so I can sign those words to him, but then the doorbell rings. We’re both thrumming with such overwhelming desire for the other that we ignore it at first. But then Finnick’s voice carries from the front door, and Ewan is clearing his throat beyond the threshold of the kitchen.

Cy plucks me from his body, setting me to my feet as though it hurts to do it. Well, it does hurt me. The pain is unbearable. If I had a voice, a sob would whimper out of me. Rejection and heartache war within me. His features twist into an agonized frown, blue eyes shining with despair.

What’s happening to me? I sign, eyes brimming with confused tears.

I don’t know, he replies, hands making sharp movements. It’s happening to me too, though.

Knowing I’m not alone is a relief so palpable I can nearly taste it. I’m about to reply when I hear a voice in the entryway—high-pitched and panicked.


With a growl emanating from him, Cy takes off toward the front door. It’s not concern for my friend, either. The jealousy pulsating through the bond burns hot like acid. Barely, I manage to clasp onto the back of Cy’s shirt before he can swipe out at Cash. Finnick puts his body between them, which only further enrages Cy. If I don’t do something like right the fuck now, he’s going to shift and tear Cash to shreds.

I press a soft kiss to Cy’s shoulder, pleased at how the tense muscles relax. My hand finds his, and I squeeze it, threading my fingers with his. I’m sure this looks awful as hell, especially to Cash, but I’m doing him a favor right now.

“What happened?” Cy finally manages to grind out, his voice like razor blades.

“Van took off after the sheriff came by. He’s out there right now trying to find Wyatt. But, fuck, he’s in no shape to be out there. I can’t let that thing take both my brothers from me!”


Everything is so fucked up and confusing right now. I should be out there trying to bring this killer down, but I can barely pull myself away from Remy. It’s maddening. The urge to drag him back to my bedroom, strip him bare, and shove my dick inside his tight ass is all I can think about. To the point it’s consuming me.

“On foot?” I grit out. “By car?”

“Foot,” Cash huffs out, waving both arms in the air, “because he’s fucking crazy!”

The sling is gone, and there’s an edginess to him I don’t like. It makes my hackles raise. The wolf growls, begging to be unleashed on this twerp.

“We can still find him,” Ewan assures him. “Right, Cy?”

My pack is relying on me to kill this motherfucker. Not Cash. The murdering rapist sonofabitch out there. And I can’t get my head out of my ass. Or Remy’s. I need to take a breather and refocus. Last time, when I left his presence, I could think clearly again.

“Finnick, watch them,” I rumble. “Ewan and I—”

“I’m coming too,” Cash argues. “These are my brothers!”

“No,” I bark out, making everyone flinch at the ferocity of the word. “You’ll stay here where it’s safe.”

Yanking on my coat, I motion for Ewan to go with me. My gaze meets Finnick’s, shooting him with a hard glare that insinuates if he lets anything happen to Remy, I will fucking gut him. He whines, the sound barely audible, but understanding blows through the bond toward me.

Ewan and I take off out the door. My instincts are screaming at me to turn around. The urge to stay with Remy is a living, breathing entity trying to drag me back. I fight it tooth and nail, forcing one step in front of the other. It takes incredible self-control not to run back to him.


Van’s cries are distant, but both Ewan and I hear them loud and clear. We take off running, neither of us shifting because we can’t risk Van seeing it. My claws are bared, though, splitting the flesh of my fingertips, ready to use them as a weapon if need be. The sound of Van’s voice grows muffled, hidden behind snarling.

If we don’t get to it in time, the creature is going to fucking eat him alive. Ewan’s clothes rip as he begins his shift, the need to run faster controlling his sanity. This is why I deny myself and keep total control on my wolf. Otherwise, it would come out at the most inopportune times. Ignoring my own wolf’s snuffling that sounds like the equivalent of an animal cursing me out, I run faster and harder, my boots crunching through the leaves. It’s dark, but the full moon will happen tomorrow, so it’s bright enough this evening to see without the aid of a flashlight.


