Savage Read online Renee Rose (Wolf Ranch #4)

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Wolf Ranch Series by Renee Rose

Total pages in book: 66
Estimated words: 62077 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 310(@200wpm)___ 248(@250wpm)___ 207(@300wpm)

I rolled my face in the bedcovers, moaning, eyelids fluttering, jaw slack. The wash of sensation was almost too much.

I held still, biting the bedspread as he pumped in and out of me, working his thumb at the same time. My panting increased, a feverish heat spread through my entire body. “Clint!” I screamed.

“That’s right, sugar. You come now. And keep screaming my name.” He plowed into me four more times and then sank deep with a shout.

I started coming the moment he gave me permission, and he was right. The orgasm that ripped through my body was like no other I’d ever experienced. My muscles squeezed and clenched around his shaft, my anus contracted around his thumb, and I reached beneath me to rub my own clit. It was possible I lost my mind for a minute. Maybe five. Maybe thirty.

It was a long time before my brain cleared enough for me to remember where I was. Who I was. All I knew was how good I felt. My entire body buzzed and hummed with my release, pleasure coursing through my veins.

Clint eased out of both my holes and left to wash his hands. He returned with a warm washcloth and cleaned me up. I hadn’t moved from the prostrate position. I was still on my knees with my chest pressed against the mattress. Clint eased me to my side and wrapped his longer body around mine from behind. He moved my damp hair and kissed my nape.


I made a funny grunting sound in reply.

“Sugar, I need to tell you something.” His arm draped over my waist and pulled me close.

It was hard to tug myself out of my euphoria, but I managed a “hmm?” That was a little more coherent.

I heard him swallow behind me and a sliver of unease crept in. “The guys on the ranch—Boyd and Colton and Rob. Me and my family… we’re, ah, different.”

I laced my fingers over his and pulled them against my chest. “Different how?”

He was quiet for a moment and a niggling of fear crept in. What was he trying to say?

I turned to face him, to look into his eyes when he spoke about something that was obviously really important.

That was when the front door was kicked in.



My wolf instincts had me grabbing Becky and rolling us to the far side of the bed, away from the bedroom doorway. We dropped to the floor, and I tucked, so I hit the hard wood, and she was protected from the fall with my body. Only then did I flip us and, as much as I could, set her as far beneath the bed as possible. I heard the frantic beating of her heart and felt the goosebumps rise on her skin. Her fingers clutched at me like talons, yet I had to set her from me. Only when she was hidden and as safe as possible, did I jump up and leap across the bed.

I heard the heavy footsteps of the intruder, the ragged breathing. Taking a deep breath of my own, I couldn’t miss the tang of sweat beneath the obvious scent of shifter. The cold, outside air pushed it toward me. Only an enemy would enter unannounced. Any shifter within a hundred feet of the cabin would have heard us fucking, known I would be vulnerable.

My adrenaline pumped, my wolf at the ready. Shifters in wolf form didn’t come through the front door. I would fight like for like except I was naked. I had no weapons. I had my gun in the truck, but that would do me no good now. The only way to fight would be in wolf form, but then I wouldn’t be able to protect Becky.

Fuck! I’d known Donald would come. That was why we hadn’t stayed at the house in town. Here, we had protection. Rob and I had put a plan together, but that had been before Becky’s ex’s murder. We’d changed plans, so we’d stay here under watch, under pack guard. In town, this couldn’t be done.

I’d been fucking stupid. Donald’s need for revenge had escalated. He’d killed a human, just like his cousin, without care that the human police would investigate. It had been a sign to tell me he could get close to my mate, but he’d broken pack law. The same as Jarod.

“Enforcer!” The voice carried into the room a second before a man stood in the doorway. It was dark, but I saw him as clear as day. He wore no coat, only a dirty thermal shirt and jeans. Heavy boots on his feet. His long brown hair shot out wild about him. As wild as his deep yellow gaze. His wolf was showing.

So was the gun in his hand.

Rob was watching the road by the ranch—the only entrance to this mountain. But Donald must’ve slipped past him.


