Provoke Read Online Ava Harrison

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 114
Estimated words: 112701 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 564(@200wpm)___ 451(@250wpm)___ 376(@300wpm)

“I’m headed out. It’s girls’ night, and I asked to leave early,” she says, making her way to the door.

“Fun. I’m jealous. I’ll be here. Working.” I shift the flowers to the other side of the desk, giving me a clearer view of the door.

“Again? You have my sympathy.” She rocks back on her heels, clearly ready to get out of here.

“See you later, Shelby.”

I wave a hand, looking back down at the paper sitting in front of me, determined to get my work done and get out of here before nine tonight. I’m hungry and tired, but due to my distractions this morning, I’m behind.

I sit at my desk for well over an hour, trying to work, but my gaze keeps landing on the flowers. They’re gorgeous. Easily the prettiest I’ve ever been given.

Hydrangeas have always been my favorite.

My mom used to have several bushes at our old house, and I always loved them. Hers were a brilliant shade of blue, but these green and white blossoms, intermixed with pink roses, make for an elegant combination. Sophisticated. Just like the sender.

My mind drifts to Charles, and I wonder if he chose this exact bouquet or if the florist did. I hate that it bothers me to think he left it in someone else's hands.

Why do I care?

I shouldn’t.

But I do, and it pisses me off. He pisses me off.

The mind games aren’t fair. He could’ve simply said the words or done as I suggested last night and moved forward. Act like it never happened.

He didn’t have to send me these flowers and toy with my head even more.

I’m out of my seat and headed in his direction before I can think better of it. I’m coming unhinged, and I blame him.

No matter how many times I tell myself I can move forward and work alongside him, it’s not true. He’s under my skin, and I can’t think of anything else.

I’m so screwed.



Raven is my poison and antidote all in one.

I can’t get her out of my mind.

I know better. I’ve learned from experience. But I can’t stop the flood of feelings that invade me when she’s near. I’m unraveling, and it’s entirely the five-foot-four-ish blonde ray of bloody sunshine’s fault.

I’ve never had such a visceral reaction to a woman. Why the fuck is this happening now? This isn’t like me.

I have rules.

Reasons to keep women at a distance.

My work is my life, and I’ve been more than fine with that these past three years.

Having been let down by people before, I made a promise to myself that I would never let it happen again. You can’t be hurt if you keep people at a distance.

A very far distance.

Allowing people in has never been comfortable for me. I don’t like to get too close to anyone. After losing my mother and experiencing the excruciating pain that came with her loss, It was easy to be a loner. I don’t care to ever endure that level of pain again.

When I find myself getting in deep, I always pull away.

I’d started that process the day I’d proposed to Tabitha and realized what I’d done.

Add to that, I didn’t love her.

It was a relationship of convenience, and I’d allowed her to strong-arm me into taking it to the next step as a power play. Nothing else. Love would never have been a factor. It would’ve been like every other prearranged marriage throughout time, made solely to solidify two strong family lines carrying on.

A step I never wanted. Especially with her.

Only I’d been made the fool. There was no merging of two great families. She was an accomplished liar, attempting to climb the ladder of high society. A broke socialite, trying to hide the fact that her daddy’s cash was well and truly gone.

Raven is different. She’s been the one to pull away until last night. She didn’t seek me out at Silver and lock herself in a bloody cloakroom to seduce me.

A series of chance encounters brought us to this moment.

If I were a religious man, I’d think God put her in my path.


Nobody put Raven Bennett in my path. It’s utter bullshit and a coincidence.

Raven has repeatedly warned me off and asked me to forget our mistakes. But that’s the problem. They don’t feel like they’re mistakes with her. Stopping last night was difficult. It went against my very being.

My body literally ached for her hours later. I couldn’t sleep.

I have already had a taste of what she feels like against me, and I want more.

The very idea of never having her mouth on mine again drives me completely insane.

My reasons for stopping were for the best. She is right. I’m her boss, and we need to keep things professional for the sake of Diosa and the future of the New York office.


