Semper (Stygian Isles #2) Read Online Natalie Bennett

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark Tags Authors: Series: Stygian Isles Series by Natalie Bennett

Total pages in book: 140
Estimated words: 127933 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 640(@200wpm)___ 512(@250wpm)___ 426(@300wpm)

My breath caught as he reached out, fluffing my hair with his free hand before leaning in to kiss me lightly, just a brief brush of his lips against mine. It was enough to make my pulse quicken.

“Talk to me now,” he said with a soft chuckle, his eyes darkening with amusement. “Help me stay distracted.”

I laughed, shaking my head at his playful tone. “Alright, fine. Tell me more about you,” I said, settling against him, enjoying the warmth of his body, even as my own thoughts strayed back to the undercurrent of desire that seemed to pulse between us.

His smile softened, and for a moment, the intensity that always surrounded him seemed to fade. “What do you want to know, my Lolita?” he asked, his voice warm but edged with that ever-present darkness.

“Anything,” I replied. “You always know everything about me. I want to know more about you.”

He looked thoughtful for a second before he began to speak, and as his words flowed, I found myself more drawn into his world than ever before,

He held me close, his fingers tracing slow, rhythmic circles on my back as he considered what to share. “You want to know more about me?” he mused; his voice low, thoughtful. “Well, let me start with the people who’ve always been there.”

I looked up at him, curious, as he continued.

“Phoenix and Osiris,” he said with a faint smile. “They’re like brothers to me, always have been. Osiris is... well, he’s fire. Impulsive, wild, acts first and thinks later. But I trust him more than anyone. Phoenix is the opposite—cold, calculating. He measures every move before making it. Together, they keep me balanced.”

I tried to picture the dynamic between the three of them. “That sounds like a lot to manage.”

He chuckled softly. “It can be, but it works. And then there’s Bishop. My cousin. He’s more like another brother, really. Wild and unhinged, a true bachelor on and off the Isle. Bishop does what he wants when he wants. No one can really control him, but he’s loyal to me and to the Isle.”

His mention of Bishop surprised me. From the way Alexander described him, it was clear that their bond ran deep. I always remembered him as the man who had joined Alex at the resort.

“And, of course, there’s Emilio,” Alexander added, his voice softening slightly. “My real brother. You’ve met him already. He’s been by my side through everything. Always will be.”

The way he spoke of Emilio held a deep sense of respect, but there was also a weight to it—like he carried the responsibility of leading not just the Isle but his brother, too.

“I wasn’t always here on the Isle, though,” he said, a glint of amusement in his eyes. “I went to college—top-tier. Graduated early, actually.”

I blinked, surprised by the revelation. “You? College?” The idea of Alexander, the ruler of Stygian Isle, sitting in a classroom was almost unimaginable.

He laughed, clearly amused by my reaction. “Yes, college. The Isle may have chosen me early, but I still needed the skills and knowledge to lead it properly. I’ve been preparing for this role since I was eight.”

“Eight?” I questioned, shocked. “That’s so young to carry that kind of responsibility.”

He nodded, the amusement fading slightly. “The Isle chose me the moment I was conceived. It wasn’t a question of if, only when. By the time I was eight, everyone knew I was meant to be Diabolus, and from that point on, every decision I made was to prepare for this.”

I couldn’t imagine growing up with that kind of pressure, but there was no hesitation in his voice. He accepted it like it was always his destiny. In a way, I guess it was. He had been molded by the Isle, shaped into the ruler he was now.

“Was it hard?” I asked softly, unable to help the question. “Growing up like that?”

He didn’t answer right away, his eyes distant for a moment. “It wasn’t easy, but I never had a choice. This is who I am, who I was always meant to be.”

There was a quiet pride in his voice, but I could hear the weight of the responsibility he carried, even if he wouldn’t admit it outright. Shifting slightly, I decided to ask something more personal. “What about your mother? You mentioned she taught you how to cook. Are you close?”

His expression softened instantly, a rare vulnerability flickering in his eyes. “I adore my mother,” he said, his voice full of warmth. “I wouldn’t be half the man I am without her—and my father, of course. They’re my foundation. She taught me more than just how to cook. He showed me strength and resilience. She showed me how to lead without losing myself. Everything I am, I owe to them.”

I was surprised by the depth of emotion in his voice. It wasn’t the first time I had wondered about her, the woman who had raised three children of the Isle. “Your mother sounds incredible,” I said softly, touched by the way he spoke about her.


