Protecting Freedom Read Online Alexa Riley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 25
Estimated words: 23270 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 116(@200wpm)___ 93(@250wpm)___ 78(@300wpm)

“I love you, too, Washington. You’re my forever.”

I close my eyes and I can’t think of a dream I’ve had that has ever compared to this moment. She was worth the years of waiting, but I’m glad I can finally have her all to myself. Now all I have to do is protect her from the rest of the world.



Six months later…

I bounce on the edge of the seat of our SUV about to burst with excitement. “Sweet pea. Calm down.” I glance over at Washington, who is driving us home. He’s smiling at me. He’s let his facial hair grow a touch. I can still feel the reminder on my thighs right now. He’s looked so much more at ease since we left the White House.

“We're going home,” I remind him. I’m smiling so big I know my face is going to hurt tomorrow, but I don’t care. We’re free. No more people watching us all the time. We can touch and kiss each other whenever we like.

The fallout from the pictures wasn’t as catastrophic as I expected. You really couldn't see anything, only us kissing, which the press turned into some love story that made the world swoon over. I was happy it didn't get twisted with people saying hurtful things about Washington. But while everything was positive, now people were watching our every move. They wanted to know everything about our love story and well, it wasn't something that I cared to share with the world. I’ve shared a lot of my life already and this is mine and Washington’s.

“I’ve been home for a while,” he says, and I know he means I’m his home. I lean over and kiss him on the neck. I trail kisses up to his ear.

“You’re my home, too, but now we have a space where you can have me when and wherever you like without worrying about anyone catching us.” I drag my teeth along his earlobe. The hand he has on my thigh that’s been drawing lazy circles for the last hour tightens.

“Sweet pea,” he growls. I lick my lips, thinking about how we’ll get to do the small things, too. Even make out in our car. It might not seem big to some, but to me it’s a whole new world.

One thing I’ve come into over the past few months is my sexuality. I’m no longer shy at all when it comes to my body or sex. Washington makes me not only feel free with what I want, but sexy. How could I not feel sexy when I have a man like Washington always trying to get at me every free moment? The man is insatiable. We are making up for lost time, though.

I have to fight a giggle when I think about all the times I’d barely get out of a meeting with someone and he’d be pulling me back towards my room to fuck me. Not that I’d call it fucking to his face. That makes him mad. We make love, he says, no matter how dirty it might be. It’s always making love. Who knew my fierce man could be so romantic.

It didn't matter if my meeting had been with a woman or man. He got jealous over my time. If I gave it to one person for too long, he’d want to come in and make his claim.

It would put him on edge and the only thing that could calm him down was me flat on my back with him inside me as I screamed his name. He said he got jealous of my time now because he waited so long to be able to have any of it at all. Now he wanted as much as he could get. God, I love him.

Which was easier once my dad came to terms with everything. Washington stayed on my duty. We weren't allowed to say he lived with me, but everyone close to us pretty much knew he did. He was in my bed every night. One way or another. Oddly my dad was okay with all of this. It made me wonder if he might have known this was coming. My dad isn’t a stupid man.

“We have a whole house to break in.” I kiss his neck again before dropping back into my seat.

“Oh, I know.” He turns the wheel. Coming around a bend, I see a white fence running along the road. “And we’re here.”

It’s hard making your dream home without ever stepping inside it or being there, but somehow we did it. More Washington than me. Working first with a real estate agent and then contractors. Oh, and let's not forget the security people he's worked with to make sure it’s a safe place for us to be as well.

All I really did was pick the house and tell Washington what-all I wanted to be done. Well, it was more showing him pictures from magazines, but he did it. I kept track of progress via photos as the home came together, and today we finally get to live in it.


