Returning Home (The Seaside Chronicles #1) Read Online Kelly Elliott

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Seaside Chronicles Series by Kelly Elliott

Total pages in book: 82
Estimated words: 79433 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 397(@200wpm)___ 318(@250wpm)___ 265(@300wpm)

“Gannon, look at me,” Adelaide said as I turned my focus back to her and away from my wandering thoughts. “I love everything about you, and that includes your crazy-ass job. I will never ask you to change for me, and I know you’d never ask me to change for you.”

I smiled. “I like the sound of that.”

There was a light knock on the door and the doctor came in. “How are you feeling today, Gannon?” he asked, the nurse behind him.

“Like someone hit me on the forehead with a baseball bat.”

The doctor smiled. “I bet. You got yourself a pretty nasty cut. Luckily, we had a plastic surgeon on duty last night, so I don’t think your battle scar will be too bad.”

“Thank you for taking such good care of him,” Adelaide said, flashing them both a brilliant smile.

“How’s Josh?” I asked.

“He’s good,” the doctor responded. “No injuries at all. We checked him out and sent him home not too long ago.”

I sighed. “Lucky bastard. When will I be able to go home?”

“Your CT looks great and the wound looks good this morning, so we’ll start prepping to break you free.” He turned to the nurse. “Kathleen, you can start his discharge papers and be sure he gets instructions on how to keep the wound clean.”

“I’ll be sure to take care of him.” Adelaide looked down at me and winked.

“She’s a nurse,” I announced with pride.

Kathleen turned to look at Adelaide. “Perfect. Then this won’t be anything new for you. Let me get everything all together.”

“I can prescribe you some pain meds if you’d like,” the doctor said as he started to write in my chart.

“No, thanks. I’ll stick with Tylenol or Advil.”

He nodded. “Feel free to interchange them if you need to. And if you change your mind, let us or your primary doctor know.”

“Will do, thank you for everything.”

After the doctor and nurse left, I turned to look at Adelaide. “Did you decide if you’re going to contact Dr. James about working for him? Or the new doctor, I guess?”

“I called him, and he said the new doctor will be coming to town in a few weeks to interview candidates. It makes sense since he’s the one doing the hiring.”

“That does make sense. How does that work, moving from labor and delivery to a general practice?”

“It’ll be an adjustment, but I’m confident I can do it.”

I reached for her hand. “I know you can. Together, we can do anything.”

She reached over and kissed me gently on the lips. “I’ll second that.”


* * *


August 18, 2022



News on the docks is Gannon Wilson and Josh Tucker were involved in an accident while Gannon was attempting to board one of the cargo ships during Tropical Depression Bess. We’re happy to report that both men are okay. A little seagull has even hinted that Gannon may or may not have asked Adelaide to move in with him afterward.

Folks are talking about the warp speed at which the two former lovebirds are moving, but we think it’s safe to say that a life-or-death situation makes one realize what one wants…or needs…in life.

In other news, cast your ballots for this year’s catch of the season! If early votes are any indication, Mr. Brody Wilson and Mr. Braxton Bradley are tied for the lead. While we’re not surprised by the news of Mr. Wilson, one cannot forget how Mr. Bradley snubbed Harlee Tilson at Richard and Claire Roberts’s wedding last summer when she asked if he wanted to dance. Poor thing must have been humiliated when Bradley turned her down. I, for one, can confirm I voted for Mr. Wilson. Can we all agree the seagulls are swarming around that man? Hopefully Mr. Bradley is out of the habit of being a… we’ll let you fill in the blank.

Back to the original story, Seasiders. Let’s all wish Brody’s brother, Gannon—who may have to withdraw from the voting ballet since he’s now off the market—a speedy recovery. I’m sure with his own personal nurse, he’ll be on the mend soon and back to safely bringing those ships in!

Fairwinds and following seas!

* * *

Harlee sat at the counter in the Seaside Grill and stared down at the latest Chronicle. Her mouth opened and closed a few times before she finally looked up at me and Palmer. We both stood on the other side of the counter after helping Mom with some administrative work.

“Humiliated when Braxton Bradley rejected me?” Harlee growled. “What the hell? Why is she picking on me?”

“Or he,” Palmer and I said at the same time.

Harlee narrowed her eyes at us. “Whatever. Why is she or he picking on me?”

Palmer reached for the paper. “I mean, I feel like they went after Braxton more than you.”

Harlee blinked a few times. “I wasn’t humiliated because that isn’t what happened!”


