Provoke Read Online Ava Harrison

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 114
Estimated words: 112701 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 564(@200wpm)___ 451(@250wpm)___ 376(@300wpm)

“They do, and they are currently.” He takes a deep breath. “Will there be a problem with you working closely with Reagan?”

I choke on the wine, spluttering into my napkin and looking like a complete fool, I’m sure.

“What? No. You know I’ll keep it strictly professional.”

His one eyebrow lifts in an are you sure about that expression, and my eyes blink several times. He sets down his pizza and leans over the table.

“I must admit I’m growing tired of that word.”

“What word?” I practically whisper.

“Professional.” He nearly growls the word.


It’s the only word I can squeak out. I’m thrown off balance, watching his eyes burn with something very close to lust—but that can’t be right. I’m imagining it because I want it to be.


“Extremely tired of it,” he drawls, his eyes never wavering from mine.

I shrink under the intensity of that stare and only slightly relax when his eyes drop to my lips. I instinctively run my tongue over the bottom, and his eyes darken to molten pits.

Shit. What am I doing?

We might be working well together, but there’s no doubt that there’s a pull to him. Something I’m fighting hard against. It’s been like this since Silver, and I’m finding it very hard to avoid.

I turn to face the computer and try to veer the conversation back to the plan.

“I think we’re almost done,” I say awkwardly.

“I think you’re right.” He sighs. “Thank you for staying late with me, Raven. I know it’s a last-minute ask.”

Awkward doesn’t come close to describing this moment. The air is thick with tension, and I want to run from the room. Save myself from doing or saying something monumentally stupid.

“Raven,” he presses when I don’t say anything.

“I don’t mind,” I offer lamely. “This job means a lot to me. This account means a lot.”

Charles touches my arm, and I turn to face him. “That’s good to hear. Because this job means everything to me, and not many people seem to get that.”

His hand lingers on me, heating my insides to inferno levels. Our eyes meet, and we search each other’s faces. I’m not sure what he’s hoping to find, but at this moment, I want to give in to this fierce attraction.

To kiss him.

To feel his hands roam over my body.

I want him to finish what he started in that closet at Silver.

I won’t be saying no even though I should.

His eyes lower to my lips again, and I instinctively lean in.

He doesn’t hesitate.



My mouth crashes against Raven’s, her lips parting to allow me access. Our tongues collide, and a moan rushes up her throat.

The need to rouse a symphony of those noises from her is intrinsic.

Nothing soft or tentative about this feeling. The coil broke, and we’re giving in to the temptation we’ve both been avoiding.

Our kisses turn hungrier, my arms wrapping around her waist, pulling her onto my lap. My cock, straining against my trousers, begs to be set loose.

My hands drop and then move to the hem of her dress, dragging it up until it’s bunched around her hips. My fingers coast gently along the edge of her delicate knickers, moving until they’re at her heated center. Her breath hitches at the contact, and I know she wants more. Below the lacy material, I can feel the moisture, and it causes my cock to jerk. I don’t remember ever being this rock hard.

So long. So very long since I’ve wanted a woman like this. I need more.

Pushing the fabric aside, I run one long finger up her center, drawing a breathless sigh from her, breaking our kiss. Raven’s arms rest on my shoulders, and she leans back with her eyes closed.

She is the picture of every one of my dreams.

Except now she’s real. Raven is here, wet and ready just for me.

I want this.

She wants this.

I’m not fighting it anymore.

As I lean in to kiss her, I push one finger into her pussy, and she whimpers in response.

“Am I hurting you?” I whisper, and her head shakes.

“Words, Rae.”

“No. Please,” she begs, and I stop with the inquisition, pumping my finger inside her.

When she’s adjusted to easily fit one finger, I add another, and she makes little noises that almost undo me. Her walls tighten around my fingers, and I’m dying for it to be my cock inside her.

Raven is into this just as much as I am. It’s evident in every moan and cry of pleasure. I’m ready to say to hell with the consequences and take her on my desk.

Why shouldn’t we do this? We’re adults.

She’s your employee.

My mind wanders to a time three years ago when another woman, who I thought loved me, proved she was only after my money and resources.


Cries of pleasure.

Tabitha laid out on a desk with a man who wasn’t me between her legs.

That reminder ruins everything. An effective dose of cool water drenching my libido.


