Restraint – Mason Family Read online Adriana Locke

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 89898 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 449(@200wpm)___ 360(@250wpm)___ 300(@300wpm)

I pant as he intentionally doesn’t touch me. “Holt, come on.”

I try to reach him with my foot, but he pulls away with the dirtiest, sexiest grin.

“Your hands are up there for a reason,” he says. “So you can’t touch me. Or yourself.”

“Holt …”

“I mean it,” he says, his eyes smoldering. “If you touch me, I’ll stop.”

“You can’t stop if you don’t start,” I say, wiggling around again.

He places a hand on my stomach to hold me in place. “Bend your knees.”

I do as instructed.

His hand comes around my waist and dips beneath me. He cups my ass cheeks in his palms and raises my hips.

I tremble without being touched.

He holds my gaze as he presses kisses up the inside of my right leg. Each touch of his lips feels like it’s being imprinted on my skin forever. As he nears my opening, he stops.

“Holt, I’m going to kill you,” I groan.

His eyes twinkle with mischief. “Paybacks are a bitch.”

He blows across my vagina. The air is cool against my wet, amped-up flesh, and I squirm again. I start to bring my hands down to help guide him along but then remember his command.

The side of his face is roughed against the inside of my thigh. His stubble bites into my over-sensitized body, and I moan in pleasure.

My head feels like it’s going to explode. I’ve never been this turned on and in need—need—of getting off. I can’t take the little bits he’s giving me.

I need it all. I need him.

He pulls his hands from beneath me and uses them to spread my knees wider. I’m totally exposed in every way, and I don’t give a damn.

It’s the wildest, most freeing sensation. It’s one I never thought I’d experience.

He whisks his fingers across the outside of my slit. I hold my breath. But instead of making any kind of contact that would give me relief, he instead runs his fingers along the crease where my leg meets my body.

It’s so good, so intimate, but totally screws with my head.

“You could’ve just asked me to fuck you,” he says like he has all the time in the world.

I lift my head off the bed. “If my being displayed like this in front of you isn’t asking you to fuck me, then I don’t know what to do.”

He grins devilishly. “This is me telling you I’m going to fuck you. This isn’t you asking.”

I smile as sweetly as I can manage through gritted teeth. “Holt, please fuck me.”

“In due time. Patience, sweetheart.”

My head falls back to the blankets again. “You can take your sweetheart and—oh!”

He places a kiss on the outside of my pussy. Then another on the other side. Then another, casually, as if there’s no hurry whatsoever.

I start to reach for him again but stop myself.

He’s in control.

And like a lightbulb went off inside my head, I realize what he’s doing.

He’s showing me I can trust him.

I look down at his head between my legs. He’s watching me, framed by my thighs, and holds my gaze as he licks a deliberate path up the center of my body.

“Fuck,” I hiss, my knees falling apart even more.

He sticks a finger into my opening and uses his thumb to rub the exterior. But what he does not do is go anywhere near my clit. And the harder I try to move to make contact, the farther away he stays.

“Does this feel good?” he asks with a cocky lilt to his voice. “Better than when you were touching yourself?”

“At least I knew where to touch myself.”

He laughs, working his fingers deeper inside my body.

I raise my hips to make it easier for him.

“I know where to touch you too,” he says. “I’m just choosing not to yet.”

“Why? Tell me why,” I whine.

“Because that’s what you’re trying to get me to do, and you don’t need to be in control all the time.”

“Yes, I do.”

His thumb gets close to my swollen bud but doesn’t make contact.

I squeeze my eyes shut. I think I might cry.

“It’s good to let someone else take over things sometimes,” he says. “Even I give up power on occasion.”

“I’d like to see that.”

“I do it all the time with you.”

My eyes fly open.

He’s watching me in that crazy way of his. It makes me feel like the only person in the universe who matters at this moment.

His irises are a mixture of greens and almost blues, and I can’t see clear enough to make sense of what’s happening in there.

He dips his head, his eyes still lasered in on mine, and licks my pussy. Sparks shoot through me like a live wire. I shake as bursts of energy fire through my veins.

He cups my ass again as his tongue finally finds my clit.

“Oh, my God …” I say, each word punctuated with a groan.


