Provoke Read Online Ava Harrison

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 114
Estimated words: 112701 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 564(@200wpm)___ 451(@250wpm)___ 376(@300wpm)

I’m limp against the chair, riding the high.

“Your turn,” I say, rolling to the side.

He shakes his head. “Not now. Rest. There’s plenty of time.”

At some point, I doze off, relaxed and happy.

The sun is still high in the sky while the two of us are lying on the sun loungers with big, floppy hats and drinks at the ready.

Another platter of food is delivered poolside. I’m not sure I can eat another thing until I see the decadent desserts.

“So how often have you brought other girls here?” I ask while biting into a chocolate-covered strawberry.

The words are out before I can take them back. The truth is, I don’t want to know. It’s the last thing I want to think about. He’s quiet, and I think he might dodge the question, but he doesn’t.

He turns to face me. “This is the third time.”

“Oh?” I say, sounding disappointed.

What did you expect?

For him to say that he’d never brought a girl to the Hamptons before?

I guess I should be grateful for the honesty.

“And how was it?”

Why on earth I think that’s a good question to ask is beyond me. I’m clearly a glutton for punishment or really trying to push his boundaries.

“Terrible,” he admits. “Not like this at all.”

“You mean they didn’t run and dive-bomb into the pool?” I tease, needing to ease the tension I’ve caused.

He laughs. “They certainly didn’t. They were more interested in making sure they got the perfect tan or putting together the perfect cocktail. Or taking endless photos to put on their social media accounts and brag to the world.” He sighs. “Don’t get me wrong, I understand that this is quite the place. But it’s more than that.”

“What do you mean?” I ask tentatively, feeling like he’s finally going to open up.

“They were most interested in telling other people about how splendid their life is rather than spending time with me.” He shakes his head. “I don’t know.”

He felt used for his money.

“I’m sorry, Charles. It sounds like you’ve dated some real divas.”

He grunts. “I’ve dated a lot of fake girls in the past.”

“You don’t think I’m fake?” I ask.

“Raven,” he grates. “I think you are the furthest thing from fake. My mother would’ve loved you. You’re the sort of girl I would be proud to show off to the world.”

For a moment, I’m speechless. His praise means everything to me. The fact he found me worthy to meet his mother made my chest ache. She clearly meant so much to him, and I can feel his pain at her loss.

“That’s quite the compliment, Charles.”

His head turns to me, his eyes boring into mine. “I mean it. Wholeheartedly.”

I take a deep breath, looking at my surroundings.

“I get it now.”

“Get what?” he asks, sounding confused.

“Why you don’t date. Why you have strict rules surrounding sex.” I sigh. “You’ve had horrible taste in women in the past.”

He burst into laughter, pulling my chair closer to his and grabbing my hand.

“You are very right, love. I had terrible taste.”

I smile. “You’re amazing, Charles, and it has nothing to do with this place. You’re talented and passionate. You give people a chance to prove their worth. You don’t care about bloodlines and prestigious schooling. You allow people to shine when other CEOs wouldn’t. You let me shine.”

My cheeks heat, having voiced such a private thought.

“You shine all on your own, Raven.”

I inhale, taking in the fresh air and basking under the warm sun. “I’m having the best time with you, Charles. Thank you for bringing me here.”

“I’ve never enjoyed this place more. Truly. Thank you, Raven.”

I turn away and put my glasses back on, enjoying the rays on my face. Charles places his hand on my belly, and the two of us just lie here in comfortable silence.

I’m lost in thoughts of how perfect this day has been. Not just the luxury of the place but the company. I’ve never had this much fun with a person.

I got to see a side of Charles Cavendish I don’t think many get to bear witness to. He’s charming, funny, and a lot of fun. He let loose, and it was wonderful to see.

“Raven?” Charles says, pulling me out of my internal musings.

“Hmm,” I murmur, completely content.

“I think I’m falling for you.”

I sit up, dislodging his hand from my stomach.

“What?” The word comes out husky.

He swings his legs over the edge of the chair to face me. “I’m falling for you, Raven Bennett. Against all my rules, you’ve broken down the walls I thought were fortified.”

He places his hands on my cheeks, staring into my eyes. Blue on blue.

Hope and anticipation.




“I believe you could be the woman who brings me to my knees. I could love you one day, Raven. Hopelessly.”

My heart races, and my stomach skydives into my core, leaving me nearly panting. I can’t believe he’s saying these words to me.


