Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 75770 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 379(@200wpm)___ 303(@250wpm)___ 253(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 75770 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 379(@200wpm)___ 303(@250wpm)___ 253(@300wpm)
I walk out the French doors to join them. “Good evening.”
Zion smiles when he sees me. “Good evening yourself,” he says, his dark gaze meeting mine.
“Ariel,” I say, “how are you? Is your leg hurting at all?”
“I’m fine.” She takes a sip of something clear that I assume is water. “Have you heard anything about Evangeline?”
“The paramedics are here. They’re taking care of her. I decided to stay out of the way. I’m sure we’ll find out what’s going on as soon as anyone knows.” I lock eyes with Ariel. “Could I talk to you for a moment? Alone?”
Ariel darts her gaze to Marc and then to Zion. “Sure. I guess. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. I just need your ear a moment. I’ll bring her right back, gentlemen.”
Marc smiles. “Please do.”
Ariel rises and follow me off the deck and down one of the paths that leads to the beach. When I’m sure we’re out of earshot, I stop.
“What’s this about?” she asks.
“I just want to have a look at your leg,” I tell her.
“I told you, I’m fine.”
“Please, just let me—”
“Emily, no!” She slaps my hand away. “You’ve apologized, and I’ve accepted. It was an accident. We’re all worried about Evangeline.”
“And Rachel,” I remind her.
“Yes, Rachel. But the rest of us are here, and there are four billionaires here as well. And there’s one yet that I haven’t gotten to know.” She closes her eyes and then opens them, a dreamy look overtaking her. “And I want to get to know the last one. That gorgeous rancher.”
She wants to get to know River?
The green madman forces my hackles to rise.
I draw in a breath. “I see.”
“Have you spent any time with him?” she asks.
Does she truly not know? I suppose not. We were discreet, and I haven’t told anyone other than Misty. And if Misty truly still wants him for herself, she won’t be blabbing.
“A bit,” I reply.
“Is he as dreamy as he seems?”
More so, but I won’t say that. “He was in a foul mood all evening. What on earth do you see in him?”
“Still waters run deep,” she says on a sigh.
I adore Ariel. I do. She’s like a little sister to me. But the thought of her and River makes me want to claw her big doe eyes out.
“I doubt any of them will be available this evening.” I brush a piece of lint from my dress. “They’re occupied with Evangeline and all.”
She sighs. “True. So what do we do tonight? Heather went to the hot tub. I was there earlier, but I can’t get in with this bandage.”
“We could get massages,” I say.
“Or”—she smiles coyly—“we could go back to the deck and hang out with Marc and Zion.”
Three days ago I’d have loved that suggestion—Zion does have a lovely cock, after all.
But now? I’m not interested.
“I’ll leave you to that,” I tell her. “I think I’ll join the other ladies in the tub.”
“Suit yourself.” Ariel turns and then looks over her shoulder. “I’m fine, Emily. I know it was an accident. Please stop worrying about it.”
I nod and give her a short smile.
She’s lovely. A doll really.
And if she tries to take River?
I’ll take her down in a minute. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve fought someone younger and hotter than I am—and won.
It was Marc’s voice that called to me as I was heading toward the stairs earlier to find Emily. When he asked if I’d like to join him for a few minutes on the deck, I didn’t see the harm in it. Not after we almost kissed in the bathroom earlier.
Once we were seated, Zion joined us. Seems with the cook-off over and Evangeline and all the men otherwise occupied, the staffers are left with nothing pressing to do.
“We could be preparing for tomorrow,” Marc said, “but we’ll have ample time in the morning.”
“Sure enough,” Zion agreed.
The three of us were drinking water when Emily arrived.
I watch her head into the pool house and then I take my seat between Marc and Zion. After sharing Alex with June, and then Sebastian’s question about a threesome with Heather, having two men concentrating on me feels like I’m the last slice of Mama’s pecan pie at a Sunday summer potluck. Everyone fights over it. I suppose Marc and Zion aren’t exactly fighting over me, and truth be told, nothing will probably come of it. But I’ll be damned if it doesn’t feel mighty flattering to have them both being so attentive.
“I’m glad you decided to come back.” Zion grins at me.
He’s handsome as anything, with medium-dark skin and dancing brown eyes. In contrast, Marc has light skin, dark hair, and sparkling blue eyes. I’m not sure I could say which one is better looking. Good thing I don’t have to.
“Me too.” Marc takes a sip of water and winks at me.