Savage – Satan’s Fury MC Second Generation Read Online L. Wilder

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 74390 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 372(@200wpm)___ 298(@250wpm)___ 248(@300wpm)


They were enough to make us consider walking away.

But then, trouble came knocking at our doors.

Shit hit the fan, and when we needed it most, Bruton was there to give us a hand. He helped us take down the Demarco brothers, and if that wasn’t enough, he made sure that the women they’d taken were returned to their homes, safe and sound. It had taken a great deal of finagling, much more than we were capable of, but he’d done it and he’d done it well.

We notified him of our intentions of moving forward, and he couldn’t have been more pleased. His buyers were biting at the bit to get their shipment, so he wasted no time making preparations for our first meet. We had the weapons we’d swiped from the Demarco brothers, so it was just a matter of getting them from point A to point B.

Once he had everything settled, he called Maverick, and a couple of hours later, I was pulling up to his place with Wrath, Torch, and Rooster. We’d all been there before. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary—just your typical portside warehouse with a small office upstairs, but his security was topnotch. Every inch of the place was covered with motion sensors and cameras.

Nobody was going to step on his property without him knowing it, and that gave me an unexpected peace of mind as we got out of our SUV and started inside. When we got up to the door, Torch gave it a hard knock, then we all followed as he stepped inside. Bruton was standing on the loading dock with a faint glimmer of a smile, waiting patiently as we approached.

Bruton wasn’t a tall man. He wasn’t gruff or intimidating—just the opposite. He was an older gentleman with thinning gray hair and horn-rimmed glasses. He had on his usual pair of freshly pressed khakis and a white button-down with a sweater vest. His smile widened as he said, “Good to see you, boys.”

“Hello, Bruton.” I continued towards him as I said, “Maverick said your buyers are ready to meet.”

“That they are.” He gestured to the corner of the room where various crates were stacked, each filled with various handguns, shotguns, and assault rifles. “They’ve all been searched, tested, and are ready to be moved.”

“Are we still on for the location you gave Maverick?”

“We are.” He shook his head. “You know, when I approached you boys about going into business together, I thought I would be dealing with Cotton. Nothing against Maverick, but I have to say, I have my concerns.”

“We can end this thing right here and now, then you won’t have to worry about your concerns.” Wrath motioned his hand towards the take, then added, “But then, you’ll be left finding someone else to move your goods.”

“That won’t be necessary,” Bruton replied. “I’m sure, in time, Maverick will grow on me just as he has you, but Cotton has experience.”

“I assure you, Maverick wouldn’t have been chosen as president if he wasn’t the right man for the role.” I did my best to keep my composure as I told him, “He's a good man with good instincts. He’ll do us well, and you, too. You’d do good to remember that.”

“You think quite highly of your new president. I hope, in time, I will feel the same.”

“I have no doubt that you will,” I assured him.

Growing impatient, Wrath stepped forward and growled, “So, are we good or what?”

“We’re good.”

“Have you made arrangements for the payment?”

“It’s been handled.” Bruton smiled, his eyes never leaving Wrath. “I do believe that today’s exchange will go much more smoothly than the last.”

Wrath and Torch exchanged a silent glance, and even before he spoke, I knew exactly what he was thinking. “If it doesn’t, it’ll be on your head.”

Bruton kept his collected composer as he replied, “Understood.”

Without saying anything more, we loaded the crates into the back of the SUV and made our exit. We typically went with eight or more brothers, and each had their own responsibility to ensure everything went smoothly. It felt odd to be going on a run with just Wrath and Torch, but that’s the way Bruton wanted it. I didn’t argue.

I trusted my brothers and knew they would do whatever it took to get the job done.

I followed the GPS to the address Maverick had given us, and after a bit of a haul, we made it to an area of Seattle that was known for its criminal activity. The streets were empty, and for several minutes, the only sound was Wrath’s heavy breathing and wind whipping against the windows.

We drove by one abandoned building after the next, and each was marked by threatening gang graffiti. It set us all on edge, especially Wrath. His reaction didn’t come as a surprise. He was the club’s enforcer. It was his job to do everything in his power to ensure his brothers’ safety, and seeing those gang signs so close to our destination didn’t make that job any easier.


