Saved by Love – Bellevue Bullies Read Online Toni Aleo

Categories Genre: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 102
Estimated words: 98487 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 492(@200wpm)___ 394(@250wpm)___ 328(@300wpm)

I can do that. So, I do, ignoring my fear of failure. Or my fear of her pussy. Such a complex thing, and I want to be good at it. I want to be better than anyone she’s ever had. I move my tongue along her lips, tucking it between to find the nub I know is there. She arches up against me, and I take that as a good sign. I tongue her nub over and over again. Licking it, flicking my tongue on it, making her squirm. She moans and cries and thrashes in a way that has me about to come my-damn-self. When she comes, she squeezes my head with her thighs, and I welcome it. I crave it. Her thighs are so thick but soft, and man, what a way to go. Being suffocated by some sexy thighs. Her body is so fucking hot, she’s so fucking beautiful, and I’m overwhelmed by the whole thing.

I kiss up her stomach to her chest before taking her mouth with mine. Our tongues tangle as her heart bangs against my chest. I pull away, kissing her mouth, her jaw, and neck as she gasps for breath, and then I hold her close. When she pushes me back, she climbs on top of me before sliding down my body like a stealthy cat. She pulls my pants down to mid-thigh, and my cock rises to attention for the taking.

She doesn’t even hesitate.

With a hunger in her eyes, she takes me into her mouth, and I gawk at the sight of myself disappearing between her sweet lips. I’m breathless, in awe of her as she sucks and licks along the length of me. When she takes me wholly into her mouth, moving up and down my cock, I gasp. Her eyes are closed, her lashes kissing her cheeks, while the wildest of her curly hair tickles my thighs.

Stunning. She’s stunning.

She squeezes the base of me as she moves up and down, fast and hard, sucking me with a pop at the end. I close my eyes, lost in the moment as my body goes tight everywhere. I feel her within every nerve ending of my being, and when my release comes upon me and I explode, I can’t even think of breathing. I arch up into her mouth, coming so fucking hard I feel it everywhere. She sucks me until I’m bone-dry. I go slack against the dock, and everything fades away as I gasp for breath. When she crawls up my body, I wrap my arms around her, cuddling her body into mine as she falls to my side.

I’m still gasping as she kisses my throat and my jaw. Small, sweet little kisses that get under my skin and tickle my core. I nuzzle my nose into her hair, kissing her ear and then her cheek, before our lips meet once more. Our kisses are slow and drawn-out with no rush or concerns that we’re naked in the wilderness. She bites at my bottom lip, and I smile as she tugs on it, her eyes playful with mine.

She looks just as spent as I feel, and I’m winded by her beauty. “I could go to sleep right now,” I admit, and she cuddles into me, kissing my chest.


“Was that okay?” I find myself asking, and I kick myself for it.

“Did you have fun?” she asks, and I can’t say yes fast enough. “So did I. So yes, it was okay. It was great, in my opinion.”

Of course, I have more questions, but I know that’s my anxiety questioning everything. I had fun, and she had fun; what more do I need to know? I gather her in my arms, and I kiss her nose as our legs twine together once more. We lie like that for maybe five minutes before she moves out of my arms and grins down at me.

“Where are you going? I thought we were going to sleep?”

She laughs, shaking her head. “Nope, we’re going swimming.”

And without even a second look back at me, she cannonballs into the lake butt-ass naked.

I laugh loudly as I sit up, watching her thrash around in the water. “You’re insane!”

She laughs. “Come on!”

The challenge is in her eyes, and I’m never one to back down from a challenge. I throw off my jeans and run down the dock, diving into the water with no cares in the world. As the cold water hits me, I can’t believe I’m doing this. But then I know why I am.

Because of her.



“I apologize for disappointing you. It’s not something I intended. And I’m sure when we had our discussion about me coming to the team, you had a different plan, but I’d like to focus only on the team house.”

Jayden sits across from me with a blank expression. He hasn’t said a word since I sat down and started talking. I basically word-vomited everything I’ve been thinking and feeling. A man I have known almost my whole life, who has seen me at the top of my game, has listened with no judgment whatsoever. I don’t want to upset him or even disappoint him, but I also knew I had to be honest. I had to be true to my ongoing issues.


