Prince of Hawthorne Prep Read Online Jennifer Sucevic

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Sports, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 95950 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 480(@200wpm)___ 384(@250wpm)___ 320(@300wpm)

“It’s worth it to me.”

The way his warm breath wafts across my parted lips shouldn’t be so intoxicating. And it certainly shouldn’t weaken my knees or have me wanting to lean forward in search of more.

“I’m going to rub you in his face every chance I get,” he growls.

The sensations rampaging through me shatter into a million broken pieces.


Austin doesn’t want me. He wants vengeance. I’m just the instrument he’ll use to achieve it.

I flatten against the wall, fighting for breathing room. “I’m not interested in being your pawn.”

He steals the space between us as his lips brush over mine. “Everything that once belonged to Jasper will be mine. First, I’ll take his girl, and then his position on the team. You know what the best thing about it is?” He searches my eyes. “There’s not a damn thing he can do about it.”

Some battles are worth fighting.

But Jasper isn’t one of them.

“Please, don’t do this. Just let it go.”

The chuckle that escapes from him is deep and dark and swirls around me before he nips my lower lip with sharp teeth and tugs the plump flesh. Pain flares before a burst of arousal races after it. Need arrows straight to my core and explodes.

As tempting as it is to shove him away, a bigger part of me wants to drag him closer until I can feel his lips coasting over mine.

I don’t understand what he’s doing to me.

How can I want him so much when this is nothing more than a game?


Mom frowns as she peeks out the front window. “Why is that Hawthorne boy picking you up for school? I thought we agreed that you would stay away from him.”

The curtain slips back into place as she swivels around to face me. Her hands settle at her hips as she glares. I was really hoping to sneak out the door before she figured out who I was catching a ride with.

I should have known better.

When I try to slink past, she steps in front of me, blocking my escape.

It’s almost impossible to believe that this is what our relationship has deteriorated to. There was a time when she trusted me to make good decisions.

Those days are now long gone.

When I finally meet her gaze, it’s filled with suspicion. As if I’m the one who has been lying and sneaking around.

Doesn’t she see that her affair has created this wedge between us?

One I have no idea how to repair.

When I remain silent, her voice grows sharp. “I’d like an answer. Why is that boy picking you up for school?”

“Because I’m tutoring him.”

She purses her lips and continues to glower. “I thought that ended yesterday.”

“It was supposed to.” The lie escapes before I can think better of it. “But since it worked out so well, Ms. Pettijohn asked if I would continue working with him.”

Her brow furrows as she folds her arms against her chest. “Why didn’t you tell her no?”

I clear my throat and glance away. “I thought the tutoring would look good on my scholarship applications.”

Her lips grow even thinner as she grudgingly admits, “I suppose that’s true.”

When she doesn’t say anything more, I hasten my pace toward the door.

I make it two steps before she blurts, “I just don’t want you getting tangled up with the wrong people. Not when you’re so close to making your dreams come true.”

Tangled up with the wrong people?

I almost snort.

“I ran into Jasper yesterday,” she continues.

When I swing around, she inches closer before reaching out to comb her fingers through my hair in a way that’s reminiscent of my childhood.

“He’s so hurt by your breakup. He just wants the chance to talk with you, maybe work everything out.”

Unable to stop myself, I roll my eyes.


“He’s lying to you.”

Her mouth falls open. “Why would you say something like that? You should have seen him. He was practically in tears.”

Tears my ass.

“Because it’s the truth. You’ve never been able to see past the façade Jasper projects. A handsome, rich, popular football player whose father is mayor of this town. He’s not nice, Mom. And he’s certainly not a good person. You need to trust me on that.”

Her eyes are so wide, they’re in imminent danger of falling out of her head. “I really don’t know what’s gotten into you lately. You’re not the same sweet girl you once were and it’s disheartening.”

My face scrunches, contorting with shock. “Are you being serious?”

“I certainly am. You’ve been so different lately. And I think it has everything to do with that boy. He’s been a problem since he arrived. If you think I’m going to sit idly by and allow you to get involved with that low life, you’re mistaken. You might be eighteen years old, but you still live under my roof, young lady. And you’ll follow my rules. You’re done with Austin Hawthorne.”


